Baader, Dr. Ernst.

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Baader, Dr. Ernst
Dr. Ernst Baader, born on 05-08-1894, in Waldshut, Baden was a World War II Generalartzt of the Wehrmacht. Baader studied medicine and received his doctorate in Berlin in 1918 on the arsenic therapy of syphilis up to the Salvarsan era. He was appointed professor in 1934. Baader founded the first German occupational medicine clinic in Berlin (clinical department for industrial diseases in the Kaiserin-Auguste-Viktoria-Krankenhaus in Berlin-Lichtenberg) and headed it from 1925 to 1945. He made fundamental contributions to the development of the occupational medicine discipline in Germany. Baader joined the NSDAP on 01-03- 1933 (membership number 2,672,879). From 1933 he was the successor of a removed from office Jewish colleagues medical director at the Municipal Hospital Berlin-Neukölln. He entered the Army on 01-04-1913 and with the outbreak of World War II, he was Oberfeldarzt with the medical squadron Wünsdorf of the 39th Medical Battalion. Baader was Oberfeldartzt of the Corps Medic in the LXXXVI Army Corps. Promoted to Generalarzt he was the Army Medic in the 19th Army Corps, under General der Panzertruppe, Adolf Robert Erich Brandenberger   until 08-05-1945. Brandenberger died age 62, on 21-06-1955, in Bonn. Dr. Baader was in captivity on 08-05-1945 and released from prison in 1946.

Death and burial ground of Baader, Dr. Ernst.

After the Second World War, he was from 1945 to 1955 head of the Knappschaftskrankenhaus in Hamm. In addition, in 1951 he became honorary professor at the University of Münster. He was chairman of the German Society of Rheumatology. The German Society for Occupational Medicine and Environmental Medicine awards the E.W. Baader Prize named after him.

After the war he lived in Freisberg, Breisgau and died in the age of 59, in Freisberg near the Swiss border, on 08-10-1953. Dr. Ernst Baader is buried with his wife Charlotte, born Baedeker, who died age 70 on 19-10-1976, on the city cemetery of Freisburg on Field 53 A. Close by are the graves of the WWII Generalleutnant der Artillerie,  Kommandeur der “Division von Berg”, Kurt von Berg
     and Generalmajor der Infanterie,  Kommandeur der 707th Infanterie Division , Gustav Gihr.  The 707th Infantry Division was one of the very few large Wehrmacht units that took part in the murdering of Jews on a great scale. Masha “Masha” Bruskina
  was a teenage female partisan in Minsk in Russia. She was a 17 year old Jewish high school graduate and was the first teenage girl to be publicly hanged by the Nazi’s in Belorussia (Byelarus). Her execution took place on 26-10-1941 in the city of Minsk. She worked as a nurse in a military hospital, and was a member of an underground cell which aided Soviet officers hospitalized there, to escape and join the partisans. The members of this cell were informed on and quickly rounded up. Masha and two of her male comrades, Volodya Sherbateivich and Krill Trous, were sentenced to death. They were led through the streets with Masha wearing a large placard proclaiming that they were partisans and hanged one at a time, Masha first.

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