Höhn, Reinhard, born 29-07-1904, in Gräfenthal, was a prominent in Germany and the administrating layer during the Nazi period. Between 1923 and 1932 Höhn was a member of the Young German Order and a close collaborator of the founder and leader, Artur Mahraun, about whom he published a book in 1929: Artur Mahraun, the guide of the nation.
Reinhard the son of a of a layer he became a member of the German Ethical Protection and Trutzbund, a anti-Semitic Union in 1923 and he was studying the law. He was promoted on the University of Jena. Between 1923 and 1932 he joined the Jungenddeutschen Ordens, Jungdo, a fanatic Nationalistic Organisation, raised after the lost of the first war. In July 1933 he joined the NSDAP Nr 2.175.900 and in the same year December the SS, Nr 36.229. From 1933 and 1935 he was the Department leader in the SS Headquarters. His direct chief was Reinhard Heydrich
. Höhn made a quick career in the SS ranks. From 1936 he was a member of the Nationalistic Academy for the German Laws and the president of the Comity for the Police Laws. In 1936 he brought the law, Führerprincipe, the exclusive rights for Adolf Hitler (did you know), and was promoted to Department leader of the Reichssicherheitshauptambt, RSHA, the Organisation ruling the Gestapo, SD and Security Service under SS Reichsführer, Heinrich Himmler. Between 1939 and 1945 Höhn was Director of the Institution of State Investigation in the University of Berlin. In 1942, Höhn received the Second Class War Merit Cross without swords. From 1941 to 1943 he was the publisher of the magazine Reichs-Volksordnung-Lebensraum, State- People’s Order and Living space. Höhn became a specialist in foreign occupied countries and participated in the Wannsee Konferenz on 20-01-1942 with Heydrich, were the destroying of the Jewish people was the issue.
Höhn became more important and promoted to SS Standartenführer in 1939 and SS Oberführer in 1944.
Death and burial ground of Höhn, Reinhard.
After the war Höhn disappeared and started as an alternative medical practitioner, was denazified in 1955 and enjoyed a the leading of the Academy of Economic Leading in Bad Harzburg. Höhn died there at the very old age of 95, on 14-05-2000 and is buried with his wife Susanne, who died age 83, on 15-09-1989, on the cemetery of Pöcking. One of his neighbours there is the General der Flieger, Kommandeur Luftwaffe Mitten Italien Maximllian Ritter von Pohl.
Message(s), tips or interesting graves for the webmaster: robhopmans@outlook.com
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