Schroeder, Walter.

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Schroeder, Walter, born 19-01-1896 in Königsberg, Prussia, joined shortly after the beginning of World War I on 05-08-1914 as a volunteer the Royal Prussian Army. He came here to the Reserve department of the East Prussian Kürassier Regiment “Count Wrangel” No. 3.  After a period of training, he then came with this Regiment to the front. There he was later promoted to sergeant. At the end of April 1917 he was commanded to Army Air Force Park 8. From 01-06-1917, he then completed his flight training at the Flieger Replacement Department 11 in Brieg at Breslau. Later he came to the flying school Hundsfeld. At the end of October 1917 he was sent to the Artillery Flying School II in Doblen. At the end of November 1917 he was commanded to Army Airfield 14. In mid-December 1917 he was transferred to the Flieger-Abteilung 17. There he was promoted to sergeant and officer candidate in April 1918. Until the end of the war, he was then a member of the Flieger-Abteilung 17. During the First World War, other awards were awarded to him alongside both Iron Crosses.  After the war he was demobilized from 01-12-1918 at the Flieger-Ersatz-Abteilung 3. At the end of January 1919 he came to the air base Elbing. In the middle of September 1919 he was transferred to flyer squadron 20 as a flier. Shortly before the formation of the 100,000-man, 10 divisions Army of the Reichswehr he was adopted in early May 1920.

He entered on 05-05-1920 for the service of the police. There he was assigned as a leutnant in the police and air surveillance officer of the police Olsztyn. On 01-03-1921, he was then transferred to the Schutzpolizei Holtenau as an air surveillance officer. Later he came as such to the security police Kiel. During his time there, he attended a three-month course at the Higher Police School Oak. On 01-08-1922, he was transferred to the Schutzpolizei Hanover as an air surveillance officer. On  01-12-1923 he came as such to the Schutzpolizei Hildesheim. Already on 01-01-1924, he was transferred to the protection police Königsberg as an air surveillance officer. There he was promoted on 20-12-1924 to Oberstleutnant of the police. On 01-04-1926, he was then transferred as an air surveillance officer to the Schutzpolizei to Frankfurt am Main.

There he was deployed to the flight guard. At the end of May 1929 he was transferred to the Schutzpolizei Halle / Saale as head of the flight guard. He kept this position for more than two years. He also attended various courses for advanced training in the field of flying skills. On 18-12-1930, he was promoted to captain of the police. On 01-10-1931 he was then transferred as a spokesman for the surveillance service of the air police at the Oberpräsidium Münster. On 01-02-1932 he took over as a leader and this institution in Münster. At the beginning of May 1933 he was transferred to the Magdeburg Executive Committee in the same capacity. On 01-12-1934, he was then taken over as a captain in the Air Force. His seniority was set to 01-08-1918. He was now transferred to the Reich Ministry of Aviation (RLM) in Berlin. There he was used as a consultant for the acquisition of police officers. In mid-March 1936 he was appointed squadron commander in the flying squad Altenburg. From this was on 01-04-1936, the III. Group formed by the Fighter Squadron 153, where he was further used as squadron leader. He was also promoted to Major that day. As such, he married Brigitte Hampel on 15-04-1936. On 01-03-1937 he was allegedly commander of the III. Group of the Kampfgeschwader 255  under command of Oberst Willibald Spang in Memmingen appointed. On 01-12-1938, he returned to the RLM in Berlin . There he was employed in the Air Force Personnel Office (LP 1 A) as a speaker. This was responsible for the flying sub-personnel (land) and the flying civilian personnel. There he was promoted on 01-.04-1939, also a Oberstleutnant. From 01-06-1940, he was used as a group leader in the Air Force Personnel Office for the LP 1 A group. He then held this position for over three years. He was promoted to Oberst on 01-09-1941. He was replaced at the end of July 1943. For this he was appointed on 01-08-1943 as successor to Oberst Theodor Beckmann  , Beckmann died 10-02-1966, age 68 Münster / Westfalen. Commodore of Transport Squadron 3. At the end of September 1944, he handed over his command of Transport Squadron 3 to Oberstleutnant Walter Hornung. Hornung survived the war and died 18-08-1980, age 70 in Munich. For this Schroeder was appointed on 01-10-1944 to commander of the new air war school 12 in Bug on complaints. He kept this command until the end of World War II. Before that, he was promoted tol 01-04-1945 still a Generalmajor. At the beginning of May 1945 he was captured by the Wehrmacht in Allied captivity. From this he was released in 1947 again and retired in Koblenz.

Death and burial ground of Schroeder, Walter.

Walter Schroeder died in Koblenz at the age of 63, on 13-08-1963 in Koblenz, Pfaffendorf. and is buried on the Stadtfriedhof of Pfaffendorf, a suburb of Koblenz.

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