Stammer, Eberhard, born 25-06-1888,in in Leipe, Landkreis Falkenberg, Oberschlesien, the son of Józef Albin Stammer and Charlotte, born Hanke. They had three more children, one brother Hans, and two sisters, Greta and Hilda. Eberhard attended the Brieger
Gymnasium in the Sudetenland. He became a member of the Infantry Regiment No. 63
in Oppeln in 1909, age 20, as a Fahnrich. In the First World War he suffered serious injuries
.. Promoted to Oberstleutnant on 01-10-1935, to Oberst on 01-03-1938 and Generalmajor on 01-11-1942. He was as an Oberst, the Commanding Officer of the Waffen SS
training ground, “Neuhammer”
, this was a training ground of the army, never of the Waffen-SS like training ground “Wildflecken”
These areas were used by units of the Waffen-SS
for regrouping or refreshment, but the Staffs of the training ground was still army personal. Stammer was appointed as Oberst and “Kommandeur Truppenübungsplatz Neuhammer”
in the roster of the German “Wehrmacht” of 03-01-1939. He was succeeded by General Wolfgang “Wolf” Keilig, who died in 1956. Stammer should be with the “Militärbefehlshaber Frankreich” from 23-07-1944, under Generalmajor der Infanterie, Carl Heinrich von Stülpnagel.
From 05-10-1944 until 08-10-1994 he was at the disposal of the Army Group Ferdinand Schörner
His family was expelled from Silesia in 1946, he himself was released in 1947 from the war prison. After that he worked until 1952 in the care of refugees. He was politically active in the GB / BHE as the first district chairman of the Peiner circle association. In Rötzum he became a member of the municipal council from 1948 to 1952, in the time from 1951 to 1952 Mayor, starting from 1952 circle member. From 15 July 1953 to 5 May 1955 he was a member of the Niedersächsischen Landtag.
Death and burial ground of Stammer, Eberhard.

Living in Peine, Stammer died at the age of 77 and is buried with his wife Charlotte, born Hanke, who died age 81, on 20-07-1981, on the Evangelistic Lutheran Cemetery of Peine.

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