Rudelsdorff, Dr. Detlev Wilhelm Otto Johannes.

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Rudelsdorff, Dr. Detlev Wilhelm Otto Johannes, born as Detleff Rindfleisch, 31-03-1898 in Königsberg, Königsberg  was a famous fortress at the end of the war and defended by General der Infanterie, Otto Lasch . Dr. Rudelsdorff entered the Cadet School, age 11, in Oranienstein in Diez an der Lahn, in Hessen. He was assigned to Gefreiter on 27-01-1913, age 14. He joined the Kings Prussian Army Service  on 10-08-1914, age 16, as a Fähnrich. He was in the fields of the first war in France and Flandern and severely wounded  in battle on 14-12-194. He was awarded with the Iron Cross Second Class  and promoted to Leutnant on 27-01-1915, age 16. Rindfleisch, “Beef Meat” changed his name in Rudelsdorff on 13-04-1917. He retired, age 21, from the service on 10-01-1919 as an Oberleutnant and resumed his study on the High School. Rudelsdorff started a career on a bank in Berlin, but soon followed a law study in Berlin, Innsbruck and Kiel, got the title of Dr. on 19-12-1928 and took a job as official in the National Bank of Germany. Rudelsdorff reactivated in the growing Wehrmacht on 01-04-1934, age 36, as a Hauptmann. He was the Battery Chief with the 12th Artillery Regiment in Schwerin untill 1936. Promoted to Oberstleutnant on 01-12-1941 and to Oberst on 01-02-1942. He was involved in the battles for Demjansk in 1942 under Generaloberst der Infanterie, Chef Artillerie Regiment, Werner von Fritsch

   . As Oberst he was in 1943 the commander of the 12th Artillerie-Replacement Battalion, fighting in Russia. Rudelsdorff became a Generalmajor of the Artillery on 01-04-1945, age 47, concerned with general planning matters and control of the subordinate regional agencies of the office, under General der Infanterie, Otto Stapf, Chief Wehrwirtschaftsstab East, Armed Forces Economic Branch. Landed in American captivity on 09-05-1945 and Generalmajor Rudelsdorff retired in Kassel, Hessen.

Death and burial ground of Rudelsdorff, Dr. Detlev Wilhelm Otto Johannes.

He became a curator on the Universaty of Darmstadt in 1946 and Mayor of Hünsfeld Region of Fulda from 1948 until 1961, living in Kassel, he at the very old age of 92 died, on 29-01-1991 in Kassel, Wilhelmshöhe. Rudelsdorff is buried with his wife Magarete, who died age 65, on 05-05-1965, on the famous war cemetery of Kassel. He was a honoured civilian of the town Hünfeld. Close by the graves of the Generalmajor der Pionere, Commander of the Senior Construction Staff 14, Friedrich Borchers, General der Infanterie, Commander of “Ost-Ungarn”, Kuno Both,   Generalmajor der Infanterie, Commander of the Troop Exercise,  Friedrich von Both, Generalmajor der Infanterie, Kommandeur vom WBK Königsberg II, Rudolf Schelle, Generalmajor der Panzertruppe, Commander of the 92nd Panzer Grenadier Regiment, Werner von Hillebrandt, Generalmajor der Infanterie,Kommandeur Feld Material, Hans Hederich, General der Infantrie, Kommandeur der XXIX Heeres Korps, Kurt Röpke, Generalstabarzt, Kommandeur der XXIX Heeres Korps, Alexander Remus, General der Infanterie, Commander Army Corps A, Karl von Roques and Generalleutnant der Artillerie, Commander North East France, Dyon, Wilhelm Hederich. The biography of Dr. Rudelsdorff is friendly sent to me by the family of Dr. Rudelsdorff. Unpublished papers of Dr. Rudelsdorff are kept in the Militärarchiv Freiburg/Breisgau and Municipal Archives Hünfeld.


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