Zorn, Eduard Emil Karl, born 08-08-1901 in Munich, Bavaria,
the son of Oberst Eduard Zorn of the same name and Julie, born. Meinel. Oberleutnant Zorn married his fiancée Hilda Clausnitzer on 07-04-1933, and three children arose from the marriage: two daughters (born 1934 and 1935) and a son (born 1937). He was accepted in the new Reichswehr on 01-05-1921, age 19, as a Fahnenjunker. With the outbreak of World War II he was assigned as staff officer in the 2nd Mountain Division
under General der Gebirgstruppe Valentin Feurstein,
The Allies destroyed much of this division near Württemberg towards the end of the war, with survivors surrendering to the Americans and in spring 1940, involved in the battle for Norway. From June 1941 he was fighting with his division against the Soviets near Murmansk. Promoted to to Oberleutnant on 01-02-1942 and from 01-01-1943 as Oberst being the Main Quartermaster of Army Group B, under Generalfeldmarschall der Kavallerie, Maximillian von Weichs

Eduard is the brother of Hans Zorn (27 October 1891 – 2 August 1943) German General in the Wehrmacht. He was a recipient of the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oakleaves.
Hans Zorn, age 51, was killed on 02-08-1943 by Soviet fire during Operation Kutuzow
. He was posthumously awarded the Oak leaves to his Knight’s Cross on 03-09-1943.

Death and burial ground of Zorn, Eduard Emil Karl.

Eduard Emil Karl Zorn, age 43, was killed in the Colmar Pocket on 04-02-1945. Zorn was posthumously promoted to Generalmajor and awarded the Oak Leaves to his Knight’s Cross
. He is buried on the war cemetery section of the Waldfriedhof in Munich, his neighbor is the the Generalleutnant der Infanterie, Armee Gruppe Centrum, Wolf Dietrich Xylander

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