Wisliceny, Günther Eberhard, born 05-09-1912 in Angerburg

, joined the NSDAP (Nr 1.187.703) and enlisted in the SS-Stabswache Berlin

SS Nr 41.043 in 1933. Günther was posted in 1938 to the Der Führer Regiment

, seeing his first action as a company commander in the Balkans in spring 1941. He spent 1941 to 1943 on the Eastern Front and 1944 in France, fighting in all the battles of the senior SS divisions, and being wounded four times

. As commander of the Kommandeur 3
rd Panzer Division,” Deutschland

under General der Panzertruppe, Franz Westhoven

, he was awarded the Knight’s Cross for leadership of a battalion during the battles for the Kursk

salient in July 1943. Franz Westhoven died old age 88, on 09-10-1983, in Hamburg. Wisliceny received the Oak Leaves

on 27-12-1944, at the Normandy invasion front. His friend SS Obergruppenführer,
Friedrich Dollmann died there of a heart attack

. The Swords

were awarded for his actions in the Ardennes, Hungary and Austria. In 1945 he was handed over by the US Army to the French during investigations into his division’s war crimes at Tulle and Oradour-sur-Glane (see
SS Sturmbannführer Adolf Diekmann),

Dieter Wisliceny (13-01-1911 – 04-05-1948) was a member of the Schutzstaffel (SS) and one of the deputies of Adolf Eichmann, helping to organise and coordinate the wide scale deportations of the Jews across Europe during the Holocaust.Crimes against humanity. Joining the Nazi Party in 1933 and enlisting in the SS in 1934, Wisliceny eventually rose to the rank of SS-Hauptsturmführer (captain) in 1940; he worked in the Reich Security Head Office Referat IV B4 under Adolf Eichmann. During implementation of the Final Solution, his task was the ghettoization and liquidation of several important Jewish communities in Nazi-occupied Europe, including those of Greece, Hungary and Slovakia. Wisliceny also re-introduced the yellow star in occupied countries; the yellow star being used to distinguish Jews from non-Jews. He was involved in the deportation of the Hungarian Jews in 1944. Wisliceny was an important witness at the Nuremberg trials. His testimony would later prove important in the successful prosecution of Eichmann for his complicity in the Holocaust in Israel in 1961.Wisliceny was extradited to Czechoslovakia, where he was tried and hanged for war crimes in 1948. From May 15 to July 9, 1944, Hungarian gendarmerie officials, under the guidance of German SS officials, deported around 440,000 Jews from Hungary.

Most were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where, upon arrival and after selection, SS functionaries killed the majority of them in gas chambers.Thousands were also sent to the border with Austria to be deployed at digging fortification trenches. By the end of July 1944, the only Jewish community left in Hungary was that of Budapest, the capital.
Death and burial ground of Wisliceny, Günther Eberhard.
Message(s), tips or interesting graves for the webmaster: robhopmans@outlook.com
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