Xylander, Rudolf Ritter von, born 26-12-1872 in Charleville,
came from the old Bavarian officer family Xylander. Both his father Emil von Xylander and his grandfather Joseph von Xylander had finished their officer careers as Generals. When Xylander was born, his father was still a Hauptman. His mother was Rosa, born Logan.Xylander married Helene Frommel on 02-07-1898. The marriage produced a son and two daughters. Wolf-Dietrich (1903–1945) died shortly before the end of World War II as General Leutnant and chief of staff of Army Group Center. After the death of his first wife, Xylander married Luise Bettelhäuser on 30-06-1923 in Innleiten.

Rudolf entered the Army on 01-08-1890, age 17, in the Königlich Bayerische Armee.
He as the son of the Generaloberst Emil Ritter von Xylander
joined the 5th Königlich Bayerisches Chevaulegers-Regiment „Erzherzog Friedrich von Österreich“
in Saargemünd. End 1890 he was transferred to the 5th Königlich Bayerisches Feldartillerie-Regiment „König Alfons XIII. von Spanien“,
Landau in the Pfalz. He visited the War School and on 05-03-182, promoted to Second Leutnant, he came with the 1st Königlich Bayerisches Feldartillerie-Regiment „Prinzregent Luitpold“. He married, got two daughter’s and one son, Generalleutnant der Infanterie, Wolf Dietrich Xylander

Death and burial ground von Xylander, Rudolf Ritter von.

Almost one year after his son Wolf Dietrich, Rudolf Xylander died at the age of 73, on 18-02-1946 and is buried with his wife Helene, born Frommel, who died age 44, on 08-06-1922, on the North cemetery of Munich.

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