Graewe, Ernst, born 14-07-1894 in Koblenz, joined the Army as a Fahnenjunker, age 19, in the 13th Foot Artillery Regiment, on 26-08-1913. He was in the fields of the first war and wounded
twice in hospital. Graewe remained in the new Reichswehr
and with the outbreak of World War II he as Oberstleutnant was commander of the II Battalion of the 72nd Artillery Regiment, under Generalleutnant der Pioniere, Kommandeur Heeresgruppe Süd, Gustav Boehringer.
who was wounded in the July 20th 1944 attack on Hitler. Graewe was following commander of the 1st Rocket Artillery Battalion
to 09-07-1940 and of the 51st Rocket Artillery Regiment to 21-08-1942. He landed in the Führer Reserve and detached to the Rocket Artillery Troop School in Celle. Commander of the Rocket Artillery Troops 3 to 01-03-1944 and commander of the 3rd Rocket Artillery Brigade, until 01-09-1944. Graewe’s last command was of the Rocket Artillery Troops of the Replacement Army, until his captivity on 08-05-1945.
Death and burial ground of Graewe, Ernst.

Released in 1947, he lived in Wiesbaden, where he at the age of 71 died, on 18-02-1966. He is buried with his wife Annie, born von Cramer, who died age 52, on 13-07-1956, on the Nordfriedhof of Wiesbaden, between many old comrades, as the Generalleutnant der Infanterie, Kommandeur 170th Infanterie Division, Franz Bentivegni, General der Infanterie, Kommandeur der LXIII Heeresgruppe, Ernst Dehner, Generalleutnant der Kavallerie, Jurist Reichs Kriegsgericht, Friedrich Eberhardt, Generalleutant der Infanterie, Kommandeur der 172nd Division, Kurt Fischer, Generalleutnant der Infanterie, Commander of POW’s in area Wehrmacht Commander Eastern Territories, Victor Gaissert, Generalmajor der Artillerie, Kommandeur der Raketten Artillerie Truppe, Ernst Graewe, Generalleutnant der Flieger, Kommandeur Luftwaffe Versorgung, Friedrich Hanesse,
Generalmajor der Flieger, Kommandeur der 4th Fallschirmjägerluftflotte, Battle for Stalingrad, Hans von Herudt von Rhode, General der Flieger, Erich von Keiser, Generalleutnant der Flieger, Leader of firing Commission with the Air Fleet Reich, in Wiesbaden, Erich Homberg, Generalmajor der Flieger, Commander of POW’s Military District III, Herbert Giese, Generaloberst der Infanterie, Kommandeur der 15th Division, D-Day
, Hans von Salmuth.
On 05-05-1945 the division surrendered to the Red Army at Brod under then Oberst Ottemar Babel
Babel was missed in action on 05-09-1944, age 45. Generalmajor der Wehrmacht, Friedrich von von Unger, Generalleutnant der Wehrmacht, Chef des Generalstabes vom Generalkommando XXXIII: Armeekorps, Bruno Uthmann, Generalmajor der Infanterie, Command of the X Army, Hanns Adolf Voigt, Generalmajor der Flieger, 8th Departement der Luftwaffe,Horst Voigt-Ruscheweyh and Vice Admiral, Marineattaché, Ralf von Marwitz.

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