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    2025-01-08 16:55:06 +01:00


    Thanks for the information about the U848 ( Rollmann)

    2024-11-26 12:06:37 +01:00

    André Bruyninckx

    Hi ,i am searching for more information on sold JACK KINNEY MOLD NOTH WALES
    Thanks André

    2024-10-29 08:02:17 +01:00

    Karen Lee


    My name is Karen from Infolinks Media and I would like to reach the best point of contact to discuss buying ad space on ww2gravestone.com.

    Please let me know if you want to talk about this further.

    Have a great day!

    Karen Lee

    P: 709-728-3252
    E: karen@infolinks.com

    Schedule a call: https://calendly.com/my-infolinks-calendar-4/30min-1

    2024-10-15 00:36:47 +02:00


    Beste Rob Hopmans,

    Ik hoop dat alles goed met je gaat. Mijn naam is Albert, en ik ben al een aantal jaren een fervent volger van WW2gravestone.com. De passie die je in je website steekt, zie je zelden bij andere websites over de Tweede Wereldoorlog, en ik waardeer de waardevolle informatie die je biedt enorm.

    Ik ben momenteel bezig met een project waarin ik een gratis WW2-archief opzet dat toegankelijk is voor iedereen. Dit archief is bedoeld om een breed scala aan onderwerpen te omvatten, van biografieën en monumenten tot films, boeken, en musea, waarbij mensen hun verhalen en ervaringen kunnen delen en content kunnen toevoegen.

    Om dit project te verrijken, zou ik graag toestemming willen vragen om enkele teksten en foto’s van jouw website te gebruiken. Uiteraard zal ik ervoor zorgen dat jouw werk correct wordt vermeld en dat de bron met respect wordt behandeld.

    Ik zou het op prijs stellen als je zou kunnen laten weten of dit mogelijk is. Alvast bedankt voor je tijd en overweging. Ik kijk ernaar uit om van je te horen.

    Met vriendelijke groet,


    2024-10-09 23:28:01 +02:00

    Brian Wansink

    Love your website. When we travel we often look for "off the beaten" path things to see, and your website is a great new find.

    I also like it that you've indexed them by profession (e.g., musician, scientist, etc.)

    2024-10-08 16:55:08 +02:00

    Victoria Walsh

    Dear Rob, hello, I wonder if you might be able to help me! I'm an author from the UK who has written a book about an amazing 100-year-old British Bletchley Park Girl, called Rena Stewart. I came across your brilliant site as I was looking for photos of some of the people that feature in her story. The person in question was a German, Wilhelm Zander. Rena was sent out to Germany just after the war, to work as a translator in a prisoner of war camp. While she was there, she was also asked to translate a top-secret document, which turned out to be Hitler's personal will. Wilhelm Zander (you may remember) was one of the three messengers tasked by Hitler, before he killed himself, with escaping the bunker and taking the wills to safety. They were later all captured and the story came out. There are two photos from your page on Wilhelm Zander that I'd like to use, but I'm not sure who owns the copyright, or if you're able to give permission. One is the profile photo that you've used for him; the other is the one of him turned to one side, under the heading 'Death and burial ground of Zander, Wilhelm'. I'd be grateful if you could let me know if you can give permission, or who I could apply to if not.
    Thank you and best wishes
    Victoria Walsh

    2024-09-30 10:52:19 +02:00

    Marek Petrasek

    Hello, in your article about BURK KARL there is a photo published where he is photographed together with HELMUT BARTHELMES. Please could you provide me with this photo in better resolution. The role of SS-Ostubaf Bathelmes is also connected to the history of our town at the very end of the war. Unfortunately I have not been able to get a photo of him anywhere. I would be very grateful to you.
    Petrasek Marek - CZ Nové Hrady

    2024-09-07 12:27:55 +02:00

    Lee turfitt

    I have 9 letters and envelopes that were written to SS man Hans Fenn he was in the 12th Hitlerjugend Panzer Division. I bought them with a HJ collection in Lethbridge Alberta Canada

    2024-08-11 19:05:41 +02:00


    I was looking for more information about Paul Tibbets who named the B- 29 after his mother- Enola gay. was great even to see a photo of her and other information. greetings from South Africa

    2024-07-29 12:15:03 +02:00

    Lewis Champion

    Your site has been helpful with my research into a specific Nazi doctor, thank you.

    2024-06-08 22:02:56 +02:00

    John Manuel

    Do you know the name of the cemetery in Glonn where General Karl Koller is buried? Thanks.

    2024-05-27 11:02:06 +02:00

    Andrew May

    This is a question. I will soon commence writing a new book on the 5th Battalion Grenadier Guards in Tunisia and Italy during WWII. I will be donating my royalties as author to the Grenadier Guards' benevolent fund, so will not profit from this book personally. I am currently making notes on German General, Fritz-Hubert Gräser, and wondered whether you might permit me to use his photo from your website in the book? I just had a book 'DD Sherman Tank Warriors' published by Pen & Sword, and again I've given my royalties to the regiment's charity.
    Many thanks

    2024-04-15 18:31:46 +02:00

    BAUR Anita 1944

    80 ans le 14 septembre .......je recherche toujours mes origines ?????merci ANITA

    2024-04-11 02:39:41 +02:00

    Chris Marks

    Hi Rob- Hello from Amana IA! I'd like to ask you a few questions about the Spottinger cemetery in Landsberg. Please email me. Many thanks!

    2024-04-08 03:01:57 +02:00

    Scott Sorenson

    Very good web site. Keep up the good work. Really enjoy all the work you do to keep this web site going.

    2024-04-03 05:29:51 +02:00

    Tony Franzese

    Kudos. Super interesting. Not sure how I stumbled across this site. But am a fan. Thank you !

    2024-04-01 22:39:55 +02:00

    Tyler Hemmerich

    It appears I am a distant relative of Gerlach Hans Hemmerich. I have his ears and a few other features indicating we are related. There is a striking family resemblance. He died about 5 months before I was born.
    I applaud your efforts to preserve history Sir. Good, Bad, both otherwise, history should be accurately preserved - lest we forget.

    2024-02-24 23:35:31 +01:00

    Sus Van de Water

    Beste, ik wil even melden dat er een foutje in uw website zit.
    Het is ivm de crash van een Engelse bommenwerper die door Helmut Woltersdorf werd neergeschoten is neergestort in Lichtaart in de Antwerpse Kempen. Er staat trouwens een gedenkplaat.
    Waarschijnlijk is die beschoten boven Bocholt in België, in de plaats van Bocholt Duitsland.
    Met vriendelijke groet
    Sus Van de Water

    2024-02-20 20:32:42 +01:00

    Jamie Bisher

    Great website! Excellent information! Thanks for all your work...

    2024-02-14 04:09:23 +01:00

    Osar goos

    I am Dutch and came across this site through a Google search on Hitler's sexual orientation. The abundance of historical information often obscures the genuine stories of the war. I find your findings particularly intriguing as they are presented without the usual propaganda. Towards the end of my reading, I realized that you are also Dutch, like myself. I sincerely appreciate the effort you've put into creating this insightful document and want to express my gratitude.


    2024-01-17 05:54:48 +01:00

    Steve Wojtak

    Wonderful website!

    2024-01-16 06:53:36 +01:00

    Karen Lee


    I would like to reach the best point of contact to discuss buying ad space on ww2gravestone.com.

    Please let me know if you want to talk about this further.

    Have a great day!

    Karen Lee

    E: karen@infolinks.com
    P: 709-728-3252
    Schedule a call: https://calendly.com/my-infolinks-calendar-4/30min-1

    2023-12-09 17:18:48 +01:00


    Very good thank you!

    2023-11-30 12:26:21 +01:00

    Patricia Craddock

    Very informative site.

    2023-10-08 15:59:41 +02:00


    Hi Dear,
    We are willing to collaboration a link on your page
    Our site is related to Prints Wall Art & Photo Tiles please check it: https://www.wallpics
    Our fee is $35/- each link.
    We have lots of clients so you will get steady orders from us.
    Please let me know can i send you web details?
    Waiting for your supportive response,

    2023-09-16 20:35:28 +02:00

    Nelli Inka

    Dear Mr. Hopmans,
    this is a very interesting Website and I was on it for a very long time, thank your for that great work and all the details!! May I ask you to check the pictures of the widow of the horrible judge Roland Freisler, Marion Freisler-Russegger. There are three pictures and I am pretty sure, that the third one on the right side is not a photo of Marion Freisler but a photo of Marion Gräfin Dönhoff, who was together with her friends part of the organisation of 20th of july and after the war a member of the group of editors of "ZEIT", a german newspaper. Thank you very much. Kind regards, Nelli Inka

    2023-08-31 11:22:31 +02:00

    brug te ver Zevenaar

    heel veel bewondering en respekt voor de vele uren en inzet van de SITE eigenaar.
    Wordt onderschat hoeveel uren per dag hiermee gemoeid zijn op eea update te houden. CHAPEAU!!
    p.s rijp voor een LINTJE van verdiensten !!!! cq meer media aandacht b.v aanschuiven in talkshow!!??

    2023-08-06 12:08:34 +02:00

    Jan Kowalski

    Bardzo ciekawe i profesjonalne . Gratuluje

    2023-08-02 05:49:20 +02:00

    Jim Potter

    Thank you for all your hard work.
    I know little of my fathers service, as he did not care to relive his time in the military. I have been finding a bit on my own through research. His name was Gail Potter 505th PIR Headquarters. I was led to believe that he worked under LTC Krause. His records were destroyed in the Kansas fire. Best to you all. Jim Potter

    2023-08-01 17:42:38 +02:00

    Daniel Kelley

    To whom it may concern,
    Through your website, I found some great information about my great uncle, 1st Lt. Robert O'Connor. I've had the opportunity to visit his resting place at the American Cemetery at Normandy and am hoping to return next year with my children. I'm having them learn about our relative before the trip, and your website has been helpful in this regard. Thank you!
    Danny Kelley

    2023-07-31 13:01:02 +02:00

    Mark Dabbs

    Dear Rob,
    Visited Invalidenfriedhof in Berlin last week and looking at your photo and the information found claiming Heydrich was in section C. However, I noticed in your photo which is in section A I think from memory or at least on the right as you enter through the main gate - not the one south where Todt's grave marker used to be they have removed that. My question is....are you really at Heydrich's grave? I found the kerb stone and the tome in front of the double monument with the helmets on which is exactly where you are kneeling. The other part - section C does not resemble where you are - but it is quoted as where Heydrich is. Can you explain?

