Röpnack, Adolf, born 30-04-1881 in Berlin, during the war Josef Goebbels (did you know) was the Gauleiter of Berlin, joined the Army age 18, as a war volunteer for Technical Artillery Officer Service with the 14th Bavarian Foot Artillery Regiment, on 01-10-1899. On 01-10-1900 he was promoted to corporal and commanded from 01-09-1901 to 31-03-1902 to the regimental school. There he earned the qualification for the visit of the fireworks school and was promoted on 01-10-1901 to the sergeant. From 01-09-1902 to 01-10-1903 he attended the Oberfeuerwerker School in Berlin and on 01-10-1904 he was appointed a fireman and commanded the artillery depot Strasbourg and Wesel. On 01-10-1907, he returned to the Oberfeuerwerkerschule in Berlin for one year. On 01-10-1908 followed the promotion to fireworkerr and the transfer to the staff of the artillery officer of the shooting range in Mainz. From 01-04-1909 he was then a teacher at the Oberfeuerwerkerschule in Berlin. On 31-05- 1912 promoted to firefighter leutnant, he was transferred to the artillery depot Poznan in the same year. From 1913 he served as an officer at the staff of the commander of the military training area Warthe and from 01-10-1913 at the artillery depot Altona-Bahrenfeld. He started World War I as a leutnant in the Staff of the 9th Foot Artillery Regiment and retired age 40, on 30-09-1921. In civilian life, he then became administrative engineer at the OSRAM works in Berlin-Charlottenburg. In the autumn of 1923 he traveled to Bolivia, where he joined the Bolivian Army on 01-11-1923 and served as an arsenal engineer and teacher at the Military Academy. Here he met Ernst Röhm, the future boss of the SA, from whom he had a very negative impression. On 2-02-1927, he retired from the Bolivian army and returned to Germany. He reactivated in the Luftwaffe as an Oberstleutnant and adviser in the Inspection of Flak Artillery. He was all the war a Munitions Inspector in the Supply Office of the Luftwaffe RLM, Reichsluftfahrt-Ministerium until 30-04-1945, as he was retired.
Death and burial ground of Röpnack, Adolf.
Though not a battlefield General, he was in Allied/Russian captivity shortly from 08-05-1945 to 12-05-1945 and living in Bad Aibling, Röpnack died old age 83, on 07-07-1964, and is buried with his wives, Charlotte, who died age 79, on 07-07-1974 and Alice, born Deplanque, who died old age 84, on 26-03-1990, on the Stadtfriedhof of Bad Aibling.
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