McLain, Raymond Stallings.

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McLain, Raymond Stallings, born 04-04-1890 in Washington County, Kentucky the son of Thomas A. and Lucetta, born Stallings McLain, Raymond graduated from Hill’s Business College in Oklahoma City in 1909 and subsequently worked as a Clerk in real estate office and then worked as an abstractor. Simultaneously entered in the Oklahoma National Guard in 1912, where he reached the rank of Sergeant. In December 1914, he was commissioned to the rank of Second Lieutenant in Oklahoma National Guard after he attended a school of musketry at Fort Sill. He was promoted again next year to the rank of First Lieutenant. Following a Pancho Villa Expedetion he served as a machine gun company commander with 36thInfantry Division on the Mexican Border. During World War I, he was with the American Expeditionary Forces under General John Pershing, Pershing died age 87 on 15-07-1948, in France until 1919. After return home, he continued service with Oklahoma National Guard and subsequently returned back to his career in business. In 1938, while pursuing a career in business, McLain here with Ike Eisenhower rising to the rank of Brigadier General of Oklahoma National Guard, attended the Command and General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth. After graduating he was posted to the 45th Infantry Division as a Assistant Chief of Staff. In September 1940, he was recalled to the active duty and was appointed as a commander of 45th Infantry Division Artillery. During World War II, he commanded the 45th Infantry Division Artillery under command of Major General William W. Eagles,

in Sicily, where he earned the first of two Distinguished Service Crosses. At Normandy in 1944, McLain took command of the troubled 90th Infantry Division, he succeeded General James Alward Van Fleet, transformed it into a first-class fighting formation, and led it across France. He then assumed command of the XIX Corps, becoming the only guardsman to command a corps in combat. For his distinguished service, he was appointed a Regular Army Brigadier General, the first guardsman so honored. Later, he became the first Comptroller of the Army.

Death and burial ground of McLain, Raymond Stallings.

At the time of his death in 1954 he was serving on President Dwight “Ike” Eisenhower  National Security Training Commission. He died at Walter Reed Medical Centre in Washington D.C on 14-12-1954, age 64. McLain urn is buried at Rose Hill Burial Park, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, USA, Plot: Abbey Chapel Floor Section 1 Crypt # 3.

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