Stolle, Bruno.

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Stolle, Bruno.

Stolle , Bruno, born on 13-04-1915 at Münster in Westfalen, was a blind flying instructor with I./Lehrgeschwader 1, under command of Generalmajor Alfred Bülowius,   at the beginning of the war but was then transferred to 3 squadron  of the Lehrgeschwader 1 (LG 1) (Demonstration Wing 1) formerly Lehrgeschwader Greifswald 3./Jagdgeschwader 51, under command of Oberst Theodore “Theo” Osterkamp  ,  Oberst Osterkamp died 02-02-1975, aged 82, in Baden-Baden and Alfred Bulowius died 09-08-1968, aged 76, On 15-03-1940, Stolle was transferred to 8./Jagdgeschwader 2 , under command of Oberst Gerd von Massow  Von Massow died  age 70 on 29-06-1967 in Bad Pyrmont. Stolle took part in the Battle for France. He also participated in the Battle for Britain

  , where he gained his first aerial victories on 11 August when shot down two RAF fighters. Stolle was appointed Staffelkapitän of 8./JG 2 on 07-09-1940. He had three victories to his credit at this time. His scoring rate increased in 1941 with 11 Spitfires and a single Blenheim recorded. Bruno Stolle was awarded the Ehrenpokal  on 12-09-1941 and the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold  on 29 October 1942. After 32 victories he received the Ritterkreuz  on 17-03-1943.

On 01-07- 1943, Stolle here with Oberstleutnant Egon “Conny” Mayer

was appointed Gruppenkommandeur of III./JG 2. He led the Gruppe until  07-12-1943 when he was relieved by Hauptmann Herbert Huppertz 

  (78 victories, RK-EL, who was KIA 08-06-1944) age 25). In February 1944, Stolle was transferred to Schiessschule der Luftwaffe at Vaerlöse in Denmark, where he undertook an  instructing role until July 1944. In the middle of August 1944, he was transferred to Erprobungskommando Ta 152 at Rechlin. From October until 25 November he was acting Gruppenkomandeur I./Jagdgeschwader 11 , following which he returned to EKdo Ta 152 at Rechlin.
Bruno Stolle flew 271 combat missions and shot down 35 enemy aircraft on the  Western Front including three four -engine bombers  and 19 Spitfires . He was a recipient of the Knight Cross of the Iron Cross, awarded by Nazi Germany to recognize extreme battlefield bravery or successful military leadership. Bruno Stolle was credited with 35 aerial victories in  these 271 combat missions.

Death and burial ground of Stolle, Bruno.


Hauptmann Bruno Stolle, retired in Rheinbach where he at the age of 88 died on 22-01-2004 and he is buried with his wife Vera who died age 62 in 1999 on the local cemetery of Rheinbach. Mrs Martina Kiep from Rheinbach was so very kind to make some photo’s of the grave for me.

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