The Stalingrad prisoners of war of the Red Army.


If travelers from the Federal Republic of Germany in the Soviet Union want to visit German soldiers cemeteries from the time of World War II or individual graves of fallen soldiers of the former German Wehrmacht, they usually have little luck. The mass of German cemeteries and individual graves was leveled long ago. Their traces have disappeared and forgotten in the vastness of the Russian area. Millions of German soldiers have found their final resting place somewhere – undetectable for their relatives – their last resting place. Only about thirty years after the end of the war, the Soviet Red Cross led the German Red Cross Tracing Service to list two graves with the names of German soldiers who died in Soviet captivity. In 1974, the first death list with 476 names arrived in Germany.These dead are lying in the cemetery Ljublino near Moscow.   In October 1975, followed by a second list with another 211 names. The graves of these dead are located in the cemetery Krasnogorsk near Moscow. In addition to teams. NCOs and officers of various ranks have found here among other two former colonels-general:Walter Heitz (grave number 77) and Curt Hilperts (grave number 43).



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