Trauch, Rudolf Johan.

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Trauch, Rudolf
Trauch, Rudolf Johan, born 29-03-1892 in Munich, to Joseph Trauch, Oberleutnant a.D. (+10.02.1917) and wife Theresia Trauch, born. Wolf (+10.09.1935). Rudolf married Erika Maria Tragy and had one son (*1918), and one daughter (*1920) Rudolf entered the Königliche Bavarian Army on 15-07-1911 after finishing his cadet training, as a Fähnrich, age 18. The son of a an former Oberleutnant he joined the 1st Königlich Bayerisches Train-Bataillon . After following the war school, he on 29-10-1912 became a Leutnant. With the start of the first war he was adjutant in the 1st Foot Artillery and later as an Officer in the II Battalion of the I Königliche Bavarian Army Corps under command of General der Infanterie Oskar Ritter von Xylander and hold this position until the end of the war. Oskar Ritter und Edler von Xylander (16-01-1856 / 22-05-1940) was a Bavarian General der Infanterie, at last commanding the I Royal Bavarian Corps until his retirement in 1918.
Rudolf married Erika Maria Trafy and one son was born, who was killed in action in 1943, and one daughter. He received both the Iron Crosses and remained in the new Reichswehr , promoted to Oberstleutnant on 18-01-1936 and to Oberst on 01-06-1938. With the outbreak of World War II he was the Chief of the Transport Troops in the OKW  and hold this command for three and a half year. He was temporary commander of the Signals Troops with the High Quartermaster in Belgium from 22-05-1940 until 08-07-1940. He was awarded with the Clasp of the Iron Cross and returned to the OKW , Highest Command of the Wehrmacht. Promoted to Generalmajor on 24-12-1941 and on 01-05-1943 appointed to Inspector of the Transport Troops with the Chief of the Army Office and Commander of the Reserve Army. In this position promoted to Generalleutnant on 01-12-1943, the youngest Generalleutnant in WWII, with 36, was Theodor Tolsdorff,
 the youngest General, with 42, Walter Wenck the both survived the war. Trauch hold the command until the end of the war as he was captured by the west Allied, in Mai 1945. His only son was killed in battle in 1943.

Death and burial ground of Trauch, Rudolf Johan.

Released he retired in Gräfeling, near Munich, where Trauch died at the age of 78, on 17-04-1970 and is buried with his wife Erika, born Tragy, who died age 66, on 09-05-1962, on the Westfriedhof of Munich. Close by the graves of SA leader Edmund Heines, Hitler’s pilot Johannes Hans Baur
    , Oberst der Flieger, Company Chief of a Stuka SquadronAlfred Genz and General der Flieger, Chef Kommandeur der Luftwaffe, Josef Kammhuber
    SA leader, Johannes Schweighart
    , the founder of the NSDAP , Anton Drexler and SS Oberführer, Führer des Einsatzkommando 8 der Einsatzgruppe B Otto Bradfisch.

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