Reiter-Zierahn, “Mitzi” divorced Woldrich and widow Kubisch, Maria Josepha.

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Reiter-Zierhahn, Maria Josepha “Mitzi”, born 23-12-1909 in Berchtesgaden, was the youngest daughter of Karl and Mara Reiter–Wenger, she had two brothers, Karl and Richard and one sister Anna. Brother Richard living in Munich was already a fan of the NAZI party. Her father  was a tailor and an official of the Social Democratic Party in Berchtesgaden and they had a small textile shop in the Maximillianstrasse, in Berchtesgaden . Father Karl, a convinced social democrat, hated the NSDAP and after the war the Americans appointed him to mayor of Berchtesgaden. Mimi went to the Volksschule for seven years and according to her teacher, she was a smart and nice girl. Her parents could allow her to go to a famous school in Altötting , 40 miles from Berchtesgaden. While Mimi was playing there piano, learned French and also good behavior, Adolf Hitler (see Hitler parents),

   on company of his sister Paula 

came for the first time to Berchtesgaden, in 1923, for the funeral of his friend and party member of the NSDAP, Dietrich Eckart on the town cemetery. Adolf Hitler  called himself in that time Herr, (Mr.) Wolff, a name he used till the end for several items. Hitler liked the beautiful panorama, the Obersalzberg, from the town edge and was sitting often on a bench watching around and eat goulash in the little restaurant “Türkenwirt”, he then was not yet a real vegetarian. Maria stayed in Altötting till 1925, as her mother got ill, diagnoses throat cancer, and she needed nursing. Father Karl fetched back Maria from school, to help her mother and to work in their little shop.  Reiter-Zierhahn, Maria Josepha “Mitzi”, age 16, accepted the situation and nursed her sick to death mother, whose condition got worse every day. Her mother died finally on 11-09-1926. Richard Reiter, who lived in Munich, came with many exciting stories of the fighting’s between the several Freikorps’s and the growing Nazi party’s, SA men, in the Weimar Republic. After the failed Putsch in November 1923, Hitler became more and more notorious and spent more time in Berchtesgaden. Maria had heard of Hitler’s staying and reputation, but was little interested in him. One day when they were in their living room, Richard cried and pointed on Hitler, who walked through their street with his sheepdog and in Bavarian costume, short leader trousers and hat. He also carried a little whip, a present of the local innkeeper, to defend himself, Hitler besides always carried a pistol. Maria would meet Hitler personal soon, as she and her sister were playing in the street with the sheepdog Marko, the dog belonged to her brother in law.  He met Reiter-Zierhahn, Maria Josepha “Mitzi” here. Hitler age 37 then, approached the nice, blond blue eyed girl, that he had observed many times from his hotel window and introduced himself to her sister Anna. He said to her, who is that blond girl over there, I see her often playing in the park with the dog. Meanwhile Maria was watching from the corner of her eyes in a short distance. She had immediately sympathy for the  man with the strong eyes and little mustache, Hitler shakes hands with her and smiled kindly and said, your dog is wonderful and good trained. They talked for one hour and Hitler suggested a walk with Maria. So short after the death of their mother, Anna didn’t want Maria to go with a stranger. Hitler introduced Maria, days later, to Heinrich Hoffmann,

