Storp, August Franz Walter, born 02-02-1910 in Schnecken, East Prussia, the son of the royal forester and later head of the district of Schnecken, Dr. Storp,. After he received his Abitur, diploma, in 1928 August joined the military service in the Reichsmarine on 01-04-1928. His younger brother was Sigmund Hans Storp, who was supposed to return from the Spanish Civil War as a leutnant in the Seefliegerstaffel 88. August’s military training began at the Naval Academy at Mürwik
followed by a tour on board the cruiser Emden and the Köln, as well a numerous flying courses at the Deutsche Verkehrsfliegerschule, German Air Transport School, in Warnemünde. He then transferred to the military service of Hermann Goering´s Luftwaffe (Did you know) on 01-10-1934. He was assigned to the Reichsluftfahrtministerium, RLM—Ministry of Aviation, on 01-10-1938 and at the same time became the chief pilot of General, Stabchef der Luftwaffe, Hans Jeschonnek
. Serving briefly with Kampfgeschwader 30
under Oberst, later Generalleutnant Herbert Rieckhoff
in early 1940, Storp became temporary Gruppenkommandeur of III Gruppe, Kampfgeschwader 4
under Oberst Martin Fiebig
between May and August 1940. Luftwaffe General Fiebig was executed in Belgrado for war crimes on 23-10-1947, age 56.
Storp was then appointed Gruppenkommandeur, Group Commander of II./Kampfgeschwader 76, 76th Bomber Wing) on 12-09-1940. He succeeded Major Friedrich Möricke
Major Möricke was KIA 24-08-1940, age 38, while flying as observer for Oberleutnant Karl Schulte
August and his crew performed a successful low altitude attack over the English Midlands on 27-09-1940. This feat earned him the first of two references in the Wehrmachtbericht. He on 14-07-1941 was the 22nd to receive the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves
as Major and Commander of the 210nd Fighter Squadron. This was also the first time a combat pilot and his crew were mentioned in the Wehrmachtbericht. The Wehrmachtbericht was an information bulletin issued by the headquarters of the Wehrmacht. In April 1941 Storp was appointed Kommandeur of the new Schnellkampfgeschwader 210
, leading the unit during operations against the Soviet Union during 1941. He then was transferred to a RLM staff appointment in October 1941, before a further move in September 1942, as Kommodore of new Kampfgeschwader 6
. A return to Kampfgeschwader 76
where he replaced Oberstleutnant Rudolf Hallensleben
, occurred in June 1944, while in February 1945 he became Commander of the 5th Flieger-Division
until the end of the war. Hallensleben, age 28, was traveling on the Autobahn to his command post on 19-04-1945. Hallensleben and three other passengers were killed when their car was attacked by strafing US fighters just as they were crossing a bridge over the Danube near Leipheim.
Death and burial ground of Storp, August Franz Walter.
Walter Storp, Hermann Hogeback and Rudolf Puchinger (from left), “Der Adler”, issue 13, German edition June 22nd, French edition 29-06-1943. After the war Hermann Hogeback studied law and worked in the automobile industry. He died on 15-02- 2004, age 89, in Dötlingen, Lower Saxony, and was buried with full military honors. Rudolf Puchinger took command of the III. Group of Kampfgeschwader 6
. After the start of the Allied invasion on June 6, 1944, he fell over the Orne estuary on 19-06-1944, age 25.
Living in Goslar, the same place as were Generaloberst, Oberbefehler B 2nd Panzer Armee , Panzergruppe Guderian wore a large ‘G’ on every tank, truck or motorcycle, Heinz Guderian lived.
Soldiers of the 6th Panzer Division allegedly executed an unknown number of black prisoners of war from the 12th Senegalese Tirailleurs regiment
in mid-June 1940. It is estimated that, of the 40,000 black soldiers
from the French colonies engaged in combat with German forces during the battle of France 1,500 to 3,000 were murdered either during or after combat. After the Liberation of France, the Tirailleurs concluded their service in Europe. They were replaced by newly recruited French volunteers, on the order of General Charles de Gaulle.
This process became known as blanchiment. (“France betrayed the Senegalese Riflemen after World War II). Faced with U.S. restrictions on the size of the French forces, de Gaulle chose to incorporate the various partisan groups within the structure of the official army. The complicated process of discharge and repatriation of the Tirailleurs, coupled with the refusal of France to pay wage arrears due to released prisoners of war, led to several incidents of violence. The most notable of these was the Thiaroye massacre, in 1944, during which the French killed between 35 and 300 (sources vary) Tirailleurs. Though the Tirailleurs Sénégalais had been promised that in recognition of their service they would become equal citizens of France, this pledge was not kept following the end of hostilities.
August Walter Storp died at the age of 71, on 07-08-1981 in Goslar and is buried on the cemetery Feldstrasse in Goslar, only steps of the grave of Generaloberst of the Waffen SS, Kommandeur der 7th Heeresgruppe, Hermann Hoth,
who’s gravestone recently is removed.

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