Nickel, Heinrich Georg, born 05-12-1894, in Wesel entered the Army Service as a war volunteer on 17-09-1914, age 19, with the 1st Foot Artillery Regiment. Heinrich was in the fields of the first war and promoted to Leutnant of the 51st Reserve Infantry Regiment
, on 18-01-1917. He was retired from the Service on 04-03-1919 and entered the Police Service. He reactivated in the growing Wehrmacht as a Hauptmann on 01-08-1935. He was commander of the II Battalion of the 26th Infantry Regiment probably to December 1940 as a Oberstleutnant from 01-01-1940. Until 03-09-1941 he was commander of the II Battalion of the 254th Infantry Regiment. Assigned, as Oberst from 01-10-1941, as commander of the 502nd Infantry Regiment, later renamed in a Grenadier Regiment, to April 1943. In Mai 1943 he attended a Divisions Leaders Course to 05-06-1943 and appointed as commander of the 342nd Infantry Division
he was the successor of Generalleutnant der Artillerie, Kommandeur der 297th Infanterie Division
, Albrecht Baier
and captured by the Allied forces, on 08-05-1945.
Death and burial ground of Nickel, Heinrich Georg.

He retired in Lingen with his wife Elfried Koke, who was a sister of Blanca Koke, married with Vice Admiral, Commandant of Sea Defenses Pas de Calais, France, Friedrich Frisius
, what made them brothers in law. Heinrich Nickel died age 84, on 02-01-1979 and is buried with his wife Elfried, who died age 72, on 06-10-1971 and his son Hermann, who died age 85, on 12-08-2011 in their very declined family grave on the Old Cemetery of Lingen. Alas there is no gravestone for Heinrich Nickel himself. The urns of his brother in law, Admiral Friedrich Frisius, and his wife Blanca, are buried in a proud expensive Koke family Mausoleum only steps away. The only
Mausoleum on the cemetery.
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