Schulz, Karl Friedrich “Fritz” Wilhelm.

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Schulz, Karl Friedrich Fritz Wilhelm, born 15-10-1897, in Nettkow, Province of Silesia, His father was a goods manager. Karl was married to Klara Schulz, (birth name Schoebel), (04-07-1924).

On 19–09-1914, after the outbreak of the First World War, Schulz enlisted as Kriegsfreiwilliger in the Prussian army. He was posted as Fahnenjunker with the 7. Pommersches Infanterie-Regiment “von der Goltz” Nr. 54 posted. From 1915 he was deployed at the front with this unit. In October 1915, Schulz was posted as Fähnrich to the 3. Posenschen Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 58 transferred. On 26-06-1916, he was promoted to Leutnant in this section without a patent (deed of appointment). Later, the Patent was established on 09-08-1916. As a Leutnant, he was commissioned as a company officer in the 3. Posenschen Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 58 deployed.

After the war, Schulz was used for border security for some time. In the spring of 1919, Schulz passed his military district exam. He was included in the Reichswehr. On 01-10-1919 Schulz was promoted to Leutnant in the Reichsheer. The Patent was established on 01-10-1915. In the spring of 1920 he was in the 200,000-strong transition army, and was posted to the Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment 9. When building up the 100,000-strong Reichsheer of the Reichswehr, he was admitted as a company officer in the 8. (Preuß.) Infanterie-Regiment in Glogau. On 10-06-1922, Schulz married Margarete Teichmann. The couple had two daughters (born 1923 and 1930). On 31-07-1925, Schulz was promoted to Oberleutnant. The Rangdienstalter was established on 01-04-1925. As Oberleutnant he was deployed in the 9th Company of the 8. (Preuß.) Infanterie-Regiment in Görlitz. On 01-10-1926, he was appointed adjutant of the 3rd battalion of the 8. (Preuß.) Infanterie-Regiment in Görlitz. As such, he passed his military district exam on 16-03-1929. From 01-10-1930, Schulz completed a two-year Führergehilfenausbildung. As a result, he was transferred to the staff of the 4th Division of the Reichswehr to Dresden. Due to his transfer to the staff, he was promoted to Hauptmann on 01-11-1931. As such, after completing his training, he continued to serve in the staff of the 4th Division of the Reichswehr in Dresden from 01-10-1932. On 01-09-1933, Schulz was transferred to the Reichswehrministerium (RWM) in Berlin. With the further expansion of the Reichswehr, he was appointed company commander of the Infanterie-Regiment Görlitz on 01-10-1934. During the further unveiling of the units, Schulz was deployed as 1st General Staff Officer (Ia) in the General Staff of the 23rd Infantry Division on 15-10-1935, under command of General der Panzertruppe Smilo Freiherr von Lüttwitz,. In the 23rd Infantry Division, he was promoted to Major iG on 01-01-1936. From 12-10-1937 he served in the General Staff of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, and was promoted to Oberstleutnant iG on 01-02-1939. The Rangdienstalter (RDA) was appointed on 01-02-1937. February 1938 established. He was now Gruppenleiter II (Organization) in the L section of the Wehrmachtführungsamt.

On 20-04-1940, Schulz became 1st General Staff Officer (Ia) in the General Staff of the Generalkommando XXXXIII. Armeekorps (43rd Army Corps) under command of Generalleutnant Hermann Ritter von Speck, deployed. In the spring of 1940 he took part in the Battle of France. After the Battle of France, he was a wearer of both classes of the Iron Cross Repeat Buckle 1939. On 01-01-1942, Schulz was promoted to Oberst i.G.. At the beginning of the summer in 1941, he was made Ia of the XXXXIII. Armeekorps deployed during Operation Barbarossa and the attack on Central Russia. For stopping an enemy attack at Kaluga, he was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross on 29-03-1942. On 24-04-1942, Schulz was placed in the Führerreserve of the (OKH). From 12-05-1942 he was Chief of Staff of the General Staff of the 11. Armee (11th Army), under command of Generaal der Infanterie Erich von Manstein On 01-07-1942 he was promoted to Generalmajor. From 27–11-1942 to 12-02-1943, Schulz was the Chief of Staff of the General Staff of the Heeresgruppe Don (Army Group Don). This army group was renamed the Heeresgruppe Süd (Army Group South) on 12-02-1943. On 01-03-1943, he passed on his post to Generalmajor Theodor Busse

