Klutmann, Eduard Jacob Heinrich Johannes, born 07-07-1876 in Berlin- Wilmersdorf , Joseph
Goebbels (did you know) was the Gauleiter of Berlin, to Georg Heinrich Klutmann (18-08-1847) and Antonie Klutmann (born Schmitt) (05-07-1852). Eduard married Marie Hedwig Elisabeth Klutmann (born Schirlitz) in 1906, at age 29. Marie was born on 18-08-1882, in Neustettin. They had 4 children: Hans-Joachim Eduard Klutmann and 3 other children. Eduard joined the Army Service on 07-03-1896, age 19, as a Fahnenjunker in the 9th Grenadier Regiment and was in the fields with the 27th Infantry Regiment as a Hauptmann. He was retired from the new Reichswehr on 31-03-1929 as an Oberst. He joined the Service again on 01-10-1933 and became the commander of the Military District Command Hanover to 06-10-1936. He was placed to the disposal of the Army on 01-05-1939, commander of Thorn, to 31-05-1942 and retired finally on 31-05-1942. He was abducted by the Russian Forces and in Soviet captivity from 15-09-1945 until 15-09-1949. Released as a General Lieutenant, the youngest Lieutenant General in WWII, with 36, was Theodor Tolsdorff,

Death and burial ground of Klutmann, Eduard Jacob Heinrich Johannes.

Klutmann retired in Krefeld where he at the very old age of 93 died, on 23-07-1969 and is buried on the Hauptfriedhof of Krefeld, his gravestone is removed and close by the graves of the Generalleutnant der Artillerie, Kommandeur 21th Panzer Division , D-Day, Edgar Feuchtinger,
Generalmajor der Artillerie, Kommandant “Festung Breslau”, Johannes Krause
and SS Obergruppenführer, commander of the IV SS Panzer Corps, Alfred Wünnenberg.
On 30-06-1944, the formation absorbed the VII SS Panzer Corps and was reformed as a headquarters for the SS Division Totenkopf
and SS Division Wiking.
The Corps was placed under the control of former Wiking commander SS-Obergruppenführer Herbert Otto Gille
On 28-03-1945, 80 Jews from an evacuation column, although fit for the journey, were shot by three members of Wiking and five military policemen. On 4 April, 20 members of another column that left Graztried to escape near the town of Eggenfeld, not far from Gratkorn. Soldiers from Wiking that were temporarily stationed there apprehended them in the forest near Mt. Eggenfeld and then herded them into a gully, where they were shot. The notorious Dr. Josef Mengele
served with the SS Division Wiking during its early campaigns. He served as a combat medic and was awarded the Iron Cross for saving two wounded men from a tank. After being wounded himself, Mengele was deemed unfit for combat and was absorbed into the Nazi concentration camp system. Mengele was proud of his Waffen-SS
service and his front-line decorations. As the horrors of his crimes came to light, former personnel of the division attempted to have his name removed from its rolls.

Message(s), tips or interesting graves for the webmaster: robhopmans@outlook.com
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