Zanthier, Hans Georg von, born 21-08-1891 in Treblin,
Kreis Rummelsburg, the son of Hans Ewald von Zanthier and his wife Editha, born von Puttkamer. Hans Georg was married with van Sonja Schuster and was the father of Ilse von Zanthier, Jobst von Zanthier and Erica von Zanthier.

Hans Georg entered as a Fahnenjunker the Königlich Preußische Armee. He joined the 2nd Garde-Field Artillery Regiment. He went to the War School and then promoted to Leutnant on 27-01-1912, age 20. With the beginning of the first war he was with the 2nd Garde Field Artillery on the Western Front. He was wounded
in battle and received the German Purple Heart and an promotion to Oberleutnant, on 18-10-1918. He also was awarded with both the Iron Crosses
in this war. Zanthier was allowed in the new 100.000 men, 10 Divisions, Reichswehr. He found his way to the rank of Oberst at the beginning of World War II and was assigned as commander of the 349th Infantry Regiment.
, Zanthier here on the right, still a Oberstleutnant. With this Regiment Zanthier landed in Norway in the spring of 1940, for Operation Weserübung.

Operation Weserübung was the code name for Germany’s assault on Denmark and Norway during the World War II and the opening operation of the Norwegian Campaign. The name comes from the German for Operation Weser-Exercise (Unternehmen Weserübung), the Weser being a German river. They served in the 181st Infantry Division
under General Kurt Degener,
who died age 86 on 23-07-1965, in Bremen , in the region Drontheim as an occupation force. On 01-10-1941 Zanthier was promoted to Generalmajor and lost the command of the 349th Regiment and landed in the Führer Reserve (see Adolf Hitler).
From 28-11-1941 he was appointed as Field Commander of the Commandant 184, FK 184, on the Eastern Front. He again lost a command and for the second time in the Reserve. He was assigned as commander of Metz from 25-04-1942 until the end of June 1943 as he lost his command again and again in the infamous Führer Reserve. Then he was appointed to Commander of Feldkommandatur 1017, FK 1017, in Italy and from Autumn 1943, he was in the Staff of Militärkommandantur 1017, MK 1017. On 01-02-1944 he became the command of the new rear area 594 in Italy. He was transferred with his Staff to the 10th Army, under commander General der Panzertruppe, Traugot Herr
Herr died age 85 on 13-04-1976, in Achterwehr, and Zanthier was promoted to Generalleutnant on 01-05-1944. The youngest Generalleutnant in WWII, with 36, was Theodor Tolsdorff,
the youngest General, with 42, Walter Wenck,
the both survived the war. From September 1944 he was commander of the Po Region in Italy, until the end of the war.

Death and burial ground of Zanthier, Hans Georg von.
Living in Wiesbaden after the war, Zanthier died at the age of 78, on 02-09-1969 and is buried with is wife Sonja, born Schüster, who died age 78, in 1979, on the Südfriedhof of Wiesbaden, a cemetery were also are buried the WWII Generalmajor der Artillerie, Kommandeur der 145th Artillerie Division, Rudolf Henrici,
Generalmajor der Infanterie, Director of Replacement Army Corps XII, Max von Basse, Generalmajor der Flieger, Kommandeur III Luftwaffe Ersatz Battalion, Wolf von Biedermann,
Generalleutnant der Panzertruppe, Kommandeur der LIX Armee Korps, Hellmut von der Chevallerie,
Hauptsturmführer der Waffen SS, Kommandeur 10th SS-Panzer-Division Frundsberg
, Lothar Debes, Generalleutnant der Infanterie, Kommandeur 153th Feld Division, Karl Edelmann, Generalmajor der Infanterie, Kommandeur der 560, Besancon, Paul von Felbert, Generalleutnant Inspekteur der Artillerie, Kommandeur 106th Infanterie Division
, Werner Forst, Generalmajor der Pioniere, Kommandeur der 87th Grenadier Battallion, Hans Halke,
General der Infanterie, Kommandeur General VII AK, Ernst Hell, Generalmajor der Flieger, Kommandant Flughafen Bezirk 8/VI, Anton Heidenreich, Generalstabarzt der Wehrmacht, Dr Walter Kittel, Generalmajor der Infanterie, Kommandeur Schule Infanterie /Kavallerie, Kurt Lindner, Generalleutnant der Flieger, Lufwaffe Ersatz Division, Franz Nowak, General der Polizei, Oskar Wantke. The World War I triplane flyer aces, Red Baron, Manfred von Richthofen

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