Chales de Beaulieu, Walter.

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Chales de Beaulieu, Walter, born on 14-06-1898 in Saalfeld, East Prussia, entered the Army Service as a Fahnenjunker in the 73rd Field Artillery Regiment. With the outbreak of the first war he was an adjutant of their II Battalion. After the war he was allowed in the new 100.000 men Reichswehr and was the Chief of Operations in the General Staff of the XVI Army Corps, under command of Generaloberst Erich Hoepner, at the beginning of World War II. Chales had different commands in the Panzer Regiments, as he landed for the first time in the infamous Führer Reserve OKH, from 8 to 14-01-1942.  After the command of the 26th Panzer Grenadier Brigade, he came in the Führer Reserve OKH (see Adolf Hitler) (did you know) much longer, from 08-11-1942 until 08-03-1943. He was detached to the Army Group South for briefing as a Divisional Commander. Delegated with the command of the 168th Infantry Division  and for the third time in the Reserve from 10-11-1943 until 20-01-1944. Chales was again commander now of the 23rd Infantry Division File:Fredericus Rex.svg, he succeeded Generalleutnant der Infanterie, Kommandeur 276st Infanterie Division, Curd Badinsky a former commander was General der Artillerie, Kommandeur der 205th Infanterie Division 205th Infanterie Division Logo.svg, Horst von Mellethin
and Chales de Beaulieu was again in the Führer Reserve to 31-01-1945 as Hitler didn’t trust him anymore. Dismissed from active service on political grounds as he was the Chief of the General Staff of Generaloberst Erich Hoepner, who was involved in the 20th July bomb plot, Erich Kurt Richard (The Old Cavalryman) Hoepner, was hanged in Plötzensee prison, age 57, on 08-08-1944.

Death and burial ground of Chales de Beaulieu, Walter.

Chales de Beaulieu survived and lived in Kressbronn, where he at the age of 76 died, on 26-08-1976. He is buried on the small cemetery of Kressbronn, but the gravestone is alas removed from the grave.

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