Rosenberg, Alfred , born 12-01-1893 in Reval today’s Tallinn, in Estonia, then part of the Russian Empire to a family of Baltic Germans: his father, Woldemar Wilhelm Rosenberg
, was a wealthy merchant from Latvia, his mother, Elfriede
, from Estonia. During the Russian Revolution of 1917 Rosenberg supported the counter-revolutionaries; following their failure he emigrated to Germany in 1918 along with Max Scheubner-Richter
Max Scheubner-Richter, Walter Hewell, Hermann Goering, Adolf Hitler, Wilhelm Brückner, Julius Streicher and Wilhelm Frick on the march to the War Ministry. Scheubner-Richter who served as something of a mentor to Rosenberg and to his ideology. Scheubner died age 39, on 09-11-1923. He arrived in Munich and contributed to Dietrich Eckart’s
publication, the Völkischer Beobachter, People’s Observer.
By this time, he was both an antisemitic, influenced by Houston Stewart Chamberlain’s
book The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century,
one of the key proto-Nazi books of racial theory and an anti-Bolshevik, as a result of his family’s exile. Houston died age 70, on 09-01-1927 in Bayreuth. Rosenberg became one of the earliest members of the German Workers Party, later the National Socialist German Workers Party
, better known as the Nazi Party, joining in January 1919; Adolf Hitler (did you know) did not join until October 1919. Rosenberg had also been a member of the Thule Society, with Eckart. After the Völkischer Beobachter became the Nazi party newspaper, Rosenberg became its editor in 1923. Rosenberg was a leading member of Aufbau Vereinigung, Reconstruction Organisation, a conspiratorial organisation of White Russian emigres which had a critical influence on early Nazi policy.
In 1923, after the failed Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler, who had been imprisoned for treason, appointed Rosenberg as a leader of the Nazi movement, a position he held until Hitler’s release
Hitler remarked privately in later years that his choice of Rosenberg, whom he regarded as weak and lazy, was strategic; Hitler did not want the temporary leader of the Nazis to be overly popular or hungry for power, because a person with either of those two qualities might not want to cede the party leadership after Hitler’s release. However, at the time of the appointment Hitler had no reason to believe that he would soon be released and Rosenberg had not appeared weak, so that this may been reading back into history his dissatisfaction with Rosenberg for the job he did. Rosenberg was named leader of the Nazi Party’s foreign political office in 1933, but he played little practical part in the role. His visit to Britain in that year was designed to reassure the British that the Nazis would not be a threat, and to encourage links between the new regime and the British Empire. It was a notable failure.

When Rosenberg laid a wreath bearing a swastika at the tomb of the unknown soldier, a British war veteran threw it into the Thames. In January 1934 Hitler granted Rosenberg responsibility for the spiritual and philosophical education of the Party and all related organizations. Rosenberg reshaped Nazi racial policy throughout the years, but it always consisted of Aryan supremacy, extreme German nationalism and rabid antisemitism. Rosenberg was also an outspoken opponent of homosexuality, notably in his pamphlet “Der Sumpf” (“The Swamp”) , having viewed homosexuality, particularly lesbianism as a hindrance to the expansion of the Nordic population. Rosenberg argued for a new “religion of the blood,” based on the supposed innate promptings of the Nordic soul to defend its noble character against racial and cultural degeneration. He believed that this had been embodied in early Indo-European religions, notably ancient European, Celtic, Germanic, Baltic, Roman paganism, Zoroastrianism and Vedic Hinduism. Unlike SS Reichsleiter, Heinrich Himmler,
he had less attachment to Buddhism. He became a Reichstag Deputy in 1930 and published his book on racial theory The Myth of the Twentieth Century (Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts)
which deals with key issues in the National Socialist ideology, such as the “Jewish question.” Following the invasion of the USSR, Rosenberg was appointed head of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories, Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiet. Alfred Meyer served as his deputy and represented him at the Wannsee Conference Reinhard Heydrich.
Meyer died age 53, after suicide on 11-04-1945. Rosenberg made no complaints about the murders of Jews. At the Nuremberg Trials
he claimed to be ignorant of the Holocaust, despite the fact that Leibbrandt and Meyer were present at the Wannsee conference. Rosenberg was captured by Allied troops at the end of the war. He had taken in himself in the hospital of Murwick with a sprain ankle. When they came to arrest him he lay bed, pissed
He was tried at Nuremberg and found guilty of conspiracy to commit crimes against peace; planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression; war crimes; and crimes against humanity.
Death and burial ground of Rosenberg, Alfred Ernst.