    2023-07-25 12:21:17 +02:00

    Adrian Alexe

    Hats off ! Chapeau bas !
    Your work is amazing ! It is so interesting, so many famous people, personalities, war criminals, etc.
    Congratulations !
    Best regards from Bucharest, Roumania !

    2023-07-19 00:05:55 +02:00

    Jack Willis

    First time on your site. Saw a lot of things I had not heard of or seen before. Thank You

    2023-07-04 05:12:53 +02:00

    travis sperle

    thank you for having an extensive section on hugo sperrle who was my great uncle. it helped me add to my family genealogy book with the information

    2023-06-18 19:45:10 +02:00


    Really a great website, thank you.

    2023-06-12 16:37:26 +02:00


    Awesome website and super fast!

    2022-02-03 00:58:28 +01:00

    Jeremy Cummings

    Great site and extremely informative

    2022-02-02 16:52:23 +01:00

    Németh István

    Tökéletes forrás .

    2022-01-12 00:48:40 +01:00

    Knox Martin

    I noticed that in the article on General Hubert Weise the photo on the left is Weise, but the photo on the right as well as the photo you are holding at the gravesite of General Weise is actually General Alfred Keller, World War I Pour le Merite Knight.

    2021-12-31 02:02:38 +01:00

    Robert Foley

    I felt deep sadness reading about Gero, delegate son of Field Martial von Manstein. I learned that his grave is still identifiable in Russia, sand from which was scattered at the grave of his father.

    2021-12-17 21:18:52 +01:00


    I found a photo of my late father, Josef Schleifstein (1915-1992), on your page dedicated to the wellknown little boy Joseph (born 1941) who had survived the Buchenwald concentration camp.
    My father had been living in Leipzig until 1935 and then emigrated to Britain via Prag and returned to Germany after the war.
    The foto I am talking about (the one you should remove) is the last one in your article, just before the "END".
    Your website is very appealing!

    2021-12-16 17:31:47 +01:00

    Deanna Bratina

    I am a history teacher who is always looking for authentic history to share with my students. Thank you for providing a wonderful resource!

    2021-12-10 10:33:52 +01:00

    DAVID Platt

    Hi Rob,
    Hope all is well. Thanks so much for all your hard work in producing this site and the information within. I love reading it, I will send you a donation soon.
    Dave Platt England

    2021-12-10 05:08:22 +01:00

    bruno batista milevoj

    HI there
    researching village 2ww history I have photo of unknown soldier ,hi was adjutant to officer 97th corps (general ludwig kubler) surrendered 7.5 1945 in region of ilirska bistrica (Villa del nevoso) triying to ID the peson
    thanks for information bruno

    2021-12-09 19:51:05 +01:00

    Cynthia Shuster Strickett

    My father, Walter Joseph Shuster, 1919-2003 served as Medic with the 7th Armored Division, U.S. Army and was in Belgium in 1944-45. He served with Lt. Gen. Cooper. I hold a heartwarming story my dad shared about him aiding my dad save a life!

    2021-11-02 20:38:03 +01:00

    Mohammed Abdul karim asif


    2021-09-30 12:38:43 +02:00

    Ad Hogerdijk

    Anton Heidenreich is indirect responsible for the death of a dutch member of his own family with the same name:
    Anton Henricus Heidenreich Born Amsterdam 18.7.1920, KIA Vianen, Netherlands 13.5.1940 during an air strike on the Lek Bridge by the German Luchtwaffe.

    2021-08-28 23:51:41 +02:00

    Hans Steenhuis

    Ik kan niet meer een naam aanklikken en dan de geschiedenis lezen. Wel de startpagina, maar daarna niets meer, dan een vreemde pagina waar je niets mee kunt. Doe ik iets fout?

    2021-08-16 15:48:05 +02:00

    John Manuel

    I have been advised that the cemetery for Hans Juttner (Alter Kath) does not exist in Bad Tolz. Could he be buried somewhere else or under a different named cemetery? Thanks very much.

    2021-07-21 04:40:45 +02:00

    Audrey Blankenship

    It has been sometime. You have much more added. The site ie very informative and interesting.

    2021-07-14 20:51:19 +02:00


    Seu trabalho com esses pessoas que participaram da WW2 é muito importante para a historia futura, parabéns pelo seu trabalho...

    2021-07-11 16:01:44 +02:00

    george Davis

    Can you explain please, only I do not understand how the Green Jackets could have been in anyway involved in Stalin's murder of thousands of Polish Officers, discovered in the Katyn Forest by German forces during operation Barbarossa .

    2021-07-11 01:36:59 +02:00

    Scott Henry

    I just read your profile on Melitta Schenk Gräfin von Stauffenberg. You say she is buried with her husband Alexander, but the photo on the gravestone doesn't list his name. I just finished a book titled "The Women Who Flew for Hitler" and this says Alexander is buried in Upper Bavaria with his second wife Marlene Hoffman.

    2021-07-06 22:23:55 +02:00

    Anthea Kennedy

    Hello, I'd just like to point out an error in your story of the Scarlet Pimpernel of the Vatican. There is a photograph of Ludwig Koch who is described as the head of the neo-Fascist Italian police in Rome. However, your photo is of the wrong Ludwig Koch. The photo depicts my grandfather, Ludwig Koch the bird song recordist, who was actually a German Jew and a socialist. It would be great if you could remove his picture - he would have been heart-broken to have been described as a fascist.
    Many thanks!

    2021-06-22 17:44:58 +02:00

    Peter Grootheest

    I once met Simon Wiesenthal in Viena 44 years ago. He said to me....We must never fall is sleep.FASISM ALSO NEVER SLEEPS. So stay awake ! Greetz from Holland......

    2021-06-18 20:14:19 +02:00



    I'm trying to reach the owner of some of the photos on this website of SS men showing their tattoos. Could you please let me know who to reach out to? We'd like to use the photos for a story with CBS News.

    Thank you,

    2021-06-03 17:49:27 +02:00

    BAUR Anita indesdorf 1945

    /je rechercherai jusqu a mon dernier souffle ma biologie cela me manque
    ce site m aide moralement beaucoup
    etant nee à MUNICH 1944 merci de me lire de tout coeur BAUR ANITA

    2021-06-03 17:46:18 +02:00

    NICOLAS Anita

    /je rechercherai jusqu a mon dernier souffle ma biologie cela me manque
    ce site m aide moralement beaucoup
    etant nee à MUNICH 1944 merci de me lire de tout coeur BAUR ANITA

    2021-05-14 17:45:07 +02:00


    On your 'Hans Krebs' site you're using the wrong photos. The man with the glasses is a different Hans Krebs, he was a politician and became Honourary Gauleiter. Was executed in Prague, 1947.

    2021-04-19 21:24:18 +02:00

    Denis ESTOPPEY

    Hello Rob. Thank you for your research for historicals cemeteries. I am too "Tapophile" and thanks to you I found a lots of graves. (German WWII). I wish you best futur, dispact Covid. See you and take care. Denis Swiss biker.

    2021-03-22 11:34:24 +01:00

    Luka De Ceuster

    Dag Rob,

    Ik ben Luka De Ceuster, assistent producer bij het Belgische film productie huis Czar Film & tv. Ik werk momenteel aan een documentaire over WOII. Ik kwam deze foto tegen op je website en vroeg me af waar de rechten van deze foto liggen? https://ww2gravestone.com/people/luttwitz-heinrich-diepold-georg-freiherr-von/

    Kan je mij hierbij helpen?

    Heel hard bedankt.

    Vriendelijke groeten,


    2021-03-12 01:46:38 +01:00

    scott L Little

    really enjoy your site. I love history and really like reading about these people involved in this great time in history.

    2021-03-02 05:47:07 +01:00


    Rob, здравствуй. Знаешь ли ты генерала Franz Beyer? https://historica.fandom.com/wiki/Franz_Beyer
    Franz Beyer обвиняют в том, что он приказал убить мирных жителей (около 7000 человек) в деревне Корюковка (Украина) в 1943 году. Это правда или ложь?

    2021-03-01 20:27:11 +01:00

    Klaus Thiel

    Dear Mr. Hopmans,

    via Google I‘ve found your Website. I was looking for my grandfather from my mothers side and found it with you. My grandfather was Generalmajor Karl Jörling and I have seen you,visting his grave Personals in Schwäbisch Gmünd. I am very touched by your work and want to thank you so much for keeping his memory alive. Thank you very much. I have as well many photos of my grandfather, which I can send you. If you want, please get in contact with me. What a wonderful idea and what a great efford you do! Thank you again very, very much! This is a great website to keep our memory alive!

    With my best regards,

    Yours Klaus Thiel

    2021-02-28 16:55:40 +01:00

    Alissa Cox

    Maj. Leroy A. Schreiber had two sisters, the other being Eleanor Elizabeth Evans (nee Schreiber, my grandmother). This site is one of many that has this piece of misinformation that I am trying to rectify.

    2021-02-27 17:14:35 +01:00

    Martin R Walker

    I am the son of William H Walker, member of Darby's 1st Ranger Bn. My father was one of the men who laid Darby to rest at his grave in Ft. Smith, Arkansas.

    2021-02-24 19:25:14 +01:00

    Philip Bujak

    Great site and I use it a lot. Do you have any information on the grave of Gen Herman Balck ?

    Thank you

    2021-02-22 16:24:18 +01:00


    very intresting

    2021-02-19 13:46:04 +01:00

    Quintino Lourenço Silva

    Gosto de ler a vossa publicação. A vossa publicação me ajudou perceber o que se passou entre 1939-1945 (a guerra mundial) na Europa. Neste momento não consigo visualizar bem a vossa publicação. Só consigo ver as imagens.

    2021-02-15 20:48:43 +01:00

    Thomas Boehm-Tettelbach

    it's very interesting.
    Thank You.

    2021-02-03 19:26:06 +01:00


    Hey Rob,

    Pretty neat site! You obviously have a lot of personal and family history included here as well as a whole bunch of other research you've added.

    Just one comment, however, I've read a TON of WWII books and can pick out quite a few spots where you've simply copied and pasted some. The end of "A Bridge Too Far" being particularly blatant. It would be worth it to at least cite those other authors instead of passing their work off as your own.


    2021-02-01 19:06:43 +01:00

    Alan Winter

    I enjoy your website and the accuracy of your information. Am writing an historical novel on late 1930s and want to verify a story that Fritz Braun described when AH met him and his wife for lunch the first time, AH was so nervous he put so much sugar in Franziska's tea, the water overflowed. There is a citation that Fritz Braun was interviewed by the San Francisco Examiner Oct 17, 1948 in which this is cited. I went back and read the entire newspaper and did not find it. I also looked at Ot 17, 1949. Do you know anything about this? Thank you. Dr. Alan Winter

    2021-01-23 23:48:26 +01:00


    Very interesting site and information about James Arness. One mistake I observed is you have the incorrect age for Peter Graves death. He was born: March 18, 1926, and died: March 14, 2010. So, that would make his 83 at his death, not 93.

