Pfordten, Theodor von der.

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Pfordten, Theodor von der, born 14-05-1873 in Bayreuth , as the sixth child of the first public prosecutor, German von der Pfordten, aus Neustadt, Aisch, königlicher Geheimer Rat in Augsburg und Oberstaatsanwalt am Obersten Landgericht in München and his wife Elise, born Schäffer ( 02-12-1841). Theodor’s father was previously married to Elise’s sister Emilie Schäffer (born 24-10-1840 in Affing; she died 06-12-1863 in Kronach), who fell ill and died very early. Theodor spent his school days in Augsburg and Munich. Already at university, the prospective lawyer developed excellent skills that led to his admission to the Maximilianeum, a foundation set up by King Joseph Max II of Bavaria, which was supposed to enable talented young students to achieve a particularly outstanding level of scientific education. Theodor prior to joining as a higher State Court Council Pfordten was employed in the Bavarian Ministry of Justice from 1904 to 1919 and was one of the closer acquaintance of later Reichsjustizministers Franz Gürtner since his days in the Maximilianeum,

445px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-H13466,_Franz_Gürtner Gürtner died age 59, on 29-01-1941, in Berlin, Josef Goebbels (did you know) was the Gauleiter of Berlin. Von Pfordten also was editor of the Journal of administration of Justice in Bavaria. In addition, he published articles on various topics, “the officials ideal in Plato and its relevance to the present”,”Call to the educated German blood”and “the world-historical sense of the Völkisch movement. He was a county court Councillor, who served in World War I and was an early member of the Nazi Party  who took part in Adolf Hitler’s (did you know) failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. 

Death and burial ground of Pfordten, Theodor von der.

He along with fifteen others (see Bauriedl)

   died trying to overthrow the government of Bavaria. Von der Pfordten married Elisabeth “Elly” Goetz (1877–1924), who never overcame the death of her husband and died the following year. The children German (1902–1941) and Elisabeth (1903–1954) sprang from the marriage. He would not have a proper burial, until Hitler came to power, when he would be known as a martyr of the Nazi struggle. Hitler’s Mein Kampf is dedicated to him with the other “martyred” Nazis who were killed also in the Putsch.

 Hitler awarded him and all victims with the Blutorden of the NSDAP, a special “Putz Remembrance Medal“, for old comrades.  The victims first were buried in the temple of honour on the Königsplatz in Munich, but after the war and the destroying of the temple, the bodies of him and Andreas Bauriedl were transferred and reburied on the Nordfriedhof of Munich. Only the only remains of the temples of honour.

Close by are the graves of Heinrich Hoffmann, Hitler’s personal photographer and his daughter Henriette von Schirach-Hoffmann and Baldur von Schirach,  Dr. Gustav von Kahr President of the Bavarian Court in 1923 during the Putz and some further the secretary of Hitler, Traudl Junge and Hans, SA leader and Hitler driver, SS Oberführer, Emil Maurice, the Generals Kuno Fütterer and Erich von Botzheim, the Troost couple Paul Troost and Gerda and Generaloberst der Gebirgstruppe, Eduard Dietl.

Under: Feldherrnhalle were they died during the Putz 1923.

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