Wilkin, Edward George.

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Wilkin, Edward George, born 25-05-1917. in Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, USA, to Edward Myron Wilkin (1885–1976) and his wife Fannie M. born Davis, Wilkin ( 1885–1975). Edward had two sisters Fannie R. Wilkin Robitaille ( 1914-2004) and Hazel Norma Wilkin (1921-1922) (and one half brother Jesse J Pike (1904-1953) and one half sister Marjorie E. Norma Pike Miles (1905-1978). Edward married Hazel Brayton in 1938 and had a son, Robert Jesse, in 1941. Edward worked for Adaskin Furniture and Pratt and Whitney before entering the Army in December 1943

Edward joined the Army from Longmeadow, Massachusetts in December 1943. On 18-03-1945 Edward was serving as a Corporal in Company C, 157th Infantry Regiment, under command of then Lieutenant Colonel Felix Laurence Sparks ( 45th Infantry Division. under command of Major General Robert Tryon Frederick  During a firefight on that day 18-03-1945  on the Siegfried Line in Germany, heavy fire from enemy riflemen and camouflaged pillboxes had pinned down his comrades when he moved forward on his own initiative to reconnoiter a route of advance. Edward cleared the way into an area studded with pillboxes, where he repeatedly stood up and walked into vicious enemy fire, storming 1 fortification after another with automatic rifle fire and grenades, killing enemy troops, taking prisoners as the enemy defense became confused, and encouraging his comrades by his heroic example.

When halted by heavy barbed wire entanglements, he secured bangalore torpedoes and blasted a path toward still more pillboxes, all the time braving bursting grenades and mortar shells and direct rifle and automatic-weapons fire. He engaged in fierce fire fights, standing in the open while his adversaries fought from the protection of concrete emplacements, and on 1 occasion pursued enemy soldiers across an open field and through interlocking trenches, disregarding the crossfire from 2 pillboxes until he had penetrated the formidable line 200 yards in advance of any American element.That night, although terribly fatigued, he refused to rest and insisted on distributing rations and supplies to his comrades. Hearing that a nearby company was suffering heavy casualties, he secured permission to guide litter bearers and assist them in evacuating the wounded. All that night he remained in the battle area on his mercy missions, and for the following 2 days he continued to remove casualties, venturing into enemy-held territory, scorning cover and braving devastating mortar and artillery bombardments. In 3 days he neutralized and captured 6 pillboxes single-handedly, killed at least 9 Germans, wounded 13, took 13 prisoners, aided in the capture of 14 others, and saved many American lives by his fearless performance as a litter bearer.

Death and burial ground of Wilkin, Edward George.


Wilkin was killed in action, by a sniper, exactly one month later on 18-04-1945 (age 27). The war in Europe ended on 08-05-1945. Edward is buried at the Longmeadow Cemetery in Longmeadow, Massachusetts. Visit the museum and see a tribute to Wilkin’s brave actions. The Hall of Valor pays tribute to American Infantrymen who have received the Medal of Honor, our nation’s highest award for bravery.

Nearly six hundred Longmeadow men and women served in the armed forces during World War II. For actions during World War II, 472 United States military personnel received the Medal of Honor. Twenty-two Medals of Honor were awarded to men connected to Massachusetts: thirteen serving in the Army, seven in the Marine Corps, and two in the Navy.

Message(s) for the webmaster, tips or interesting graves:   robhopmans@outlook.com

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