Major Charles Raymond Patrick Sweeny MC, born 22-10-1917 in Lilerick, the son of Percy James Sweeny and Lucinda Elizabeth, born Orpen. Sweeney had one sister Linda Eirene Orpen Sweeny. Charles was educated in Hailbury and attented Sandhurst. Commisioned in the Regiment on 27-01-1938, awarded the MC, Military Cross
while serving in Palestine. Served in A Company and was slightly wounded by shrapnel to the right leg on 24-07-1944 at Throarn; the wound did not reqiere evacuation. Chrarles Sweeny was an ADC, the Aide-de-camp, to Field Marshal Montgomery and one of his most trusted liaison officers
He died on 09-05-1945, age 28, having returned senior German officers to their own lines following the signing of the surrender document. He with his car near Celle lost control of the car and crashed into a tree and was dead inmiddiately. He had left the 2nd Battalion, the Royal Ulster Rifles under command of Lieutenant General Sir Denis John Charles Kirwan Bernard,
KCB, CMG, DSO, at Meerlo in January 1945 to become one of Field Marshal Montgomery’s liaison officers. General Kirwan died 25-08-1956, aged 73, in Galway, Ireland.
On 13-05-1945, by special request of the Field Marshal, a burial party of four officers, twelve men and four buglers from 2 RUR travelled to Tactical Headquarters, 21st Army Group, to assist at the funeral when Major Charles Sweeny was buried at Becklingen War Cemetery, section 2.F.2, near Soltau in Niedersachsen.
An appreciation by Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery, KCB, DSO.

It is with a heavy heart that I record the death of another member of my team of liaison officers, who was also a former A. D. C. – Charles Sweeny of the Royal Ulster Rifles. It is a tragedy that of that team of gallant young L.Os whose photograph appeared in the Illustrated London News of 5 May, two are now dead (John Poston and Charles Sweeny) and one is lying wounded in hospital in Germany (Peter Earle). The photograph was taken on 12 April.
His most precious liaison officer John Poston was killed in an ambush, age 25, on 21-04-1945. John with driver Major Peter Earle
met a group of Germans, Earle was hit and the car crashed. Earl surrenered, but Poston, who landed in a ditch and was killed with a bayonet. Montgomery was hit hard and was mourning for days and on his funeral he cried. John is also buried at Becklingen War Cemetery
The loss of Charles Sweeny is hard to bear. I first got to know him in Palestine in the troublesome days of the winter of 1938/39 when the 2nd Battalion, the Royal Ulster Rifles was serving in that country; later his battalion was in the 3rd Division which I took to France in September 1939, and it was in those days that I began my close association with him. He became my A. D. C. early in 1940. and was with me in the Dunkirk days.
The photograph of Field Marshal Montgomery with his LOs taken on 12-04-1945. Major Charles Sweeny is seated on the end of the front row to the Field Marshal’s right side.
Charles was an orphan and possibly it was that fact which drew us close together; he knew the depth of my devotion to him because I had told him of it; he knew that he could call on me for anything he needed, as if I was his father.
He was an Irish boy with a delightful brogue. There was nothing he liked more than a good argument; he would “trail his coat” with great skill and when discussion was started, he would take whichever side was likely to lead to the most heated argument; nothing would shake him from his adopted line of country.
He had a very strong character and was utterly incapable of any mean or underhand action; his sense of duty was highly developed, and his personal bravery very great.
His death is the more tragic in that the road accident which led to it occurred after the German surrender on the north flank had taken place; he was escorting a German Admiral back to Kiel and the car left the road and crashed into a tree.

I loved this gallant Irish boy and his memory will remain with me for all time.

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