and was placed in the Führerreserve. On 01-05-1943 he took over command of the 28. Jäger-Division in Northern Russia. On 01-07-1943, Schulz was promoted to Generalleutnant. From 25-11-1943, he became “mit der stellvertretende Führung beauftragt” (free translation: in charge of deputy leadership) of III. Panzer Corps (3rd Panzer Corps) charged. At the beginning of January 1944 he handed over his command to General der Panzertruppe Hermann Breith and was placed in the Führerreserve again. He then took command of the LIX on 08-02-1944. Armeekorps (59th Army Corps) about. On 14-03-1944, Schulz was mentioned in the Wehrmachtsbericht. On 20-03-1944, as Generalleutnant for his achievements in command of the army corps, he was awarded the Oak Leave with his Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross. From 22-03-1944, Schulz was placed in command of Generalkommando XXXXVI. Panzer Corps (46th Panzer Corps) in charge. On 01-04-1944 he was promoted to General der Infanterie. As a result of his promotion, he was now made Kommandierender General of the XXXXVI. Panzer Corps appointed. At the beginning of July 1944, Schulz was relieved as commander again and placed in the Führerreserve (OKH). On 25-7-1944, Schulz was appointed commander of the 17. Armee (17th Army). For his leadership in the fighting in Upper Silesia, he was decorated with Swords at his Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves on 26-02-1945. About this time he was confined to Lauban’s bedside by a bomb splinter injury. On 25-03-1945, he relinquished his high command and was again placed in the Führerreserve. Schulz was then appointed commander in chief of Heeresgruppe G (Army Group G) on 05-04-1945. At the end of April 1945 his command was relieved by Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring. Kesselring then sent Schulz to Italy. On 30-04-1945, he was appointed commander-in-chief of Heeresgruppe C (Army Group C), succeeding the arrested Generaloberst Heinrich von Vietinghoff. At the same time, he was appointed Commander-in-Chief South. At the headquarters of the army group in Recoaro Terme, Schulz was arrested on 01-05-1945 by the also deposed Chief of Staff of the General Staff, the General der Panzertruppen, Hans Röttiger. Röttiger took over command of Heeresgruppe C until the capitulation on 2 May 1945. Then he was released again. General Röttiger survived the war and died a day before his 64th birthday. In the last years of his life he suffered from cancer.

Schulz requested Generalfeldmarschall Kesselring to ask the Grossadmiral Karl Dönitz‘s permission to agree a truce for the troops between Bohemian Forest and Inn. This more or less concerned the troops of the former Heeresgruppe G. On 03-05-1945, Schulz was again appointed commander-in-chief of the reconstituted Heeresgruppe G. In his name, on 05-05-1945, the commander of the 1. Armee (1st Army) General der Infanterie Hermann Foertsch   capitulated in Haar near Munich. Foertsch did this to the commande of the American 6th Army Group, three star Generaal  Jacob “Jake” Loucks Devers of the United States Army, effective 06-05-1945.

Death and burial ground of Schulz, Karl Friedrich “Fritz” Wilhelm.

General Walter Model with General der Panzertruppe (later Generaloberst) Erhard Raus  (with Deutsches Kreuz in Gold) and Generalleutnant (later General der Infanterie) Friedrich “Fritz” Schulz (2nd from right)

After the war Fritz Schulz became a prisoner of war, from which he was released on 30-03-1948. His first wife had died in 1945. On 16-10-1948, he married Luitgard Kohlrausch, who died age 96, in 2015 and is buried with her husband.

Nothing is known about the further course of his life. Schulz died on 30-11-1976, age 79, in Freudenstadt, and is buried at the cemetery of Freudenstadt, (Friedrich-List Strasse). The grave is after the chapel on the left. The grave photo was send to me by Denis from Switzerland, with thanks.


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