  his personal photographer, SS Oberführer, Oberführer, Emil Maurice

  his driver, Max Amann
   the publisher of “Mein Kampf” and Rudolf Hess  his deputy and shadow. Maria refused an invitation for a place of entertainment, but Hitler wanted her to see him, as the by many admired, man and she agreed to join a speech of Hitler later. Maria didn’t understand to much of the speech, but was allowed to sit next to Hitler afterwards and he called her already Mitzi or Mimi. Maria noticed that Hitler touched her leg and stepped on her foot. Next day he walked with Maria to her mother’s grave, on the town old cemetery and Maria was conquered. Hitler brought her home and tried to kiss her and the next week she often was invited for picnics with the Hitler’s clan. Against all rumors of Hitler’s sexuality, Maria declared later that Hitler was a real man. Hitler became more busy and didn’t want to talk about a marriage, he was married with Germany and the future dictatorship. She joined him partly on his trip to Munich, the driver, Maurice, had to stop, they walked together in the nearby woods, Hitler hold her in his arms and said Mimilein, lovely girl and kissed her, but she didn’t see Hitler anymore for a long time. She
hitlerin meçhul sevgilisi maria reiter 1959 2   received sometimes a love letter or postcard, beginning with “my lovely girl” and ending with “your Wolf”. Maria kept thinking of a future with Hitler, but Adolf had no time to visit her regular. He then surprised her with a visit on her 17th birthday, on 23-12-1926, together with his driver Maurice and he gave her a golden bracelet, which she kept till her end. The idyll ended in 1927 as Maria discovered that Hitler had visited Berchtesgaden without seeing her and thought that Hitler had another girlfriend. She tried to hang herself with a clothesline, but was at the right moment stopped by her brother in law. The reason of Hitler’s refusal was the threatening of an anonymous letter which accused him of sexual abuse of a underage girl. Hitler sent a messenger with the bad news, Reiter-Zierhahn, Maria Josepha “Mitzi” was very disappointed, saved the love letters and even later became a fanatic Nazi fan. For her 19th birthday he still sent her a silver tea set, with the words, “sincerely your Wolf”. After the death of her father, she lived with family in Innsbruck, where she met the young hotelier Ferdinand Woldrich and married him on 10-05-1930 in Stams in Tirol, By the marriage she lost her German nationality and became an Austrian. They opened a restaurant with the name “Berghof”, after Hitler’s home on the Obersalzberg and Hitler had sent a wedding present. As Ferdinand accused her of being Hitler’s lover, she didn’t correct this. Hitler was always a threat in their marriage, she complained to Hitler personal about the bad relation with Ferdinand, visited him at his home and stayed the whole night. She never had a more happy night as this one, she later declared. Hitler’s adjutant SS Obergruppenführer, Julius Schaub
  always said that the couple had a normal sexual relation. Hitler wanted to refresh this relation, called his conditions, but a marriage without children was for her no option and she returned home disappointed. The Woldrich couple divorced on 02-10-1933, without children too, the charges were paid by Hitler. Hitler final married Eva Braun
in the Führerbunker and they commited suicide. Maria back in Munich, in the Summer of 1934, met a young 26 years old ambitious SS man, Hauptsturmführer, Georg Kubisch,
    he was an adjutant of Joseph Goebbels and Magda Goebbels  in Berlin. Kubisch was transferred to Munich and coupled, on orders of Hitler, with Maria Reiter. Kubisch was very proud of Maria’s old relation with “his Führer” and they married in February 1936, Hitler said to him, you are a lucky guy and take good care of her. He gave them a signed Führer picture and Maria remained contact with Hitler through his sister Paula who became a good friend. She renewed her NSDAP membership and got the nr 6.383.369, a for her unpleasnat high number. At the beginning of World War II, Kubisch was assigned as commander of Panzer Jäger Defend Company and was soon killed in battle in France, age 32, on 08-06-1940, Hitler sent one hundred of red roses. After his death she wandered around and became a cook in a restaurant on the Obersalzberg, close to her love. Mid June 1943, already 33 years old, fell in love with the 22 years old, war disabled, Walter Zierahn, who had been fighting with the SS in Poland and was wounded in Norway. Walter had sustained brain wounds, carried a steel plat in his head, was half paralyzed and retired from the army. Zierahn’s family and the formal SS organization had objections of the planned marriage of Walter with the much older Maria and was forbidden until the end of the war. As the Third Reich had no power anymore, Maria, than 36, married her Walter, on 10-11-1945, in Berchtesgaden, The couple with a small disabled pension had a hart time and lived in a suburb of Munich. As Paula Hitler for the first time in 1959, gave a TV interview, Maria Reiter  also wanted to tell her story and showed the love letters and the many Hitler postcards.

Death and burial ground Reiter-Zierahn, “Mitzi” divorced Woldrich and widow Kubisch, Maria Josepha.

Maria lived after the death of Walter the rest of her live in an old people’s home, with her strong Hitler idyll. Maria Reiter died, depressed, lonely, as an excessive drinker and with scleroses, at the age of 82, on 28-07-1992. She left only some last dollars and gave her documentation to her treating doctor. Eight women, all the same types, that are thought, possibly, to have been intimate with Hitler, attempted suicide: Mimi Reiter tried to hang herself 1928, Geli Raubal (see Raubal) , 1931, Eva Braun (see Braun parents) tried suicide in 1932 and 1935 before succeeding in 1945, Frau Inga Ley, Inga committed suicide in 1942 because of her alleged addiction to drugs and the burden of being married to the boorish Ley.
a9c6e3f1f3f92166f2d5e2d83bc5b984   Renaté Müller, and Suzi Liptauer were all successful suicides, and Unity Mitford  attempted suicide in 1939. Maria Reiter is buried on the Westfriedhof  in Munich in an anonymous grave. The details of Reiter’s story about their physical relationship cannot be confirmed, though the fact that Hitler was in love with her was asserted by his sister Paula, who stated that she was the only woman who might have curbed his destructive impulses. Further, two letters dating from April 1945 by Reiter to Hitler were found after the war. They were “written in affectionate terms” and suggest intimacy by the words used. Maria Josepha Reiter would have no children.
                                                                                                                           Not Maria Reiter’s grave picture.

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