    2021-01-19 17:23:31 +01:00


    Interesting site, informative, with resourceful information. Thankyou

    2021-01-10 03:43:33 +01:00


    Thanks for this interesting site.

    2020-12-27 00:15:08 +01:00



    The website is fantastic as usual but lately I noticed that picking up certain groups as for ex. Scientisc, waffen ss, and others stopped working I guess it’s a failure.

    Greetings Mariusz

    2020-12-26 23:56:55 +01:00


    Hello Rob,
    You have been researching current affairs for many years and your page is filling up. The pages are informative, well structured and valuable. But what bothers me a lot and just doesn't work is to use pictures from other websites like mine without asking. This is a no- go and you should refrain from doing it, because otherwise we all run the risk that no one would like to present anything on their own website. Please think about this carefully in the future.

    Best regards
    A friend

    2020-12-22 18:36:51 +01:00

    Gregory A Walker

    Good morning,
    I just found your website and am very impressed.
    And hopeful you may be able to assist me in obtaining additional information for historical purposes about Hauptsturmfuhrer Heinz Siegfriend Heydrich (see link to story I have just published).
    I look forward to hearing from you and again, great site!
    Always respectfully,
    Greg Walker (ret)

    2020-12-13 00:37:14 +01:00

    Michael Skaggs

    Hello, after looking at your website I couldn't find a contact us form. For the page on Rienhard Heydrich, about halfway down, there are three photos. The third photo looks like a bishop in death. Who is he, and why is he there in the first place?

    2020-11-26 21:57:21 +01:00

    jkm BRIDGE too FAR

    I would like to meet YOU and talk to You.

    2020-11-25 14:16:31 +01:00

    Phil Goldsney

    Your site needs to be required study by all high school students around the world. Thank-you!

    2020-11-16 17:04:02 +01:00

    George Veropoulow

    amazing !

    2020-11-08 12:33:38 +01:00

    Howard Branscom

    I enjoy learning from your site.

    2020-10-30 03:50:57 +01:00

    Renate muller

    I believe myself to be renate muller the actress reincarnated. I have had many flashbacks into her life before even discovering her or knowing she existed. Please contact me if you know whether learned the truth of her death. I really don’t want to continue living in two lifetimes and wish to get closure on that terrible lifetime

    2020-10-28 15:38:36 +01:00


    That is the wrong date. Please correct it. Heather, born 03-01-1946 is clearsighted about her father....

    That is the date when William Joyce was hanged. RIP

    2020-10-18 18:17:42 +02:00


    adoptee famille VOGGENREITER
    GRIESBACH and der ROTT a 6 mois
    recherches pour un grand MERCI

    2020-10-16 15:48:37 +02:00

    claire Swedberg

    Hello, I have been enjoying your site and the many pictures and stories. I was interested in a picture you published of Josephine Nesbitt and 2 other nurses at Hospital 2 in Bataan. Can you please tell me who might own the copyright to that picture? I would like to reprint it in a book that includes her story at the hospital. Thanks for your help.

    2020-10-15 20:38:15 +02:00


    Hi what happened to jochen piepers
    Daughters. Are they still alive

    2020-10-07 12:06:00 +02:00

    Adriaan van Oost

    This site is amazing, but i was looking for some info about Freiherr von Manteuffel, and did not find something....

    2020-10-04 08:01:34 +02:00

    Mariusz Baar

    Thank you for all the very interesting information that can be found here. I was most interested in the history of Engelbert Dollfuß. His wife alvina comes from our poviat. On my website there is the name of Alvin Glienke. She comes from a small village in Pomerania. I also have interesting information about her family from an eyewitness who is now 84 years old. I am interested in photos of Glienke and Dolfuss which I would like to put on my website. Thank you for this blog. Mariusz Baar.

    2020-10-02 22:52:11 +02:00


    I love your website as immense interesting but lately I found mistake on it In section devoted to Col. Kaminski - Russian RONA renegate you say he was buried on Powqzki cemetery in Warsaw which is totally untrue The man buried there had the same name, but died in September 1939 during defense Warsaw against Germans. Kaminski from RONA would have never been buried on Powazki as it is honorary place and Kaminski as enemy of Poles could not find his resting place there I don’t where Kaminski from RONA is buried, but for sure it’s notbPowazki cemetery

    Greeting Mariusz

    2020-09-29 19:42:42 +02:00

    Lars M

    The picture you are using in the Dr. Death story, is not of him but of Fredrik Jensen, a Norwegian and former SS Obersturmführer. It seem a little misleading.

    2020-09-18 13:18:22 +02:00

    Francis Plowman

    Thank you for the information on General Karl Strecker. We came across a memorial to him by the 79th Inf Div at the German war cemetery near Weisskirchen (Hunsrueck). I think you've got a great website here given the width of your interest there is bound to be some issues of contradiction etc. But well done! Francis, Gosport, England.

    2020-09-18 01:49:14 +02:00

    Kenneth Kipperman

    I have a 5 minute video that describes my research on the Buchenwald concentration camp, Ilsa Koch, Lampshades made of human tattooed skin, I am a amateur researcher in my 25th year doing research on Buchenwald .
    Google the following you will see some interesting things relating to my research. (Holocaust Tattooed Skins of the Concentration Camp) I am trying to find someone who would be interested in taking all my research material and publishing a book on my research. Dokfilm of Germany made a documentary of my research and the many tattooed skins I found in Federal Government vaults in Washington DC and other places.
    The film is called Shadows of Silence ). It has been playing on German television. I am trying to find any living children, relatives of Ilsa Koch.
    Thank You

    2020-09-12 10:41:44 +02:00

    Michael Edwards

    I can't find anywhere to contact you directly so here would be the only option.

    In the 12TH Panzer-SS Division Hitlerjugend page the very first photo is 100% a Reenactor photo, I know so because I follow one of the lads on Instagram.

    2020-09-11 21:54:26 +02:00


    Dear Mr Hopmans,
    is it possible to send you an email?
    Thank you very much, Susanne

    2020-08-21 18:00:16 +02:00

    Wolfgang Eckhardt

    your article
    "German submarine U-864" from
    "01-06-2017" shows not U-864, but the British submarine HMS Venture!
    Perhaps you can correct it please.
    With regards
    Wolfgang Eckhardt

    2020-08-20 16:57:17 +02:00

    Colleen Houlihan MacMeekin

    Walter Lwowski , grandson of General List is the man in your gravesite picture. I lived w/ he and his family the summer of 1968. It was a Volkswagen Cultural Exchange program and his sister lived w/ my family in Ann Arbor , Michigan USA at the same time I was in Braunschweig. I would love to get in touch w/ him again if possible by email or an address if you can help. I even have a picture of the family and I with General Wilhelm List taken in Garmish Partenkirshin that wonderful summer!( I was 17 yrs old and Walter was 19.)
    Anything you can do to help is so appreciated. I read German History a lot that was awakened from that eye opening summer! Thank you & Best Wishes,
    Colleen Houlihan MacMeekin

    2020-08-20 16:47:00 +02:00

    Colleen Houlihan MacMeekin

    Dear Mr Hopmans, Found the picture of List Lwowski family gravesite and the man in the picture might be Walter Lwowski, the grandson of Field Marshall Wilhelm List . In the summer of 1968 I lived for 2 months w/ the Lwowski family(his mother was Wilhelm List' daughter) and his sister Steffi lived w/ my family for 2 months in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. It was a Volkswagen Cultural exchange program.We had lost touch w/ addresses after getting married and I was wondering if there is any way for you to help me find Walter Lwowski email or present address. I would love to make contact again! It was such a wonderful summer & experience for me.
    I have a photo book from the family w/ many pictures of Walter & family from that summer.. And I have one w/ the family and General List all together in Garmish Partinkirshin too. I am quite sure that is Walter in your picture at the gravesite. Please write back with any information you can give me.
    Thank you so very much.
    Colleen Houlihan MacMeekin

    2020-08-20 01:41:10 +02:00

    Ken terebush

    My father was in gardelegem may15 1945 he was on the us army and saw theterrible

    2020-08-15 22:01:16 +02:00

    William Sanstrom

    Just wanted to commend you again,Rob, as when I first started using your site,it was for locating German general's gravesites. Now I realize how much more you have : Hindenberg. the Kaiser, Ludendorff, Schleiker, von Papen and other non military people around Hitler. Your site is a real history treasure for people ( like me ) interested In German history during and before the Third Reich till we meet again, Rob Bill

    2020-08-09 20:52:32 +02:00

    Teresa VanSon

    Hi Rob- My mother was from Drunen and Dad from Haarsteeg. Immigrated in 1949 to Minnesota where I and my six siblings were born and raised. Neither of my parents were not storytellers, and it seems, put those years behind them. What a wonderful gift you give in memory of so many who lived (and died) during "The War". Thank you.

    2020-07-26 15:45:17 +02:00

    Thomas Gordon

    Just a quick note to say thank you to all who served and to your families and the many guardian angels that might see this post. Always know that we were designed for victories. Cheers to you and yours. TLG

    2020-07-13 13:28:36 +02:00

    clette dobi

    Hi, thanks for the great work, really appreciate it and I visit very often your website. It is also very often that after a visit in a city I notice I have missed a famous grave. If you could add a section where people could sort the deads by location it would be even more great.
    you click on Frankfurt/Main location and you will see displayed all the famous people burried there.
    Thanks a lot, really appreciate your work.

    2020-06-20 20:56:37 +02:00

    Michelle HansenDaberkow

    Please tell me if any of the Kumetz or Kummetz names in your German collection have family histories or DNA collected that could compare to my Kumetz/Kummetz history in USA. I'd like to know where my Kummetz family comes from in Germany. I live in Nebraska in the USA. My family has been in the USA since the 1870's. Ilowo is a possible location as well as Kallwin as I search but find no evidence of relation to me.

    2020-06-13 23:40:10 +02:00

    Carol Ward

    Just finished Adam Makos' "A Higher Call" and was surprised to not see Franz Stigler listed in Luftwaffe section.

    2020-06-12 14:54:04 +02:00

    John Martin

    Hi do you have an email address I can write to please? Your website is great by the way!

    2020-05-27 14:54:37 +02:00


    Hallo, ik had een vraagje.
    Duitse krijgsgevangenen, waren gingen die naar toe tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog, naar Engeland of Amerika?
    En waar (welke plaats)?

