in Cologne,

Rheinland, the son of Alfred Fremerey, a former hussar of the Prussian cavalry (Oberleutnant in the reserve out of service from Wiesbaden), and his wife Maria, born Banzhaf, joined the Army on 21-03-1910, age 20, as a Fahnenjunker in the 7
th Dragoner-Regiment. Max participated in World War I and seriously wounded

as a regimental officer on 01-10-1914 and remained in the hospital until 28-04-1915. Until 07-09-1915 he was in the replacement squadron (replacement squadron) of his regular regiment, then until 20-11-1915 he was commanded as an adjutant to the Landsturm Infantry Battalion VI / XXI in Saarbrücken and then to the Eastern Front (Modlin near Warsaw im September 1915), then he was regimental adjutant of the 26th Landsturm Infantry Regiment until July 03-07-1917. Max was allowed in the new 10 divisions, 100.000 men, new Reichswehr, meanwhile a Rittmeister. On 01-04-1937 promoted to Oberst and with the outbreak of World War II he was the commander of the 480
th Infantry Regiment. On 26-10-1940 he became the commander of the 18
th Schützen-Brigade. On 01-06-1941 he was promoted to Generalmajor.

Fremery was the commander of the 29
th Infantry Division

, a motorized division, on 29-12-1941, he succeeded
Walter von Boltenstern

and received the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross. Von Boltenstern, also a Knight’s Cross receiver, died in Russia, Woikowo prison, age 62, on 19-01-1952. Fremery

was also on the lost battlefields of Stalingrad

with 29
th Division next to famous Generals as, Generalleutnant der Panzertruppe,
Kommandeur der 24th Panzer Division
, Kampkommandant von Berlin, Bruno Ritter von Hauenschild, Generaloberst der Infanterie,
Oberbefehlhaber der 6th Armee,
Karl Hollidt, and General der Panzertruppe,
Kommandeur General XXXXVIII Panzerkorps,
Werner Kempf

. The 91.000 German POWs taken at Stalingrad, 27.000 died within weeks and only 5-6,000 returned to Germany by 1955. The remainder of the POWs died in Soviet captivity. On 02-02-1943, the organized resistance of Axis troops in Stalingrad ceased. Out of the 91.000 prisoners taken by the Soviets, 3.000 were Romanian. These were the survivors of the 20
th Infantry Division

, 1
st Cavalry Division and “Colonel Voicu” Detachment. According to archival figures, the Red Army suffered a total of 1.129.619 total casualties; 478.741 men killed or missing and 650.878 wounded. These numbers are for the whole Don region; in the city itself 750.000 were killed, captured, or wounded. Anywhere from 25.000 to 40.000 Soviet civilians died in Stalingrad and its suburbs during a single week of aerial bombing by Luftflotte 4

as the German 4
th Panzer and 6
th Armies approached the city; the total number of civilians killed in the regions outside the city is unknown. In all, the battle resulted in an estimated total of 1.7-2 million Axis and Soviet casualties. From the autumn 1944 Germany lost 5000 soldiers every day. Fremery lands in the Führer Reserve from 29-09-1942 until 01-10-1942 and assigned as Wehrmacht Commander of Hanover, to 05-04-1943.

He become s a Generalleutnant on 01-06-1943 and gets the command of the 155
th Replacement Panzer Division, on 01-10-1943, until the division was abolished in April 1944. Again in the infamous Reserve from 10-05-1944 until 20-05-1944 and took the command of the 233
rd Panzer Division, succeeding Generalleutnant Kurt Cuno

. With the 233
rd he lands in captivity on 08-05-1945 and was released in July 1947. Kurt Cuno died age 64 on 14-07-1961. The 233rd Panzer Division became known as the Panzer Division Holstein after mergers with other Panzer divisions on 10-02-1945 and was then again renamed back to the 233rd Panzer Division as new Divisional headquarters were hastily set up in April 1945. Much of this unit was then assimilated into the new Clausewitz Panzer Division, under the command of Generalleutnant
Martin Unrein.

Death and burial ground of Fremerey, Max.
Retiring in Krün after the war,
he died at the age of 79, on 20-09-1968 and is buried with his wife Clare, born Grundtmann, who died age 84 on 03-01-1982, on the Stadfriedhof of Krün, next to the graves of the Generals, Oberst der Wehrmacht under General
Andrey Vlasov,
General of Secret Service,
Heinz Herre and Generalleutnant der Infanterie,
Kommandeur 88th Infanterie Division,
Graf Georg von Rittberg.
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