Apell, Wilhelm Heinrich Erwin Adolf Friedrich Martin von, born on 16-01-1892 in Bückeberg,
from 1903 onwards he initially attended the Bensberg cadet house and entered at the age of 18, the Westfälischen Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 7,
in Bückeburg. Adolf Hitler at the Bückeburg Harvest Festival, Germany, 01-10-1934.
Apell was in the fields with the Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 7 or Reserve-Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 7. He was seriously wounded twice and received the wounded medal in black
, also both the Iron Crosses.
On 15-10-1916 promoted to Oberleutnant. At the end of the war the castle of Bückeburg, Apell’s birthtown, would be the headquarter of Albert Speer,
as Gross Admiral Karl Donitz
was the leader of a temporary new government after the suicide of Adolf Hitler (did you know) (see William Hitler) and Eva Braun.
(see Braun parents) Apell joins after the war the new 29th Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment, on 01-09-1920. On 01-04-1936 promoted to Oberstleutnant and from 1937 assigned as the leader of the 2nd Kradschützen-Battalion. When World War II breaks out, Apell as an Oberst
and commander of the 9th Schützen-Brigade, in the 9th Panzer Division
, under General Alfred Ritter von Hubicki

Generalleutnant Georg von Apell was the older brother of Wilhelm
Georg on 30-06-1944 Georg was finally retired from the Wehrmacht and died age 60, on 30-03-1945, in Lich in Hessen.

After being the first commander of the 22nd Panzer Division
, from 25-09-1941 until 08-10-1942, Wilhelm succeeded by Generalleutnant der Panzertruppe, Kommandeur der LIX Armee Korps, Hellmuth von der Chevallerie.
The 22nd Panzer Division was involved in several rearguard actions through France and Belgium until they were finally pulled out of the line for a refit in September 1944. During the Normandy campaign and subsequent withdrawal they had lost over half their number in casualties, 15.900 in June to about 7.000 in September. Von Apell is transferred to the Führer Reserve Military District XVII. He became the commander of a Army Corps with wounded officers the Replacement General command XVII Army Corps, but from 15-03-1943 with the rank of Generalleutnant, the Replacement Wehrmacht Inspector in Vienna, until 08-05-1945, and lands in American captivity, until 11-06-1947.

Death and burial ground of Apell, Wilhelm Heinrich Erwin Adolf Friedrich Martin von.

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