Baker, Ray Wehnes, born 10-12-1889, in Elmira, New York and enlisted in the Army first serving with the 15th Cavalry
under command of 3rd Colonel Joseph Garrard, from 1910 to 1913. He was commissioned as an officer in the cavalry in 1913, later participating in the Punitive Expedition into Mexico (Pancho Villa Expedition)
from 1916 to 1917. Thereafter, he transferred to the field artillery and accompanied the 13th Field Artillery
to France in World War I. He served in the Marne-Vesle and Meuse-Argonne offensives.
In 1928, he graduated from the Command and General Staff School, and in 1940 from the Army War College.
He was the commanding officer of 31st Field Artillery from June 1940 to April 1941. He commanded the 30th Field Artillery
from June 1941 until April 1942. After promotion to Brigadier General in July 1942, he later became the Deputy Chief of Staff of the European Theater from 1943–1944, and Deputy Chief of Staff for Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force.
Left to right: Lieutenant General Omar Nelson Bradley, Admiral Sir Bertram Home Ramsay, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder, General Dwight David “Ike” Eisenhower, General Sir Bernard Montgomery, Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory and Lieutenant General Walter Bedell Smith.
He was promoted to Major General in June 1943. In January 1946 he assumed command of the 78th Infantry Division, headquartered in Berlin, succeeding Major General Edwin Pearson. Parker Jr.. He was commander supervising demilitarization of Germany until the deactivation of the 78th in May 1946 (see: commandants of Berlin American Zone). General Baker retired from the military in February 1947.
The 78th Infantry Division had one Medal of Honor recipient Jonah Edward “Ed” Kelley, shot in battle age 21,
of the 311th Infantry); ten Distinguished Service Crosses; 599 Silver Star medals; 3,909 Bronze Star medals and 5,454 Purple Hearts.
1,368 officers and enlisted men had perished. The Division had the next casualities during their European campaign: Total casualities: 8.146, killed in battle: 1.427, wounded in battle: 6.103, missing in action: 231 and prisoner of war: 385..
In 1945, Barker, as the SHAEF Assistant Chief of Staff for Personnel (G-1), was the officer responsible for recovery of Allied POWs.
Between 16 and 22 May 1945, Major General Barker and the Russian Lieutenant General K.D. Golubev, representing the Soviet repatriation authority, met at Halle, Germany. The general principles agreed to at Yalta provided the framework for the Halle discussions. With respect to the return of western Allied prisoners, the Halle meeting centered on working out the administrative details for the prompt release and return to SHAEF control of British and American POWs, using available air or motor transport.
Despite the seemingly straightforward nature of this problem, the Soviets prolonged the negotiations, citing practical and administrative obstacles and tying rapid release of American, British, and other Allied prisoners of war (POWs) to repatriation of all Soviet prisoners and displaced persons in the West, many of whom did not want to return to the Soviet Union. The conferees finally reached agreement on a plan in the early morning hours of 22 May. They finalized delivery and reception points for each side, transportation plans, daily transit capacities of each of the reception-delivery points, and other details. Barker and Golubev signed the Halle Agreement on 22-05-1945. However, most Americans liberated by the Soviets in central Germany and along the Baltic coast, had been exchanged by local arrangement prior to implementation of the Halle Agreement on 23 May.
Death and burial ground of Baker, Ray Wehnes.

Barker served as the headmaster at The Manlius School, an independent, non-sectarian, college-preparatory military school for boys in the town of Manlius in Central New York. Barker served from 1946 until 1960.
During this tenure, he accompanied retired General Lucius DuBignon Sr “the Kaiser” Clay
on a trip to Berlin, Germany, for the dedication of that city’s Liberty Bell on 24-10-1950.
Baker, Ray Wehnes. died on 28-06-1974, age 84, in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and he was buried at Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia County .

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