    2020-05-25 04:18:00 +02:00

    Irina Nelson

    Congratulations for your excellent and much needed documentary work. It would be very interesting to find out some information about the armies of other nationalities that fought at Stalingrad under the leadership of General Paulus. I am very interested in General Constantin Bratescu who was the leader of the Romanian forces. I got to know him in Romania after he was liberated from 5 years spent in Soviet prisoner camps. I would appreciate very much any information you could send me. Thank you, and sincere congratulations for your excellent work.

    2020-05-24 22:18:30 +02:00

    Fred Staal

    Hi, nice site!
    Yet I was surprised that there was no information at all about Hitler's personal pilot Hans Bauer.

    2020-05-21 10:56:27 +02:00

    Steven Bird

    Hi there

    FYI, I went to Yasukuni Shrine on my recent trip to Tokyo and tried to find Tojo's grave (amongst actual fun stuff) . I never found it and after many hours of googling I finally got to the bottom of it. I thought Id pass on what I found.

    There are no remains/ashes at Yasukuni Shrine. His official grave is Zoshigaya cemetery.

    "But if you ask Japanese people where Tojo is buried, most of them would mistakenly say the Yasukuni Shrine. Tojo and other Class-A war criminals are ***ENSHRINED*** [my highlight] in Yasukuni, which commemorates Japan’s 2.47 million war dead. But no remains or ashes are kept there. The shrine only has name plates of the dead. But Yasukuni enshrines those people as “gods.” In other words, Yasukuni is not a grave. Many Japanese consider it a national religious facility and memorial. "

    So I found a legit photo of his grave and one mentioned Zoshigaya cemetery. After a some photo interp (trees, background buildings, sun direction etc) I found it https://www.google.com/maps/@35.7236158,139.7185968,3a,38.5y,-2.41h,95.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHqtzcLW5N6XsQ9jWo72wqQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

    Look down aisle 1,1,13 and you'll see what looks like a pizza oven three graves from the road. That's it.
    I'm glad I went to Yasukuni Shrine and not the cemetery as the shrine was an experience. The cemetery looks pretty nondescript.

    Thanks to your website for the spark to go on this search.

    2020-05-16 17:17:12 +02:00

    luke alkemade

    The picture you have at the beginning of the post is not of my grandfather

    2020-05-16 00:05:36 +02:00


    Interessante historische site vol wetenswaardigheden.
    Klein puntje van (opbouwende) kritiek : probeer zowel je Engels je html / css skills wat bij te spijkeren, die plaatjes als inline image breken alle tekst doormidden. Dit is heel makkelijk te verhelpen !

    2020-05-03 18:03:05 +02:00

    Stan Sokolowski

    Thank you so much for a such WWII web side and your work. I'm glad i came across it searching for Mauthaussen camp history. My father was prisoner there taken after Warsaw Uprising in 1944.

    Stan Sokolowswki

    2020-05-03 12:49:29 +02:00

    D. Bunk

    Graet Site for Research. Keep on & Good luck.
    In the Name of OLt. Wilhelm Bunk 20. Pz. Div. Feldgend. Trupp 92

    2020-04-28 18:46:02 +02:00


    I have tryed to look up for an old custommer in our shop , Gert Jeschonneck,from the German Marine, found him ,but it is not listed that he was serving at the NATO Headquarter at Karup airbase
    regards henning olesen

    2020-04-20 23:55:55 +02:00

    Bruce Koffler

    You have done superb research. I will be returning to your website regularly.

    2020-04-16 05:15:14 +02:00


    This is a great site. It helps with research & information. Many thanks to you all.

    2020-04-12 04:20:22 +02:00

    David Haley

    This is the GREATEST site ever!!! Thank you SO MUCH for putting so much work into this site...it's truly incredible. I am fascinated with WWII history. I could spend the rest of my life reading about it, looking at pictures, etc. My favorite book is The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer. I've read that book 4 times. I became interested in WWII history at an early age. My grandfather (basically my father) and his 2 brothers were stationed at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese attached. One of his brothers was in the brig lol. As for myself, I'm 48 and served 6 years in the US Navy (USS Lake Champlain CG-57) stationed in San Diego, CA. I served 1 tour during the Persian Gulf War. Thanks a TON...love this site!
    David Haley

    2020-04-06 00:39:07 +02:00

    Salvador navarro

    Wow! This is a fantastic site! Thank you.

    2020-03-30 05:12:23 +02:00

    Steve Robinson

    Greetings Rob,
    God bless you and your family for such an outstanding tribute to the dedication and sacrifice of so many during WWII, and thank your son for his service. I am a US Air Force officer (Retired) who served 28 years, and learning WWII history is one of my greatest interests. Thank you very much.

    2020-03-25 20:21:43 +01:00


    hello Rob
    Misschien iets voor op de site bij te voegen
    ik ben namelijk in het bezit van Dr Franz Bake zijn award EIKENLOOF MET ZWAARDEN
    hij ontving deze op 21 02 1944
    als 49 ste militair

    2020-03-24 02:34:08 +01:00

    Brian Farrant

    My mother was married to r.s.m.nobby Arnold of 1 Parra and I believe she was previously married to his brother who I think was bill and I would love to have more information

    2020-03-16 22:01:32 +01:00

    David Dunn

    A very interesting website. Extremely good for enhancing any research on the war.

    2020-03-16 15:06:11 +01:00


    Just found the site. Would love any information available.

    2020-03-14 03:30:49 +01:00

    Eduard D

    I am very interested in this site.

    2020-03-07 12:43:50 +01:00

    Martin Brooks

    Love the website and respect for your hard work and dedication.

    In the section you have about SS Obergruppenfuhrer Hans Kammler I have some additional information. According to a recent book on Kammler - The Hidden Nazi: The Untold Story of America's Deal with the Devil by Dean Reuter - Kammler did not die at the end of WW2 as you write but was in U.S. custody for 8-9 months after the war. The authors spent 20 years researching Kammler and the book is heavily referenced with some 63 pages of primary archive document sources from Europe and the U.S. In the book they present U.S. government documents which they obtained under the freedom of information act proving definitively that Kammler was in U.S. custody until Feb/march '46 pending extradition to Great Britain. He was held by the same U.S. C.I.C unit which handled Klaus Barbie. The story of Kammler's suicide is a fabrication. In total there were 13 accounts of his death - each given by men who served under him - and each an attempt to muddy the waters of his true fate.

    2020-03-06 18:37:40 +01:00

    marion glaser

    I' m looking for the person who has the portrait of Käthe Heusermann-Reiss, the young woman, who was dentist-assistant. I found some fotos on your website. We are a filmproduction compagny based in Germany. Would be great to get in touch. Best regards. Marion Glaser

    2020-03-04 22:34:04 +01:00

    Rock Taber

    I have a 10-April-1944 'St. Louis Post' newspaper with article on front page saying Maj. Walker Mahurin was "Missing" in action. I was wondering what became of him, but thanks to your website I was glad to see that Walker Melville “Bud” Mahurin ended up leading a full life.

    2020-03-01 21:36:23 +01:00

    James Wark

    Rob and Family, I thoroughly enjoyed the history and photos presented here. A remarkable accomplishment and an excellent historical resource.

    2020-02-17 01:50:53 +01:00

    Shirley White

    Trippy. Thanks for the info

    2020-02-09 22:08:14 +01:00

    Gregory Gutierrez

    great work and dedication....appreciate it. thanks Greg in Florida US.

    2020-02-06 16:23:31 +01:00


    This was a great read I’m not sure how I found it but will be watching for others

    2020-01-28 08:28:26 +01:00

    Dennis Hutson

    Thank you so much. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this page.

    2020-01-22 01:13:07 +01:00

    scott sorenson

    A job will done. Keep up the good work. Look forward to seeing more on your web site.

    2020-01-09 01:40:15 +01:00

    kieran egleston

    david irving's the rise and fall of the luftwaffe re erhard milch he claimed that his headstone stated "ende der durchsage" ie over and out,the last message from german stalingrad.i can't see milch's gravestone clearly on line.is there a truth to his claim? kieran in ireland

    2020-01-08 02:22:37 +01:00


    Hi. I just came across you web site. Sir well done you.A ton of re-search. Just like to thank-you for your wonderfull work. Thank-you so much. Terry

    2020-01-06 15:26:44 +01:00

    anita NICOLAS

    merci pour ces documents historiques
    qui font un peu partie de mon histoire nee le 14 septembre a MUNICH
    je suis fan de la VRAIE Histoire
    et photos
    Merci de tout cœur ANITA

    2019-12-29 04:44:45 +01:00

    Max Uechtritz

    Greetings. This is a long shot but I am seeking helping researching photos, film and/or information abut Luftwaffe based at Chateau des Saint-Georges Motel near Dreux, Normandy .My brother has just purchased the chateau. I have discovered that Gen.Lt. Ernst Dörffler was commander there(30.07.43 - 01.01.44). I found his grave on your site and hoe that you may know some way to assist. Kind Regards, Max Uechtritz

    2019-12-20 20:30:46 +01:00


    why was the general kluge page removed
    return the page of the famous fieldmarshal

    2019-12-20 11:14:57 +01:00

    Yaşar Gürsoy

    Hallo ...
    Ich habe Ihre Website überprüft. Es ist wirklich wunderschön. Ich gratuliere Ihnen von ganzem Herzen. Haben Sie detaillierte Informationen und Dokumente zu Hans Eppinger? Es wäre für mich wertvoll, wenn Eppinger Informationen und Dokumente über Stalin und die Königin von Rumänien hätte, die Mustafa und Mustafa Kemal Atatürk behandeln. Ich spreche kein deutsch Ich bekomme Unterstützung von Google. Mit freundlichen Grüßen anwesend ...

    2019-11-24 12:33:04 +01:00


    Votre travail est remarquable je vais souvent sur votre site et j apprends toujours quelque chose je suis un passionné d histoire comme vous un bon travail contre l oubli

    2019-11-21 17:13:25 +01:00

    Harro goerndt

    Die Verherrlichung dieser Menschen ist vor dem Hintergrund dessen was in dieser Zeit geschah ist
    fehl am Platz. Gerade hohe Dienstgrade haben oft ihren Stand missbraucht. Ich kann nur hoffen dass dies nicht für meinen biologischen Großvater zutrifft. Leider weiss ich nicht viel über diesen doch so hoch dekorierten Mann, auch ist sein verhalten gegenüber der Frau die er schwängerte und dann sie und ihren Sohn ihrem Schicksal über ließ nicht gerade ein Zeugnis für Integrität. Ganz zu schweigen von "soldatischer Ehre". Somit bleibt nur die Hoffnung dass er nicht auch eines dieser induvidien war welche massenhaft Kriegsverbrechen begangen haben.

