Reinshagen, Fritz, born 06-02-1897 in Elberfeld, joined the Army as a war volunteer on 05-08-1914, age 17, with the 15th Infantry Regiment and was in the fields of the first war as a company Leader. He started a pilot training on 11-09-1917 and ended the war as an Observer and Leutnant with the Flying Battalion A 277.
He was allowed in the new Reichswehr Luftwaffe an with the outbreak of World War II he as an Oberstleutnant was the Chief in Staff of the commander of the Luftwaffe with the 14th Army under Generaloberst Wilhelm List,
to 22-10-1939. He had the same position with the 12th Army to 02-05-1940. Commander of the Luftwaffe with the 1st Army to 16-03-1941 and Department Chief in the RLM, until 03-09-1941. Successively Commander of the Luftwaffe with the 4th and the 12th Army to 31-05-1942. Now Oberst and Commander of the Aufklärungsschule 3 F (Luftwaffe) or Long Range Reconnaissance School in Perleburg, to 01-04-1943, succeeding Oberst, later Generalmajor Gerhard Dieckhoff,
. Dieckhoff survived the war and died on 02-11-1964, age 72 in Bernkastel-Kues. Successively commander of the 36th Luftwaffe Jäger Regiment to 25-08-1943 and of the 18th Luftwaffe Field Division
until 27-10-1943. Commander of Army War School 9, in Chenstochau to 23-01-1945 and in the Führer Reserve to 31-03-1945. His last command before in British captivity was as Chief of Staff of Luftwaffe Operations Staff East until 08-05-1945.
Death and burial ground of Reinshagen, Fritz.

Reinshagen, Fritz Released on 25-02-1948 Reinshagen retired in Herford where he at the old age of 82 died, on 10-056-1979 and is buried on the cemetery Hermannstrasse in Herford. Only steps away the grave of Generalarzt, Walter Wendlandt. On the cemetery Ewiger Frieden in Herford are buried the Generalleutnant der Infanterie, Kommandeur 466th Infanterie Division, Friedrich Karst
and General der Infanterie, Wehrmachtsbefehlshaber Dänemark, Werner von Hanneken.

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