He was sentenced to death and executed with other condemned co-defendants at Nuremberg on the morning of 16-10-1946, by the U.S. hangman Master sergeant, John Woods.
Rosenberg was the only condemned man, who when asked at the gallows if he had any last statement to make, replied with only one word: “No”. Rosenberg was married twice. He married his first wife, Hilda Leesmann, an ethnic Estonian, in 1915; after eight years of marriage, they divorced in 1923. He married his second wife, Hedwig Kramer, in 1925; the marriage lasted until his death. He and Kramer had two children; a son, who died in infancy, and a daughter, Irene; who was born in 1930
His daughter Irene with mother arrested in 1945 by the Allied
has refused contact with anyone seeking information about her father. Irene is a little bit on the Gudrun Himmler
side. Idolized her father, was old enough to know what was going on, hated anything having to do with religion. Main difference is she dropped off the radar after Alfred was hanged, Gudrun picked up where her father left off Great-grandchild Tytus L Rosenberg
(born in 1974) in Poland.
After the Allied victory, she was arrested and made to testify at the Nuremberg trials. Never renouncing Nazi ideology, she consistently fought to defend her father’s reputation and became closely involved in Neo-Nazi groups that give support to ex-members of the SS. She married Wulf Dieter Burwitz, an official of the extremist NPD.
Peter Finkelgrun, a German-Jewish investigative journalist, discovered that Burwitz provided financial support for SS-Scharführer Anton Malloth,
a former Nazi prison guard and a fugitive war criminal. In 2001. Malloth was convicted of beating at least 100 prisoners to death at the Theresienstadt concentration camp, including Finkelgrun’s grandfather in 1943. From June 1940 to May 1945, Malloth worked as a supervisor in the Gestapo prison “Kleine Festung Theresienstadt”, which was part of the larger Theresienstadt concentration camp. His nickname was “der schöne Toni” (The handsome Toni). He was convicted of beating prisoners to death and sentenced to life imprisonment in 2001, after escaping justice for 55 years.
Malloth was taken into custody on 25-05-2000 and charged by the public prosecution department in Munich. The trial started on 23-04-2001 in the prison in Munich-Stadelheim. On 30-05-2001 Malloth was convicted by the district court of Munich for murder and attempted murder and sentenced to life imprisonment. Ten days before his death, of cancer-suffering Malloth was declared unfit for prison and released.
Malloth died 31-10-2002 (aged 90) in Munich,
With Rosenberg,
all hanged men, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Julius Streicher, Hans Frank, Arthur Seyss Inquart, Alfred Jodl, Wilhelm Keitel, Fritz Sauckel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Wilhelm Frick, and Hermann Goering (did you know), who committed suicide hours before his hanging, were secretly in coffins transferred in Army trucks to the Ostfriedhof, Eastern Cemetery of Munich on 16-10-1946 and cremated. The coffins had faked names and they gave Streicher’s coffin ironical a Jewish name. The same night four Generals, an American, an Englishman, a Frenchman and a Russian were secretly driven straight to the closest bridge, the Reichenbachbrücke over the river Isar and they scattered the ashes downstream.

Message(s), tips or interesting graves for the webmaster:
I am looking for Sketches and Drawings by
Alfred Ernst Rosenberg
I only have Seen two
In the book of his
Schriften aus den.1943
Any help will be appreciated
What happened to her daughter after the war
Rob Hopmans