    2019-11-20 14:40:16 +01:00

    Dagmar Schoolmann

    Hallo Rob,
    über diese Seite habe ich etwas über den biologischen Vater meines Vaters erfahren. Gibt es noch Kontaktadressen zu Angehörigen? Betreibe so ein wenig Ahnenforschung und wüßte gern mehr.
    Viele Grüße

    2019-11-18 06:30:47 +01:00


    I liked your web about history, greetings from Spain.

    2019-11-16 20:54:39 +01:00

    Richard Loraine-Smith

    I think you need to check the debate that Hans Langsdorff died the date you have is the 12th the day before the Battle of the River Plate.

    Please check

    2019-11-15 17:10:45 +01:00

    Mitchell Halvorson

    I have always had great respect for the soldiers and what they had to put themselves through to keep us free from Nazi Tyranny and Imperial Japan. I want people to strive to learn more about these people. I hope you look into it if you show interest.

    2019-11-11 14:30:48 +01:00


    Why has the gravestone of Max Hansen (died march 1990) been removed?

    2019-11-02 21:18:28 +01:00

    Matz Jörgensen


    I an a swedish historian and is impressed of your site and all interesting facts about people and ww2 in common.
    Best regards!
    Matz Jörgensen

    2019-10-27 02:17:38 +01:00


    Hi there 🙂
    Just Discovered this website on this date (26/10/19).
    Oh boy, what a great and difficult job Rob.
    Cant thank ur effort enough.
    Im a WWII fanatic and hope one day on my first visit to Europe we can meet and chat my friend.
    Wish u and ur family all the best. Regards from Brazil!

    2019-10-11 14:35:27 +02:00


    Thank you to the OP of this site. Your great service to the fallen is a great service to humanity.

    I especially speak of your work to preserve the history of Germany and all its brave sons who fought for their fatherland. They were all brave heroes of their people.

    My salute to you and all those brave men.

    2019-09-30 07:30:18 +02:00

    Sven Zimmermann

    Hi there
    Great initiative here- I have used your platform for a bit of research on Lieutenant-General Max Bork and Korpsgruppe Bork. Regards Sven

    2019-09-29 08:28:53 +02:00

    Tony Millar

    Greetings Rob
    Excellent research, I commend you !
    It’d be interesting to see a similar article on Wolfram von Richthofen and his demise during the Hitler War.
    Also, I do believe their was a Fokker D.VIII ace that went onto form his own Squadron of Bf109’s and became an ace in these (?) also.
    Some years ago I read a book containing the death of Cobber Cain, the Kiwi Hurricane ace that was killed performing a barrel role when departing for England at the end of the phoney war. Members of the squadron had a found the graves of aviators from the Kaiser War near their airfield. Also went on to say that remnant aircraft were buried prior to the squadrons departure.
    Tony Millar

    2019-09-19 17:24:14 +02:00


    I have a gravestone from a Brigardeführer for you, please contakt me.

    2019-09-19 01:15:15 +02:00


    Hallo mr. Hopmans,
    Zou u mij even kunnen mailen?
    Het gaat over de tante van uw vrouw die tijdens de oorlog als non in het klooster van Veghel woonde.

    2019-09-16 05:32:26 +02:00

    Jacqueline Morris

    In 1984 my husband and I travelled to France and came across an unmarked grave surrounded by a tank track that was between Ronchamp Cathedral and Besancon we believe was on A36. Is there a listing of such graves? Thank you. Jackie Morris

    2019-09-15 14:31:46 +02:00


    Any details on the Battle of Overloon?

    2019-09-15 12:46:59 +02:00

    Torben Wulff

    Dear Mr. Hopmans,
    Greetings from Sweden ! My interest in WWII har been strenghtened - and our knowledge increased by Your findings and writings. Although a Dane, I live in Sweden, and have had a special interest in the history of the Danish island of Bornholm in the Baltic. Although Denmark was liberated in may 1945, Bornholm was bombed and occupied by Sovjet forces right up until april 1946 - when the Ruskies finally went home.
    Yours Respectfully, Torben Wulff

    2019-09-12 11:43:49 +02:00

    Ret/CSM Douglas Miller

    Great site. I have studied WW2/Germany Eastern Front as well as WW1 for 45 years. Library of 1500+ ref. books non fiction. Awards, decorations, badges, letters, a pile of stuff. Just like WW2, also Japanese, Brit. Etc. Keep of the Good Work

    2019-09-11 14:58:59 +02:00


    I visited your website very interesting and very detailed

    I'm doing a volunteer, non-profit research to pay tribute to November 11, 2019
    A resistance-deported woman in Germany who lived in our village of Robecq in France in the north and died in 1966.
    He was in the Comète Line resistance network Franco-Belgian network he was passing pilots who were going back to Britain to take over the fight

    My research allowed me to find a member of a HALIFAX shot near Bar-le-Duc
    (Eastern France) its name SPILLER (see document)
    I am also looking for information on the pilot of a Luftwaffe fighter who shot down Halifax
    It is called GED FRIEDRICH (see document)
    Maybe you can help me with your skills on these two pilots I am looking for documents and also photos for the upcoming November 11 exhibition including on the history of aircraft and photos of pilot graves

    Well Friendly

    Bocaert Christian

    2019-09-09 18:04:42 +02:00

    Hanny van Heeren

    Indeed an historical website. It has been a lot of work to get all this information. Besides all the visits to the different places and wargraves, you made. A lot of people are very glad to make use of your website. ??

    2019-09-09 03:41:54 +02:00


    An impressive, historical web site. Worthy of the "Pulitzer" prize in historical information. A ''gold mine''of detail, that invites permanent addiction..ever satisfying! May your hard work and artistic creation be rewarded! JK

    2019-09-08 23:06:11 +02:00

    Kornelia Jankova

    Thank you so much for your website and sharing this information.
    I am German but did not know of many of your posted information.
    Sad, that we were and are still left in the dark. And most people died anyways or went back to their countries after the war.

    2019-09-03 17:21:41 +02:00

    Maddison Davies

    I love the work you do Rob! Really was a hard, sad time reading some of your eyewitness accounts, but extremely useful for my research task. Im a student btw.

    2019-08-29 22:36:11 +02:00


    kunt u mij iets meer vertellen over Kolonel Heinz Heggenreiner. Streed met Veldmaarschalk Erwin Rommel in afrika.

    2019-08-20 14:06:48 +02:00

    Alexander Hillmann

    Dear team,
    my name is Alexander Hillmann, living in Germany/Nuremberg, dozent for history and mathematics. I am interested in the "historical" person with the name Erwin von dem Bach-Zelewski. On you webside i read his grave is in the City Roth. This city is only 20km from Nuremberg. I was there and wanted to visit this grave. There was no grave of him. Of course i asked in the townhall and also the chief of the cemetry there. But nobody could tell me the place.
    Please, are you able to tell me more about the grave of this man? Many thanks for you and greeting to Neatherland; Alexander Hillmann
    PS. Sorry for some mistakes in my used grammar

    2019-08-12 11:11:25 +02:00

    John Wood

    Thank you so much for undertaking this work - it is excellent and an inspiration
    John Wood

    2019-08-08 22:49:10 +02:00

    John Dolan

    Spectacular historic WWII coverage. I am particularly interested in the graves of prominent and mid-level NAZI leaders, their friends, relatives and associates. Also, just as well all the associates of the 20July44 Resistance Group. A superb, heroic undertaking by you and your wife. Thank you! John

    2019-08-07 01:36:41 +02:00

    Abbey Hall

    please make contact with me regarding the information you have about Lew Ayres III in the bio page about him.

    2019-08-06 07:04:10 +02:00

    Joshua Roesner

    Hi there, I hope you are doing well! I saw on your site you had a picture of the SS Honor Ring of a “S.Lb. Benson”. I am a student who is interested in WWII history and have been looking for a nice authentic honor ring for a while now. I looked up the name and ring but could not find anything on it, so I was wondering if you were in possession of it. Let me know? Thanks!

    Best regards,
    Joshua R

    2019-08-05 22:24:03 +02:00


    Good evening,
    I once subscribed the newsletter, in order to be always updated with new info, but never received any feedback.
    Congratulations for the superb page.
    Best regards.

    2019-07-31 19:37:32 +02:00

    Gordon Sivell

    Thank you very much for your website posting on Mr. Peiper. This is a very informative web post and I learned a great deal about it from you. I think I may tour his last tank route in the battle of the Bulge. Also, his home in Travers France, if it is still there and the grave.
    Gordon, Niagra Falls Canada.

    2019-07-29 10:51:31 +02:00


    Major Jakob grimminger - SS
    Rose theough the ranks to highest honor as blood flag bearer
    You died young in 1969 as a
    Simple street sweeper- but you still did your hob with great honor
    Mein herr-
    I throw a
    Dozen roses
    At your jackbooted feet mein herr

    2019-07-23 16:02:10 +02:00

    Bek ors

    Hello Mr.Hopmans.
    Greetings! you are doing very good Job, thank you.
    I would like to help if you would in ww2 colouring any picture you that could be coloured for free.
    I am a WW2 colouriser, this is my Board on pinterest

    Thank you very much.
    Much love.

    2019-07-20 23:05:47 +02:00

    Angelo Gabriel da Silva

    Desejo mais informações sobre Heinz Spanknöbel

    2019-07-14 13:34:25 +02:00

    Joerg Huppertz

    Dear Rob,
    thank you for your endless research, posting and explanations. Thank you for the detailed portrait of Herbert.

    2019-07-03 01:58:54 +02:00


    Thank you for documenting and keeping the spotlight on the bravery of the masses that combatted the atrocities of a few ignorant people.

    2019-07-02 01:53:26 +02:00


    What an amazing website! This is a gem.

    2019-06-15 22:32:10 +02:00

    Sandy cooper

    Good day,
    I’d like to speak with mr. Rob, who took the picture of Wolfram Sievers’s grave in Landsberg, please. I’d be happy to phone you, I do live in Texas, USA. Kindest regards,
    Sandy L. Sievers

    2019-06-11 22:56:38 +02:00

    Scott Sorenson

    very good web site. I really enjoy it. I go to it on a weekly bases. Keep up the good work.

    2019-06-11 15:06:57 +02:00

    john cernik

    My father was part of the invasion of Dunkirk in 1944 by the Czechs and allies .I have lots of pictures etc of his army career starting in 1936 to 1948 , and of the invasion.Would you like me to email some?

