Heisenberg, Werner Karl, born 05-12-1901 in Würzburg, as the second son of the university professor Dr. August Heisenberg, a well-known Byzantinist, and his wife Anni, born Wecklein , were born in Würzburg. His older brother Erwin (1900–1965), who still joined the German Army in 1918, became a chemist after the First World War. Werner developed new theories in quantum mechanics about the behaviour of electrons which agreed with the results of previous experiments. Heisenberg is most famous for his “uncertainty principle”, which explains the impossibility of knowing exactly where something is and how fast it is moving. However, this principle is only significant for tiny particles such as electrons. . His father later became Professor of the Middle and Modern Greek languages in the University of Munich. It was probably due to his influence that Heisenberg remarked, when the Japanese physicist Hideki Yukawa discovered the particle now known as the meson and the term “mesotron” was proposed for it, that the Greek word “mesos” has no “tr” in it, with the result that the name “mesotron” was changed to “meson”. Heisenberg went to the Maximilian School at Munich until 1920, when he went to the University of Munich to study physics under the German theoretical physicist Arnold Sommerfeld
Wien, Pringsheim, and Rosenthal. In 1923 he took his Ph.D. at the University of Munich and then became Assistant to Max Born, Born was grandfather of Olivia Newton John.
On the evening of 28-01-1937, at a musical gathering where he played piano accompanied by two violinist friends, thirty-five-year-old Heisenberg met twenty-one-year-old Elisabeth Schumacher — a bright and beautiful young woman who had just left art school to pursue a career in publishing. He was instantly taken with her, and she with his Beethoven. (What consonance Heisenberg would have felt in Margaret Fuller’s assertion that “all truth is comprised in music and mathematics.”) Brought together by music, Werner and Elisabeth quickly found that their very souls spoke a common language. Fourteen days later, they were engaged. They remained together until death did them part.They have seven children and live in Munich. Werner Heisenberg in Uniform mit Deutschem Sportabzeichen.
Heisenberg retired in 1970. His health began to fail in 1973, and shortly thereafter he became seriously ill Werner Karl Heisenberg died in Munich at the age of 74, on 01-02-1976 and is buried with his wife Annie, born Wecklein, who died age 74 in 1945, on the Waldfriedhof in Munich.
Death and burial ground of Heisenberg, Werner Karl
.On this cemetery are also buried the next persons, Generalleutnant der Artillerie, Commander of the Troops Exercise Grounds in Maria ter Heide, Heinrich Curtze, Generalmajor der Infanterie, Kommandeur Wehrmacht Operaties Staff, Ernst Detleffsen, Franz Ritter von Epp,
Generalmajor der Kavallerie, Staff of the Inspector of Land Fortifications West, Gero von Gersdorf, Oberst der Wehrmacht, Highest German Commander on D-Day, Normandy, Ernst Goth, SS Obergruppenführer, Kommandeur General II SS Panzerkorps, Paul “Papa” Hausser,
SS Obersturmführer, Chef 1./SS Pz Grenadier Regiment 38 “Goetz von Berlichingen”, Bruno Hinz, Generalmajor der Flieger, Commander of the Air Defend Division, Max Ibel, aircraft desiner, Hugo Junker, General der Panzertruppe, Kommandeur der 4th Panzerdivision, Dietrich von Saucken, Generalmajor der Flieger, Kommandeur Luftregio Truppe 3, Ernst Weber, the bearer of the Nazi blood flag SS Standartenführer, Jacob Grimminger
, Generalmajor der Gebirgstruppe, Kommandeur der Jäger Regiment 100, Otto Schury and the famous film maker Leni Riefenstahl. “Triumpf of the Will” , the film chronicles the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg.
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