Peiper, Horst, born 02-04-1912, in Berlin His father Woldemar Peiper was a Hauptmann, WW I veteran and his mother was Charlotte Marie Peiper, born Schwartz (1879-1949). Horst had two brothers, Hans-Hasso and Joachim. Horst´s first brother Hans-Hasso , born 1910, unsuccessfully attempted suicide in 1931, age 21, during high school and, he incurred brain damage in the attempt that he was left in a vegetative state. He eventually died of tuberculosis in 1942, age 32. His second brother was Joachim “Jochen”, who by the end of his military career, was the youngest regimental Oberst in the Waffen-SS, officially known as: SS Standartenführer Joachim Peiper,
1st SS Panzer Division, Leibstandarte-SS . .
Jochen Peiper had followed his brother Horst and they joined the Scout movement. It was during this time that Horst developed an interest in a military career. Horst joined the Luftwaffe but seeing that his high level of belief in the Nazi Party would not affect his role there
Horst on the photo right with his father Woldemar and brother Joachim, joined the NSDAP with number 5.020.840 and in 1939 the SS with SS-number: 279578, reaching the rank of SS Hauptsturmführer. He served with the SS Division “Germania” 1935-1936 and graduated from the Junkerschule Bad Tölz in 1937.
Served in the SS Division “Oberbayern” from 1937 to1938, with the 1st Totenkopf Regiment “Opper-Beieren” in Dachau. Transferred to the SS Division “Ostmark” under commander SS-Obergruppenfiihrer Theodor Eicke; from 1938 to 1939 with the 4th Regiment Totenkopf “Ostmark” in Mauthausen, set up after the Anschluss in March 1938. Then transferred to the SS Division “Heimwehr Danzig” in 1939, under command of SS Sturmbannführer Kurt Eimann . Eimann died in 1980.
Death and burial ground of Peiper, Horst.
After serving with SS-Heimwehr Danzig under command of SS-Obersturmbannführer Hans Friedemann Götze , where he was awarded the Danzig Cross 2nd Class, . SS Heimwehr “Danzig” was an SS unit established in the Free City of Danzig. Horst Peiper was then again assigned to the SS-Totenkopf Division, he eventually made it to 1st Kompaniechef and held that command until he committed suicide on 11-06-1941, age 29, in Poland. It is common belief that Horst took his own life due to personal reasons, there has been talk of homosexuality and conduct not becoming a German officer. But there is more to this story than meets the eye! Theodor Eicke (whose men under his command felt he was a tyrant) it is strongly believed he in SS circles kind of blackmailed Horst, told him there were rumours and if he had any honour he would go and shoot himself; Horst did just that. The news of the death of his older brother naturally upset Jochen Peiper very much.
Joachim Peiper was married to Sigurd Peiper, born. Hinrichsen (1912-1979 – please take note that she was born 3 years before Joachim Peiper and died 3 years after him too). They had 3 children: daughters Elke, born. 07-07-1940 and Silke, born.07-03-1944 and son Hinrich, born. 14-04-1942.
Horst is buried on the cemetery of St. Anna’s church at Schöndorf am Ammersee in Bavaria, along with those of his father Woldemar, mother Charlotte, born Schwartz, and two brothers, Hans-Hasso and Joachim and Joachim’s wife Sigrud, born Hinrichsen.
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