    2019-06-04 22:00:57 +02:00

    Christoph G.Keitel

    Wilhelm Batz,RK mit EL und S, joined
    the Bundesluftwaffe 04/1956 in
    Landsberg/Lech with the CR4 and retired 1972 with the rank Oberstleutnat(A15).

    2019-05-31 10:06:37 +02:00

    Selçuk AYDIN

    Çok güzel bir iş başardın. Ülkesi için ölen bu insanların anılarını burada yaşatıyorsun.

    2019-05-28 02:32:06 +02:00

    Andrea Itt

    can you plz add Charlie Itt.

    2019-05-25 13:49:06 +02:00

    Uffe Christensen

    Hi there,
    There is some confusion/mix-up on your text about Herbert Denham Brotheridge - the first allied soldier who fell during D-day. Date, birth and death is wrong - and the same is his nationality. All tge best UffeC/Denmark

    2019-05-18 20:01:57 +02:00

    anthony elberg

    this is a great site, keep it up, i liked the story about, albert frey, thankyou.

    2019-05-10 19:40:38 +02:00

    Johannes Krane

    I am in the process of writing my Dutch war experience 1945-1945.
    Is it posible to use some of your photographs to illustrate my experiences?
    Best regards,
    Johannes Krane

    2019-05-05 14:34:34 +02:00

    Angela Murnane

    A Dutchman helped my family in Melbourne Australia. He had been sent to concentration camp as a teenager after village hid the resistance. I am wondering if there were other villages than Putten where this happened. Thank you for your time.

    2019-04-26 11:18:22 +02:00

    Gregg Heilman

    You have missed the 1st General lost in WWII. General Clarence Tinker he was the highest ranking NATIVE AMERICA killed in WWII.
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarence_L._Tinker Major General Clarence Leonard Tinker (21 November 1887 – 7 June 1942) (Osage) was a career United States Army officer, the highest ranking Native-American officer and the first to reach that rank.[1] During World War II, he had been assigned as Commander of the Seventh Air Force in Hawaii to reorganize the air defenses.

    He flew to lead a force during the Battle of Midway in June 1942; his plane went out of control and was lost in the ocean. He was the first U.S. Army general officer to be killed in World War II, and the second flag officer, after Rear Admiral Issac C. Kidd. Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma is named in his honor.

    2019-04-26 11:14:41 +02:00

    Gregg Heilman

    BRIGADIER GENERAL LAVERNE G. SAUNDERS is not correct of listed in your posting for WWII.
    LaVerne G. (Blondie) Saunders began fighting as a pilot in World War II at Hickam Field in Hawaii the day Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese in 1941. In the months that followed, he fought them from the air, at Midway, in the Solomons and on Guadalcanal. In 1944 he conducted the first land-based air attack on Japan -- the beginning of the B-29 campaign that brought that country to its knees.

    2019-04-24 07:08:00 +02:00

    Roger Haugen

    Dear Sirs. This is just a Amazing website. Thanks a lot for the great job you are doing mr. Hopmans.

    2019-04-22 21:07:28 +02:00

    Abbie Bobula

    thank you for all of your help with the usa!

    2019-04-21 10:30:14 +02:00

    Nikita Nikitin

    Thank you!

    2019-04-13 16:11:15 +02:00

    Julia S.-K.

    Referring to my previous comment:
    The second photo I was talking about doesn‘t show my husband’s grandfather Hans Rauch but ERWIN Rauch (born 1889 in Berlin). We now found out (if you google „Erwin Rauch“ you‘ll find the exact same photo). So please remove that photo from the „Hans Rauch“- site.
    Thank you 🙂
    If you have any more infos/pictures on Hans Rauch pls let us now.

    2019-04-13 02:59:20 +02:00

    William Sanstrom

    Are any German Generals buried in Fussen ?? or Buchloe??

    2019-04-12 19:27:30 +02:00

    Julia S.-K.

    I have a question about Hans Rauch, Generalmajor (born 1899 in Rothwasser). He is my husband‘s grandfather and we saw the photos you put here. The first portrait picture is familiar to us. However, we have never seen one right below that one. Are you sure it shows Hans Rauch? Do you know when it was taken? Where did you get that photo from? Unfortunately, we only have very few pictures of him so we were really surprised to see this one. Thank you in advance!

    2019-04-08 02:17:32 +02:00

    Mark Fleming

    You need to make a correction. On the subject of Adolf Hitler‘s teeth you have shown pictures of supreme court justice Elaine Kagan These two pictures of ms Kagan showing her is not correct. Ms Lange was born April 28 1960. She would be 58 years old. You should show her mother

    2019-03-26 04:23:09 +01:00

    Kevin Davis

    my mother was a knaust and i have enjoyed reading the imformation about hans i dont know if were related but id like to find more on knaust's in germany thanks

    2019-03-23 08:08:33 +01:00

    Stuart Nicholson

    Searching for a book on Max Wünsche but seem to hit a brick wall.

    2019-03-21 01:36:20 +01:00

    William Sanstrom

    kindly give Max Pemsel and Werner Kempf how they helped Wehrmacht Bill

    2019-03-21 01:34:23 +01:00

    William Sanstrom

    Hope you will have something soon abou T hetb t Leibstandsarte . regasrds, Bill example : Werner Kempf and Max Pemsel ( I know they are on your site, but can we have more? They were important , but had to make very difficult decisions Your Bill/ Marana

    2019-03-17 08:29:47 +01:00

    Tommaso Defelice

    good morning I wanted to know if you published a book with photos of the tombs.
    thank you

    2019-03-14 17:11:09 +01:00

    Hans Grönkvist

    I'm interested in history in general and WWII in particular. I've only read a few articles so far, but I like what I've read mostly because of their neutral tone. So keep up the good work and have a good life.

    2019-03-07 18:50:10 +01:00

    Alyssa Williams

    I am in World History right now and this has come in very helpful. Thank you!

    2019-03-06 17:53:29 +01:00

    Connor Reese

    I’m a young american teenager with good grammar and lots of knowledge and interest for history. I plan on being a historian when I’m older but for now I will just keep expanding my knowledge. I would like to ask if I could help add more officers and generals to this database. I don’t if that necessarily means i have to have permission to edit. I love to help other people learn about history. And i like listing people.

    2019-03-06 00:59:27 +01:00

    Lidia Pagura

    I would like to know more about real situation of people in the Great War.
    Thank you

    2019-03-06 00:45:15 +01:00

    Bruno Renoult

    Hello, thanks for the infos and picture, I wrote the all story about KG von Aulock, wich became "Division Gruppe von Aulock. Battle around Paris 15-30 august 1944.

    2019-03-05 08:57:07 +01:00

    Luciano Lizzi

    Hello , would like news of Estonian volunteers, in particular of the 4 decorated of the Iron Cross , Harald Nugiseks , Maitla, Riipalu, Rebane


    2019-03-02 18:42:44 +01:00

    francis k zettlemoyer

    My uncle was in JG-52 with Gunther Rall. I have pictures of him with Mr. Rall, and I'd like to know if my uncle is noted in G. Rall's Logbook. His name is Karl-Freider Schumacher and he was shot down and killed in May of 1944. I'd buy Gunther Rall's , My Logbook, but it costs over $450 on Amazon. Thank You for any information, FKZ

    2019-02-28 22:32:40 +01:00


    Hello, I am working on a touch screen interactive for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park, New York. The exhibit concerns the Normandy invasion and I was wondering if you had high resolution copies of the images of General Wilhelm Falley. Thank you.

    2019-02-16 05:51:12 +01:00


    Hello, I have full framed very good quality photos of Paul Blobel, Werner Braune, Otto Ohlendorf, Oswald Pohl, George Scallermair & Hans Schmidt Photographed on the scaffold & post mortem in their coffins. I guarantee you will not find these anywhere else on the internet. I have posted them on my pin interest board Nuremberg War Crimes Trials & other post WW2. Feel free to copy them and post them here on your site.

    2019-02-11 21:49:41 +01:00

    Krystyna Thompson

    Good evening,
    My father was a Polish Pilot flying with the Polish sector of the RAF during WW2. He flew a Wellington Bomber and was shot down over Holland on the 19th June 41. I have recently found out he was shot down by Egmont Prinz zur Lippe-Weisenfeld. My father lived and returned to the UK where he had a family and was happy. Prinz Egmont was killed in 1944 with no family at the age 25. They were both young men doing there job, I ask myself who won? What is the cemetry that Ergmont is buried? I have my fathers memoirs if you are interested.kind regards Krystyna

    2019-02-08 15:29:05 +01:00

    Enrico Lia

    I also live now in the Netherlands. This website is simply fantastic. Never the less I found one inconsistent information in the page of Josef Mengele. This is not possible because Eichmann was seized by Mossad well before in 11 May 1960 and then laterwas executed by hanging in 1962. Please correct this information. Alvast bedankt.

    2019-02-06 18:01:25 +01:00



    My name is Salman Rafiq
    I am from Pakistan
    I would like to thank you for such a great effort on your site https://ww2gravestone.com
    Its a beautiful and unique piece of history
    a preserve for all future generations
    I wish you all the best


    2019-02-05 16:47:23 +01:00

    Heinz Johannsen

    please see Mayfield Newsletter Dec 2018 Royal British Legion Page

    2019-02-01 18:36:52 +01:00

    Gábor Dóka

    Good day,
    I have a question,
    I want request color photo from Jochen Peiper in resolution 300 dpi, for private use.
    I would like know price/one photo.
    Thank you.
    Sincerely, Gábor Dóka

    2019-02-01 05:56:34 +01:00


    Seu site é muito legal!
    Lucius Fabri...

    2019-01-27 02:49:53 +01:00



    2019-01-16 15:59:45 +01:00

    William Sanstrom

    Enjoyed reading about Albert Frey. Suprised about how his life ended.

    2019-01-03 17:08:59 +01:00

    Greg Presley

    That is an awesome website that I find often when looking for some graves for historical research. Some of the comments are really funny here.

    One correction I would make: Paulus was his name, not von Paulus.
    thanks for the work guys.

    2019-01-01 03:54:21 +01:00

    Robert Vaughn Klug

    First crack at finding family tree in Germany. Father Max Klug born Detroit Michigan 1913 (?) I was born Nov 18 1946 Detroit Michigan.
    Story goes, grandfather immigrated to the U.S in the first decade of the 1900's when our last name Von Klug was chopped and we were told we could keep Klug. That is about all I know. Thanks for any and all direction.

