Cochenhausen, Conrad von, born 07-06-1888, in Glogau/Silesia,
almost one year before Adolf Hitler (did you know). The son of Generalleutnant Friedrich von Cochenhausen (1849–1929) and younger brother of General of the Artillery Friedrich von Cochenhausen.
His grandfather was Ernst Friedrich Ferdinand (1803–1871), Generalmajor of the Electorate of Hesse, his great-grandfather was Christian Friedrich von Cochenhausen (1769–1839), Minister of War and Generalleutnant of the Electorate of Hesse. His great-uncle was the Berlin General Police Director Karl Ludwig Friedrich von Hinckeldey. His great-great-grandfather was Johann Friedrich von Cochenhausen (1728-1793), Generalmajor of the Electorate of Hesse, who took part in the Hessian Corps for the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel Friedrich II on the side of England in the eight-year war against its breakaway colonies under George Washington and in the First Coalition War was badly wounded that he died two days later. Conrad joined the Army Service as a Fahnenjunker on 25-02-1907, age 18, with the Garde-Füsilier-Regiment
. Conrad was soon promoted to Fähnrich in October 1907 and as Leutnant on 18-08-1908. From 01-10-1913 until the beginning of the first war he was ordered to the War School. With the beginning of the war he was in the fields with the Königlich Preußisches Königin-Augusta Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 4.
Promoted to Oberleutnant on 18-11-1914 and from 18-04-1916 as a Hauptmann in his regiment. He was awarded with both the Iron Crosses
and other decorations for bravery. He was transferred to the 9th Landwehr-Brigade. Assigned to commander of the 22nd Reserve Jäger Battalion in the autumn of 1918 and soon after to the Staff of the 25th Reserve Division. Von Cochenhaus was allowed in the new Reichswehr, at the Infantry School in Munich. Appointed to Chief of the 16th Infantry Regiment on 01-10-1923 and from 01-10-1925 as commander of the III Company of the 17th Infantry Regiment. Promoted to Major on 01-03-1927 and became an instructor on the Infantry School in Dresden. Oberstleutnant from 01-05-1931 and commander of the II Battalion of the 7th Prussian Infantry Regiment. Oberst from 01-12-1933 and from 01-10-1934 commander of the War School in Munich and became a Generalmajor on 01-01-1937. Now assigned as commander of the 10th Infantry Division
, where he succeeded General der Infanterie, Alfred Wäger
Wäger died age 72, on 09-07-1956, in Baden Baden. Elements of the 10th Infantry Division took part in atrocities against the civilian population during the invasion of Poland. Together with elements of the 17th Infantry Division
, under General der Artillerie, Herbert Loch
, they took part in the murder of at least 14 civilians during the Division’s advance towards Sieradz
and Lask
. Herbert Loch died very old age 90, on 28-10-1976, in Spandau. Von Cochenhausen was awarded with the clasp of the Iron Cross
and lost his command to General der Panzertruppe, Friedrich Wilhelm von Loeper,
von Loeper died also at old age, 95, on 07-10-1983, in Bückeburg (see Albert Speer)

Death and burial ground of Cochenhausen, Conrad von.

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