Müller, Heinrich, born on 28-04-1900 in Munich , Bavaria, the son of working class Catholic parents. His father, Alois Müller (1875–1962), was a medical sergeant, gendarmerie officer and administrator, his mother was Anna, born Schreindl (1874–1947). His sister died shortly after giving birth. Heinrich was married on 17-07-1924 to Sophie, born Dischner (born 12-02-1900 in Pasing; she died 03-03-1990 in Munich) – daughter of the publisher Otto Dischner (Otto-Dischner-Weg in Pasing ) – who received a widow’s pension after the war (her files are locked until 31-12-2026). The marriage gave birth to two children: son Reinhard (born 04-03-1927) and daughter Elisabeth (born 30-09-1936). His father had been a rural police official. Müller attended a Volkshochschule and completed an apprenticeship as an aircraft mechanic before the outbreak of the First World War. After service in the last year of World War I as a pilot for an artillery spotting unit,
during which he was decorated several times for bravery, including the Iron Cross 1st
and 2nd class, Bavarian Military Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords
and Bavarian Pilots Badge, he joined the Bavarian Police in 1919. Although not a member of the Freikorps, he was involved in the suppression of the communist risings in the early post-war years. After witnessing the shooting of hostages by the revolutionary “Red Army” in Munich during the Bavarian Soviet Republic, he acquired a lifelong hatred of communism. During the years of the Weimar Republic he was head of the Munich Political Police Department, and became acquainted with many members of the Nazi Party including Heinrich Himmler
and Reinhard Heydrich,
although Müller in the Weimar period was generally seen as a supporter of the Bavarian People’s Party, which at that time ruled Bavaria. On 09-03-1933, during the Nazi putsch that deposed the Bavarian government of Minister-President Heinrich Held
Müller had advocated to his superiors using force against the Nazis. In 1933 Held’s son Philipp became one of the first inmates at the Dachau concentration camp. On 04-08-1938, Heinrich Held, age 70, died in Regensburg. Ironically, these views aided Müller’s rise as it guaranteed the hostility of the Nazis, thereby making Müller very dependent upon the patronage of Reinhard Heydrich, who in turn appreciated Müller’s professionalism and skill as a policeman, and was aware of Müller’s past, making Müller rely upon Heydrich’s protection.
As Gestapochief, Müller, nicknamed “Gestapo Müller” oversaw the implementation of Hitler’s policies against Jews and other groups deemed a threat to the state. The notorious Adolf Eichmann,
who headed the Gestapo’s Office of Resettlement and then its Office of Jewish Affairs, was Müller’s immediate subordinate. Heinrich Müller was a member of the Wannsee Conference, the Wannsee Conference was a meeting of senior officials of Nazi Germany, held in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee on 20-01-1942.
The meeting was to ensure the cooperation of administrative leaders of various government departments in the implementation of the final solution to the Jewish question, whereby most of the Jews of German-occupied Europe would be deported to Poland and murdered. Other participants were Erich Neumann,
Reinhard Heydrich, Adolf Eichmann and Roland Freisler.
Once World War II began, Müller and Eichmann planned key components in the deportation and then extermination of Europe’s Jews. Müller was involved in other criminal affairs as well. He helped plan the phony Polish attack on Gleiwitz radio station in 1939 (used to justify Germany’s attack on Poland). He signed the “Bullet Order” of March 1944, authorizing the shooting of escaped prisoners of war and authorized the torture of officers who had conspired to kill Hitler in July 1944. Müller’s zeal in countering the 20 July plot earned him the rare military decoration of the Knight’s Cross to the War Service Cross with Swords in October 1944. Müller also managed security and counterespionage operations. His most spectacular counterespionage success was the development of a double-cross network that fed disinformation to the Soviet intelligence services between 1942 and 1945. Located in Berlin and a few other Western European capitals, this network had been extremely successful in sending sensitive political and military information to Moscow. Müller’s Gestapo team
was able to capture a number of these agents and “turn” them Codenamed Rote Kapelle (Red Orchestra)
, this Gestapo operation was among the greatest Soviet intelligence setbacks of the war. In the initial period after the Nazi surrender U.S. counterintelligence attempted to track down all leads to Müller. Information reached U.S. army intelligence that Gestapo Müller had taken the assumed name Schwartz or Schwatzer and had gone south from Berlin with another Gestapo official Christian A. Scholz
. But no traces of either man were ever found.
Death and burial ground of Müller, Heinrich “Gestapo Müller”.

In 1947, British and American authorities twice searched the home of Gestapo Müller’s mistress Anna Schmid for clues, but found nothing suggesting that Müller was still alive. With the onset of the Cold War and the shift of resources to the Soviet target, the assumption took hold in U.S. intelligence that Gestapo Müller was dead.
Probable he is buried in a mass grave with many Jews on the Jewish cemetery in Berlin-Mid and there is a grave stone on the war graves section, of the suburb Neukölln in Berlin.
For a long time it was unclear what had happened to Müller, one of the main responsible for the Holocaust after the war. According to Bild, however, he did not survive the end of the Second World War and was buried in a mass grave in a cemetery in the Berlin district of Mitte.
According to Johannes Tuchel, director of the Remembrance Center for the German Resistance, Müller’s body was clearly identified in 1945. He would have worn a uniform and a legitimacy would also have been found, according to historical documents.
Dieter Graumann (63), chairman of the Central Council for Jews, finds it “horrible that one of the most cruel Nazi Nazis ended up in a Jewish cemetery.”

Message(s), tips or interesting graves for the webmaster: robhopmans@outlook.com
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