    2018-12-26 16:43:52 +01:00

    Harry Stumpf

    Dear Rob,
    On your page for MG Donald A. Stroh you show BG Perrin’s photo, not General Stroh. If you do a search for him you can find several good images. He was my grandfather.
    26 Dec 18

    2018-12-26 10:42:01 +01:00


    Why don't you put in website anyone from Turkey , for example Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ?

    2018-12-19 08:50:41 +01:00

    Thanasis Ahladiotis

    About Alfred Jodl's grave.
    I thought you might interesting:

    2018-12-09 05:38:48 +01:00

    Katie christenson

    He is my Great Uncle. I have tries to find my birth mother but sorry could not find her. I was born in Germany and my adoptive parents told me my history. Kinda sad for all.

    2018-12-04 17:48:09 +01:00

    Dan M Barnett

    Thank you for all your wonderful work on this project. I would like to become a member, but I don't see how.

    2018-12-03 15:51:17 +01:00


    SS Gruppenführer,bert Bormann,

    brother of Martin Bormann, Albert died age 86, on 08-04-1889, in Munich, Personal adjutant assigned to Hitler’s personal office.

    JAARTAL MOET ZIJN 1989!!!!

    2018-11-30 14:23:46 +01:00


    Very expansive blog. You seem to either omit, or havent researched the crimes of the Croatian Ustase and the massacares they committed. It deserves note for the many ethnic Serbs and gypsies that were killed at Jasenovac and elsewhere.

    2018-11-29 18:47:46 +01:00

    Edward Witt

    Great article on Fritz Witt,
    I would love to find more info on him and his family,I have been told I look just like him,
    Thank's Eddie

    2018-11-25 21:21:11 +01:00


    Muito obrigada

    2018-11-16 22:12:24 +01:00

    William Sanstrom

    Rob, Your article on Eindhoven was well done. I used to use instruments made at the Philips factory.

    2018-11-14 14:04:40 +01:00

    Gerhard Prestien

    Great work. Thank you for the information about my grandfather.

    2018-11-12 18:46:26 +01:00

    Craig Mikesell

    Great site.

    2018-11-12 14:58:12 +01:00

    Michael Otteson

    My Great Aunt was Julia Otteson Flikke and I enjoyed some of the insights.

    2018-11-12 09:25:09 +01:00

    Set. Richard D. Nowak

    Will be buried with my comrades at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery, Elwood, IL. Second to None ?

    2018-11-12 03:14:26 +01:00

    Stephanie Johncox Redden

    Thank you for this site. I am honorably labeled, as many others, as a C.O.W.-Child of Wonder (it's a wonder the Five-O-Wonders made it out of the B.O.B.. My father was a through and through Taccoa man and fought from June 6th 1944-Jan. 10th 1945 when he was gravely injured by a tree burst. I attended a few reunions and met the most amazing men who helped me learn of his plight. I actually met Medic Dave Tuel on top of Stone Mtn, where he gave me 3 photos of my father, and where I was able to actually thank the man for saving my fathers life. This was a surprise meeting, for me, set up by Glen Derber, Carleton Raiford, Ray Tayer, Medic Ken Moore and Medic "Mother" Joe Madigan and respectively, their wives. What an amazing crowd right? My father was SSgt Russell Johncox LMG HQ2 501 PIR/101st Airborne. I am very proud of him. Anyway, thank you for this wonderful site!
    Stephanie Johncox Redden

    2018-11-10 16:29:06 +01:00

    Ernst Lumpe

    Dear Sir, you publish a picture of Otto Kahn on your web page for Helmut Kämpfe. I would be interested to know if you have absolutely reliable evidence that this picture shows Otto Kahn. As far as I can see this pic has never been published elsewhere. EL

    2018-11-08 02:52:33 +01:00


    Myself and my daughter Nelly will be on a mission in June 2019, to find and collect all the information on Ernest L Underwood who was killed close to the areas of St mere Eglise and Blosville and Careden on June 26 1944.

    2018-11-07 11:04:53 +01:00

    Michael D Alexander

    Such a beautiful and brilliant man wasted . . . Hollywood looks and great mind . . . may he rest in peace. Would have loved being his aide.

    2018-11-04 18:51:30 +01:00


    Fijne website met interessante informatie.
    Ik moet wel opmerken dat Hermann Hoth een Wehrmacht officier was en geen SS-officier.
    Beste groeten,

    2018-11-03 15:37:54 +01:00

    Mark Urness

    I am writing a WWII Action-Adventure book series called The Intruders and I am finding this site very informative. My goal is to educate future generations of the 21st Century about the Great Clash of Fascism versus Democracy in the Mid 20th Century-Democrats, Fascists, and Communists, Oh My!

    2018-10-26 21:15:14 +02:00

    Steve Bunker

    The sectiom on Matthew B Ridgway is incorrect. He was born at Ft. Monroe but was not raised in Virginia. He was largely raised in Boston and graduated from high school at East.Boston High. He went to West point from there.

    2018-10-23 08:15:09 +02:00


    The second picture on the page about Dirlewanger is from the Russian movie “Come and See”. These SS people depicted were actors including the boy. I believe that this part of the movie is based on atrocities committed by the Dirlewanger Brigade.

    2018-10-19 13:36:53 +02:00

    Anna Mirkowska

    The institution where I work is interested in using the photo below as the illustration in the book which we are going to publish. Could you please contact me via email?

    2018-10-17 18:32:56 +02:00

    Sara Högström

    Hi! I´m looking for the grave of Hans von Luck a german Oberst der Panzertruppe during WW2. I can´t find information on this page. Do you have any information? Thanks!/Sara

    2018-10-17 00:00:27 +02:00


    I have been reading with interest the blog about Hitler's visit to the Ypres Salient battlefields in 1940.
    I understand the month of the visit was June, but am interested in the dates in June that the visit was made.
    Can anybody help me please?

    2018-10-09 14:34:13 +02:00

    Richard Deveau-Maxwell

    Hi there,
    I sent an email for the attention of Rob recently; I am aware you guys are busy, but if you could get back to me in due course I would be most appreciative. Keep up the good work. Thanks.

    2018-10-08 15:54:29 +02:00


    Ignacy Jan Paderewski - his activity to draw the attention of the world to the restitution of Poland is missing. He was also a member of Polish National Committee in 1917 with Roman Dmowski (Woodrow Wilson 14 points speech; point no 13) and was engaged into relief actions to help the victims of the WWI. One of his speeches gave fuel to successful Wielkopolskie Uprising in January 1918 which freed that region from German rulers. On the margin - please correct - it's ""Paderewski" not "Paderowski" : ) I fully appreciate your iniciative. Good job! All the best, Iga from Poland.

    Ps. My grandpa's uncle, Walenty Górecki, ran a large department store in Poznań during WWII. He helped, among others, the poor, members of the Polish Home Army (resistance movement, highly organised) and English parachuters (e.g. he distributed forged passports). He was taking care of my grandpa and they lived together with a German speaking maid. One day, two man clad in heavy black coats, came for him. One of his workers reported on him to gestapo. Uncle Kazimierz wanted to avenge him, but someone was quicker (uncle Kazmimierz, then aged 17 and carrying a loaded pistol, found that scum lying on the staircase with a hole in his head). Uncle Walenty was imprisoned, tortured, and (surprise!) released after around 5 months of brutal interrogation. He was a wreck of a man and suffered of pneumonia. He died before the end of the WWII, in 1944. Grandpa, then a 5-year-old child, still remembers that night when they took his angel -like uncle. Painful memory... One of many.

    2018-10-07 16:09:16 +02:00


    Wat kunt u mij vertellen over de Duitse Generaal Mellentheim.
    Ik kan niets vinden op het internet, misschien dat u mij kunt helpen?

    2018-09-30 04:32:54 +02:00


    good site

    2018-08-31 19:11:03 +02:00

    Donald Ross Durrant III

    I am extremely proud to be related to Thomas Frank Durrant. Posthumous award of the Victorian Cross was quite fitting for this brave man.

    2018-08-30 18:40:49 +02:00

    Geraldine Colenbrander

    Mocht u hulp kunnen gebruiken met de editing van uw site zou ik dat graag doen... Er zijn nl bepaalde mensen die aan elkaar gekoppeld zijn en een verwarrend geheel leveren.....Ondertussen was Eisenhower alleen een desk general die nooit a slagveld heeft gezien. Hij was een disaster and lag constand overhoop met George Patton...Montgomery was de UK's disaster, not to mention Churchill die nooit een oorlog zag waar hij niet van hield. Rumors zijn dat Patton was killed door Eisenhower....
    Ik woon al 55 jaar in the VS en ben goed bekend met de geschiedenis.
    Iedere oorlog in Europa sedert 1870 werd gecrieerd door de UK/Frankrijk en de VS tegen Duitsland. Het doel was om Duitsland op te breken. En dat is nog steeds zo. Nederland werd in 1940 binnengevallen omdat de Duitse inlichtingen informatie hadden dat door een van de 3 landen Nederland/Belgie of Frankrijk de Engelsen het Continent en daarna Duitsland zouden aanvallen. En dat intelligence was spot-on want een paar dagen later stonden er 370.000 Engelse/geallieerden op het strand in Dunkirk. Deze zijn geevacueerd.
    Geen van deze oorlogen ontstonden door Duitsland alhoewel er tich aantal pretexten werden genoemd. Duitsland heeft EEN maal Nederland gebombardeerd en dat was in Rotterdam op 14 Mei 1940..Ik zelf heb 3 firebombings overleeft in de Achterhoek door Amerika. 35 ander steden in Nederland werden gebombardeerd door Amerika. De RAF vloog iedere nacht over ons huis op weg naar Duitsland. Zij vlogen alleen s'nachts. De Amerikanen vlogen in daylight. Dat is algemeen bekend alhoewel de zogenaamde historicy in Nederland zelfs in de achterhoek, zonder enig bewijs vast houden dat the RAF ons bombardeerde. Niet zo. Ik zag iedere bomb vallen. Mijn Amerikaanse dochter die haar thesis schreef omtrent WW2 Propaganda leerde dat the geallieerden de oorlog niet gewonnen hadden maar de Sovjets.
    De geallieerden kwamen voor de opruim aktie nadat de Sovjets de Duitse Wehrmacht en Luftwaffe hadden verwoest.
    In deze nu ouwe vrouw leeft nog altijd oorlogs kind. En bij tijd en wijle troost deze nu ouwe vrouw dat kleine kind dat boos is op diegene die de oorlogen crieerden vanwege hebberigheid. Ik ben de geallieerde niet dankbaar maar ik klaag hen aan voor het crieeren van deze oorlogen waardoor ik jaren lang naar een gebombarderde school moest. The oorlogen zijn symptomen, en men moet leren wat de ziekte is die deze symptomen veroorzaakt.
    Om de Amerikanen of Engelsen dankbaar te zijn voor wat zij zelf begonnen en ons land hebben verwoest, komt bij mij niet op. Het getuigd van een soort indoctrinatie waar geen klap van deugd.
    Ik bewonder uw uitgebreide geschiedenis.

