Puttkamer, Karl Jesko Otto Robert von, born 24-03-1900 in Frankfurt an der Oder, Prussia, , into an aristocratic family. The first-born son of the lawyer, district administrator in Gronau and brewery owner Jesco Karl Wilhelm Bernhard Rudolf von Puttkamer and his wife Regina, born Countess Finck von Finckenstein. Karl was married to Charlotte, born Schmidt; from the marriage three children, two sons and a daughter, were born. A member of the Puttkamer family, related to Otto von Bismarck
´s wife. He joined the German Navy in 1917 and served aboard a heavy cruiser in WWI. In December 1917 he served on the battleship Kaiserin
. In the final months of the war, von Puttkamer graduated at the Naval Academy of Murwik
in a navigation course. He then took leave and joined the Freikorps. During the inter-war years, he was initially a member of the para-military Freikorps
, but later he re-joined the German Navy and Karl von Puttkamer was given his first command Albatros on 29-09-1928. Between 1933 and 1935 he was a naval liaison officer at the General Staff of the Army, and then he was appointed the naval liaison officer to Adolf Hitler
When the war began in Europe in 1939, he was at the rank of Fregattenkapitän. In September 1943, he was promoted to the rank of Konteradmiral. Von Puttkamer became the Marine adjutant of Adolf Hitler and was since always around him.

Death and burial ground of Puttkamer, Karl Jesko Otto Robert von.

On 20 April, von Puttkamer, Dr. Theodor Morell , Dr. Hugo Blaschke, Albert Bormann
brother of Martin Bormann, secretaries Johanna Wolf,
Christa Schroeder and several others were by Hitler to leave Berlin by aircraft for the Obersalzberg. Morell died age 61 on 22-05-1948 in Tegernsee and Albert Bormann died old age 89 on 08-04-1989 in Munich. The group flew out of Berlin on different flights by aircraft of the Fliegerstaffel des Führers over the following three days. Von Puttkamer’s flight left Berlin on 21 April..Von Puttkamer was ordered to the Berghof to destroy Hitler’s papers, together with an other adjutant Julius Schaub and personal belongings there. Therefore, von Puttkamer was not with Hitler during his final few days in the Führerbunker. Following the German surrender on 8 May 1945, von Puttkamer was held in captivity until May 1947.
Living in Munich Karl-Jesko von Puttkamer died age 80, on 04-03-1981. Von Puttkamer is buried with his wife Gertrud, born Schmidt, who died age 68, in 1955, on the Waldfriedhof of Munich, A son followed in 1988, his daughter in 1997 and his wife Charlotte in the family grave in 2009.
His neighbors there is the second wife of Hermann Göring, Emmy Göring- Sonnemann.
On this cemetery are also buried the next wwII personalities, Generalleutnant der Artillerie, Commander of the Troops Exercise Grounds in Maria ter Heide, Heinrich Curtze, Generalmajor der Infanterie, Kommandeur Wehrmacht Operaties Staff, Ernst Detleffsen, Franz Ritter von Epp, Generalmajor der Kavallerie, Staff of the Inspector of Land Fortifications West, Gero von Gersdorf,
Oberst der Wehrmacht, Highest German Commander on D-Day
, Normandy, Ernst Goth, SS Obergruppenführer, Kommandeur General II SS Panzerkorps, Paul Hausser,
SS Obersturmführer, Chef 1./SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment 38 “Goetz von Berlichingen”, Bruno Hinz, Generaloberst der Flakartillerie, Günther Rüdel, Generalmajor der Flieger, Commander of the Air Defend Division, Max Ibel, aircraft designer, Hugo Junkers, General der Panzertruppe, Kommandeur der 4th Panzer Division
, they were destroyed by the Soviet offensive of April–May 1945 under Oberst Ernst Wilhelm Hoffmann who died old age 89 on 27-08-1994 in Gräfeling, Dietrich von Saucken, Generalmajor der Flieger, Kommandeur Luftregio Truppe 3, Ernst Weber, the bearer of the Nazi blood flag SS Standartenführer, Jacob Grimminger
the scientist Werner Heisenberg,
Generalmajor der Gebirgstruppe, Kommandeur der Jäger Regiment 100, Otto Schury and the famous film maker
Leni Riefenstahl. “Triumpf of the Will”, the film chronicles the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg.

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