SS Gruppenführer Georg Lörner

Georg Nikolaus Lörner, born 18 February 1899 in Munich was an SS Gruppenführer and Generalleutnant of the Waffen SS, and Deputy Chief under SS Obergruppenführer Oswald Pohl of the Wirtschaftsunternehmen in the Main SS Economic and Administrative Department, SS WVHA, chief of Amtsgruppe B, (Division B) of the WVHA, and deputy chief of Amtsgruppe W (Division W) of the WVHA.
The WVHA was set up to manage the quartermaster and paymaster duties of the SS, including originally the Waffen SS as well as handling the various financial enterprises of the Allgemeine SS, and the concentration camps.
Amtsgruppe B, was responsible for the supply of food and clothing for concentration camp inmates, and for supplying food, uniforms, equipment and camp quarters for the concentration camp guards of the SS Totenkopfverbände Erwin Tschentscher
was Lörner’s deputy. Tschentscher died age 69 on 12-07-1972- in Mengeringhausen.
Lörner, the son of a locksmith, attended the Volks- und Oberrealschule. After this, Lörner worked at a bank from August 1916 to the beginning of June 1917 in order to orient himself professionally. He was then trained as a recruiting officer at a heavy machine gun during the First World War and from the beginning of June 1918 he was employed as an MG leader in the Reserve Infantry Regiment 19 on the West Front. After a severe injury at the knee, several hospital stays followed from the end of July 1918 to the end of August 1919. After that he left the army as a war criminal in the rank of a corporal and an officer.
From 1928 to 1931, Lörner belonged to the Bavarian People’s Party, before becoming a member of the NSDAP (membership number 676,772) in November 1931. From July 1932 Lörner was a member of the SS (SS No. 37.719). In the SS, Lörner rose to the SS-Gruppenführer and Generalleutnant of the Waffen-SS in November 1943. After the takeover of power by the National Socialists he was active at the SS administrative office in Munich from May 1935 onwards. There he was responsible for the area of clothing and equipment questions. In April 1939 Lörner was head of the office I (household) and temporarily deputy of SS Obergruppenführer
Oswald Pohl was chief of Amtsgruppe W and Lörner was his deputy. Amt W was responsible for the operation and maintenance of various industrial, manufacturing, and service enterprises throughout Germany and the occupied countries, as well as providing clothing for concentration camp inmates.
was a defendant along with his brother Hans Lörner
He was found guilty on counts 2 (war crimes), 3 (crimes against humanity), 4 (membership in a criminal organization), and was given the death penalty which was reduced to life in prison then commuted to 15 years. He was released from Landsberg Prison on 31 March 1954; his brother received ten years and was released in 1951

Lorner died age 60 on 21 April 1959 in Rastatt
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