    2018-08-28 00:53:51 +02:00


    This site is so interesting. George Stratemeyer was a cousin of mine. My heart goes out to all that suffered & died throughout all of the wars that have been fought. My thoughts & prayers r with u & your families everywhere. Lest we not forget how thankful that we have freedom.

    2018-08-25 22:49:11 +02:00

    Leif Stjerna

    Eichmann was put to death on May 31 not in March.

    2018-08-21 21:25:12 +02:00

    Lori Smith

    Such a great website for the WW2 history buff (Euro theatre). Glad I found such a wealth of info here. Thank you.

    2018-08-20 14:44:56 +02:00


    Beautiful work !
    Congratulations on keeping History alive!
    Greetings from Brazil

    2018-08-12 07:22:49 +02:00

    Patrícia Peres

    Great Job!

    2018-08-05 16:35:42 +02:00

    jürgen Schönke

    Hello..good job!
    I want you to know that former Nazi doctor Hans Eisele is buried in Germany in 77960 Seelbach..His son still lives here and he brougt the bones of his father from Kairo to Seelbach some years ago.. Hans Eisele fleed to Egypt and lived there under the name "Carl de Bouche" - when he died he was buried in Kairo and his son brought his bones later back to Germany...His son Armin Eisele still lives here..

    2018-08-04 16:50:14 +02:00

    Michael Muck

    Dear Mr. Hopmans,
    my name is Michael Muck and I´m from germany living near Aschaffenburg (225 km away from Frankfurt am Main). I found your website during I search for the name Warren H. Muck. It is an interesting coincidence, because I surfed at youtube webside, searching for good film musik and I found a video from the film bands of brothers. In the closing credits I read the name Warren H. Muck and I thought to myself is it possible that this guy a relation of mine? I´m 42 yo and my grandfahter died few years ago. So I called my father if he knows about the name Warren H. Muck and he told me no, he did not know about a family living in the US. Few years ago I asked my grandfather to the WW2 but I got no many statments. As I know he was a german soldier, a dispatch rider, and he had to fight in the east and in Stalingrad, too. He got a shot into his left knee so he stayed in Bamberg in an improviesed lazarett, during the kettle of Stalinggrad was closed. He gave us no statements to the horror of WW2. Shortly before his death he only told to our retired priest because he had hughe fear to die with his weigth of war.
    I know in fact of data protection it is not allowd to gave personal datas to an unknown person, but if you have any hints for me regarding to Warren H. Muck I'd be much obliged. I´m not a Nazi and I´m not interessted in guns or something like that. I´m only interessted in if I had or have relatives in the US. I´m looking forward hearing from you via e-mail.
    P.S. You have a great webpage with many interessting details.

    Best regards
    Michael Muck

    2018-07-21 17:25:11 +02:00

    francis zettlemoyer

    My uncle was Karlfreider Schumacher from Heidelberg, Germany and he flew with G. Rall with the 52nd All I want to know is if he was mentioned in Mr. Rall"s Logbook. Karl was shot down in May 1944 I think.

    2018-07-14 12:15:01 +02:00

    Heikki Gabrielsson


    2018-07-12 18:04:27 +02:00

    Peter McKeown

    Very good site!! I'll be back!

    2018-06-20 18:26:14 +02:00


    Heinrich Hoffman took a photo of Adolf Hitler at the same building in fromelles as Hitler once painted. That’s a fact.

    2018-06-19 08:45:21 +02:00


    merhaba bay hopmans
    böyle bir site yaptığınız için minnettarım, en güzelide isimler ve fotoğrafları aynı anda görebilmek, sayenizde bilgi sahibi olduğum için teşekkür ederim, sizi takipe devam ediyorum. saygılar.

    2018-06-16 19:30:11 +02:00

    Ron Theriot

    Danke. General Major Eugen Bilharz of Baden-Baden is a distant ancestor who I have added to my research.
    Ron, Reo, Nevada, USA

    2018-06-13 15:30:02 +02:00

    Roger Bogaert

    Betreft Melitta Schiller = Melitta Schenk von Stauffenberg : begin april 1945 stortte zijn naar beneden in Strasskirchen (letter "r" ontbreekt).

    2015-07-21 13:03:52 +02:00


    ik woon in België en ga jaarlijks op bezoek bij vrienden in de Lüneburger Heide in Duitsland (in de driehoek tussen Bremen Hannover en Hamburg). Reeds jarenlang heb ik ook een sterke interesse in WOII. Net zoals u heb ik het graf van von Manstein & von Blaskowitz bezocht. Ik ben echter nog op zoek naar andere graven in die streek waar mijn Duitse vrienden wonen. Kan u me hierbij helpen aub ?
    Alvast bedankt en met vriendelijke groeten, Koen.

    2015-07-10 13:02:07 +02:00

    Andrew Pelyaev

    Good job!
    Quite a lot of rare footage!
    Most liked indication of burial sites, and it can be difficult to find them.
    Good luck in job!

    I wish to register on the site, but did not find this function.
    Will it be done in the future?

    2015-06-26 01:06:36 +02:00

    martha nares

    Hola desde mexico puerto de veracruz un sitio muy interesante gran investigacion lo disfruto mucho saludos

    2015-06-10 05:15:39 +02:00

    Jim Lux

    Great website.
    The photo of Capt. Robert H. Shannon who was the pilot on the B-24 Liberator bomber Hot Stuff is incorrect and the photo of Hot Stuff burning is also incorrect. Rescuers did not arrive at the crash site until 24 hours after the crash and the fire was out by then.

    You can view a video of the story of the B-24 Hot Stuff and Lt. Gen. Frank M. Andrews at the following website:

    I enjoyed visiting your site. Keep up the good work.


    Jim Lux

    2015-06-08 09:44:23 +02:00


    I just aquired a 1st Model Luftwaffe Presentation dress dagger. Manufactured by Paul Weyersberg. Engraved with gold wash. "Zur erinnerung an Deine kameraden" " Den berrn Oberleutnant zu Lippe Weissenfeld." Such a rare and singular find.

    2015-06-01 13:37:47 +02:00

    Bob Hoffman

    Dear Rob,
    It has now been a few weeks since I found your website. I continue to be an avid reader. I ran acrossed the stories of your close association with members of the 101st Airborne. I am very impressed and touched with your gratitude for their sacrifices liberating your town. An uncle that I never met died during the Battle of the Bulge. Plus at least one other uncle who fought and survived the war. Please keep up the good work keeping these memories alive. Just an idea but you might want to consider writing a book based on the huge amount of research that you have done which is extremely impressive. If you do write that book I want a first edition signed copy!

    2015-05-26 12:41:28 +02:00

    Charles Boto

    Dear Mr. Hopmans,
    I am completely speechless with your website. This website should live forever through the generations to remember us that war is such terrible thing. Thank you again for your details, efforts and passions. Keep the good work!

    2015-05-26 12:13:40 +02:00

    Richard M

    Congratulations on a very informative website, you have done and are still doing very good work. You are also very helpful when contacted.

    2015-05-25 19:42:36 +02:00

    Peter Quieß

    Der Grabstein von Baldur von
    Schirach ist vor kurzem entfernt worden. Das Grab selbst ist gepflegt.

    2015-05-25 05:10:29 +02:00

    Joe Valcik

    Hello Rob,
    Thank you so much for keeping the memories alive. We must not forget.

    2015-05-22 21:06:47 +02:00

    Norbert Kuemmel

    Dear Mr. Hopmans,

    I have been studying your site and find it quiet amazing how much detailed
    effort you invested into your researches.

    Thank you for your dedication…you created a valuable dictionary…

    2015-05-17 19:02:45 +02:00

    José Carlos Rosa

    I met this website today, and I'm finding it great ! You value and honnor 60 million souls who perished, by rendering available the story of the men and women who fought. They will be remembered for many and many generations. I' touched. Thank you.

    2015-05-17 16:05:24 +02:00

    Bob Hoffman

    I foung your site and have been reading it for the better part of a week straight. The content is so good I don't even mind the poor translation to English. Thank you for all your hard work.

    2015-05-17 02:20:15 +02:00

    Peter Hörle

    Hallo Rob,
    Tolle Seite u. schönes Hobby......wünsche dir, daß Du noch älter als deine Eltern wirst.
    Wer fotografiert dann Deinen Grabstein?
    Grüße aus Duitsland

    2015-05-07 15:57:24 +02:00

    Joop Peeters

    Van harte proficiat met de vernieuwde maar voorheen ook al steengoede website.
    En een groot compliment voor de enorme hoeveelheid tijd en het doorzettingsvermogen voor het verzamelen van alle data. Châpeau!

    2015-05-06 20:49:49 +02:00


    More info on this site than I imagined thank you may cannot get about to work when I press on it

    2015-05-05 19:47:32 +02:00

    Brian Felker

    My wife and I have travelled from Hamilton Ontario Canada to take part in the liberation ceremonies. We are staying with my daughter and her family. We were deeply moved by the ceremonies that took place and will always remember those who lost their lives to this horrid war.

    2015-05-05 03:15:53 +02:00

    Kirk Bissat

    The layout of your website is fantastic! The information and photo's are excellent, and have been very useful for my own trips to the cemeteries. Thank you for all your help!


    2015-04-27 17:13:21 +02:00

    Bill Sanstrom

    Greetings Rob, Really big change and much better organized !! It is going to make me seek more generals gravestones! Bill

    2015-04-27 06:51:25 +02:00

    Jo Van Bever

    aangezien jullie blijkbaar toch de specialisten ter zake zijn, richt ik me hierbij tot jullie. Kennen jullie de namen van de RK-Träger die aanwezig waren op de begrafenis van Sepp Dietrich? Uit de beschikbare foto's haal ik maar een paar namen: Hausser en Bittrich worden gevolgd door twee RK-Träger. Bij de kist zelf draagt Macher het Ordenskissen en staan onder meer: Schäfer, Ullrich, Stenwedel en Bochmann. Een tweetal andere kan ik echter niet benoemen. Weten jullie soms meer? Alvast hartelijk bedankt!

    Jo Van Bever

    2015-04-26 16:53:47 +02:00


    Amazing website. Thank you for a great job mr. Hopmans

    2015-04-25 16:08:43 +02:00

    hans H van BRUG TE VER

    Proficiat met de vernieuwde web site. Great work guys!!

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