Steppuhn, Albrecht.

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Steppuhn, Albrecht, born 18-07-1877 in Zoppot, a son of the Prussian officer Friedrich Steppuhn (1837-1920) and his wife Ida Luise Dorothea, born Huet (1849-1906). His uncle was Hermann Steppuhn.

Albrecht joined the Army Service, after his cadet education, on 07-03-1896 as a 2nd Leutnant with the Danziger Infanterie-Regiment Nr.128 , age 18. Promoted to Hauptmann on 19-07-1911 and he was in the fields of the first war with his regiment and became a Major on 18-08-1917. He received the honour full Pour le Merité  as commander of the 36th Infantry Division on 17-06-1918, as well both the Iron Crosses . Stanislaw Kalinski, from Poland, kindly sent me some World War I pictures from Steppuhn at service on the Eastern Front. The photos are from Poland, proximity of Jasionna village and Borozymow, about a 40 miles south west from Warsaw, near the Rawka river. The photos were taken between January to July 1915. No stress then ???


Steppuhn was allowed in the new Reichswehr  and reached the rank of Generalmajor on 01-02-1930 and retired  on 31-01-1931 from the Service as a Generalleutnant. With the mobilisation of World War II he was reactivated and became, age 61, the Commanding General of the Replacement General Command XII Army Corps, succeeding  Generaloberst Gotthard Heinrici,    in Wiesbaden, under then Oberstleutnant, Ferdinand Jodl    at the same time commander of the Wehrmacht Region XII, he succeeded General der Infanterie, Walter Schroth

 and lost this command again on 30-04-1943 to Walter Schroth. He defiantly was retired from the Army, age 66, with the German Cross in Silber.

Death and burial ground of Steppuhn, Albrecht.


Retiring in Wiesbaden, Steppuhn died at the age of 77, on 22-05-1955 and is buried with his wife Marie-Louise, born Leisewitz, who died age 74, on 22-02-1972, on the cemetery Sonnenberg, a suburb of Wiesbaden. Close by the graves of SS Oberführer, Führer 15th SS-Freiwilligen Division Adolf Ax, Generalmajor der Luftnachrichtentruppe, Kommandeur der 172th Division, Martin Baltzer, Generalmajor der Pioniere, Commander of the Fortress Pointe de GavreFritz  Meyer and Generalmajor der Panzertruppe, Stabchef Wehrkreis VII, Bernard Lossberg.



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