Klasing, Ernst, born 09-12-1901, in Klein Borstel, near Hamburg, entered the Army Service on 19-06-1924, age 22, in the 19th Infantry Regiment of the new Reichswehr. He joined the Police Service on 19-06-1924. He reactivated in the Army service on 19-08-1935 and with the beginning of World War II, he as a Hauptmann was Quartermaster of the General Staff of the III Army Corps
under command of Generaloberst Curt Haase
until 06-10-1940. General Haase, on 09-12-1943 died at the age of 61 from advanced heart disease. Klasing was Chief of Operations in the General Staff of the 123rd Infantry Division to 01-12-1942. He landed in the Führer Reserve (see Adolf Hitler) (did you know). to 11-01-1943. Successively Senior Quartermaster of the 17th Army, Army Group A, Army Group South Ukraine and last command of Army Group South, were he landed in Allied captivity, in Mai 1945. Released in March 1948, he became the director of Military Welfar of the Armed Forces in the Plannig Bureau in Office Blank in Bonn, in Konrad Adenauer’s
new government until February 1954. Department Director until 1962 and he retired 31-03-1962.
Death and burial ground of Klasing, Ernst.
Ernst Klasing died in Baden Baden, at the age of 76, on 27-03-1977 and is buried on the very large Ohlsdorfer cemetery in Hamburg, were also are buried Hans Albers the actor, Hitler’s half brother Alois Hitlers, Hans Peter Knaust,
a bridge too far.

Message(s), tips or interesting graves for the webmaster: robhopmans@outlook.com
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