Steimle, Eugen Karl.

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Steimle, Eugen Karl, born 08-12-1909 in Neubulach near Calw, the son of a pastor, in a conservative pettish family and followed a study history, German and French at the university of Tübingen and Berlin. His parents were Hermann Friedrich Steimle and Anna Maria Steimle (born Merkle). Hermann was born op 06-08-1870, in Neubulach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany and Anna was born op 08-02-1871, in Grunbach. Eugen had 7 brothers and sisters,: Amalie Katharine Steimle,  Anonymus Steimle and 5 other siblings. Eugen married Margarete Steimle (born Häußler) on month day 1936, at age 26.Margarete was born on 20-04-1913, in Tübingen. They had 3 children. Steimle was one of the leading national socialistic student activists and became a member of the movement „Verbindung Normannia“  a student corporation. In May 1935 he succeeded in his teacher examination and qualified in March 1936 as a  jurist. He joined the NSDAP  in 1932, entered the SS with Nr 272.575, and the National Socialist German Students’ League (NSDStB),  with führer then Baldur von Schirach  , where he devoted himself to teaching Volksdeutsche students of the Sudetenland. In 1936 he joined the SD, Security Service, introduced by Gustav Adolf Scheel,  an SS Obergruppenführer  and Gauleiter of Salzburg, he died age 79, on 25-03-1979, in Hamburg. Already in September 1936 Steimle became the leader of the SD Office in Stuttgart. During the war in Russia he was the commander of the Sondercommando 7A, Special Forces, of the Einzatzgruppe B, a killing squad, under SS Gruppenführer Arthur Nebe from 07-09-1941 until 10-12-1941. Nebe was apparently involved in the July 1944 plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler and hanged with a piano wire in the Plötzensee prison , age 50, on 02-03-1945. Steimle was until January 1943 commander of the Einsatzgruppe C under SS Brigadeführer Otto Rasch P/J 11 Rasch’s jury lawsuit in Nuremberg was finished as he had the disease of Parkinson and he died age 57, on 01-11-1948 in Nuremberg. Steimle returned home and was appointed as the Chief of Office VI B of the Reichs Security High Office,  RSHA Reichssicherheitshauptambt, leader SS Obersturmführer, Adolf Eichmann

In 1947/1948 he with twenty-three other fellow accused war criminals were trailed in the Nuremberg Einsatzgruppe process. He hide himself behind the Führer Order and warranted himself that his killing commandos only executed saboteurs and partisans. He gave the order to execute three women who belonged to a communistic partisan group. They blamed him as leader of the Einsatzgruppe, the killing of 500 Jewish people within two months. In 1948 he was found guilty for criminal acts against humanity and war crimes and as member of a criminal organisation and condemned to death by hanging, on 10-04-1948. The climate of the meanwhile Cold War changed the relations in the new German politics and denominations against the death penalties and the death penalty was reversed in a twenty years imprison. He was already released from the Landsberg prison in 1954, after six years imprison. He became a teacher for German and history at the evangelism Gymnasium in Wilhelmsdorf.

Death and burial ground of Steimle, Eugen Karl.

 Living in Wilhelmsdorf, Steimle died at the old age of 87, on 06-10-1987 and is buried with his wife Magarethe, who died old age 90, in 2003 on the Stadtfriedhof of Wilhelmsdorf. I got a ticket for wrong parking near the cemetery alas.


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