Müller, Franz, born 28-10-1896, in Dietingen / Württemberg, was married to Hulda Bertsche (1901-1967). He served from 01-08-1919 to 21-11-1927 with the 13th Würtenbergische Infantry Regiment under the Kompanie Chief Erwin Rommel.
Already in the First World War he was rewarded with the Iron Cross 1st class and promoted to Feldwebel..
He then pursued an officer’s career and, as a major, later became commander of the 2nd Battalion in the 460th Infantry Regiment. Op 22-11-1941 he was awarded the German Cross in gold by the Commander-in-Chief of the Army, General Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch,
in recognition of the brave performance of his battalion in the battles at the Kremenki Bridgehead. For his actions in the Battle of Lgowo on 22-23, 1941 he was awarded the Certificate of Recognition of the Commander-in-Chief.
Von left, Hauptmann Franz Müller, Hauptman Labrenz, General Arthur Schmidt and Oberst Walther Hahm. General Schmidt
died in Karlsruhe on 05-11-1987, age 92. Walther Hahm
later a General survived the war and died 21-12-1951 (aged 57) in Heide/Schleswick-Holstein,
Oberstleutnant Günther Keil reported event in Normandy. He said Oberstleutnant Franz Müller arrived on the evening of June 6 1944 in the area north of Azeville-Saint-Marcouf with regimental troops of the 922nd Grenadier Regiment, the engineer battalion of the 243rd Infantry Division, under command of Generalleutnant Heinz Hellmich and the 1st and 3rd Battalions of the 922nd Grenadier Regiment (not a battalion from the 920th Grenadier Regiment). He goes on to add that on the morning of June 7 Regiment Franz Müller attacked, the 3rd Battalion 922nd Grenadier Regiment on the left wing operating against Saint-Marcouf. Saint-Marcouf was captured, but under the pressure of heavy fire from enemy ship based artillery had to give up the position. Making connection with the 3rd Battalion 739th Grenadier Regiment, Oberstleutnant Müller then entrenched with his front facing south. That evening, the 3rd Battalion 922nd Grenadier Regiment along with the 3rd Battalion 739th Grenadier Regiment under command of Oberstleutnant Müller were subordinated to Oberstleutnant Keil. Oberstleutnant Müller took over the southern front adjacent to Oberst Helmuth Rohrbach’s taskforce with the boundary being the western edge of the park of Fontenay. This position was maintained until the evening of June 12, when the units withdrew under orders of General der Artillerie Erich Marcks.
Generalleutnant Heinz Hellmich
also dispatched the 3rd Battalion of the 243rd Artillery Regiment (less the 10th Battery) from the west coast via Bricquebec to Valognes. The two batteries took up position during the fight of June 6 near Ecausseville (3.5 km south of Montebourg). They were assigned to Regimental Staff Seidel and supported the attack of the 1058th Grenadier Regiment on June 7. The 3rd Battalion of the 243rd Artillery Regiment remained with the defending forces around Montebourg after the failed attack of the 1058th Grenadier Regiment. The division was destroyed in the Battle of Normandy, with its last elements lost in the fall of Cherbourg. His was taken prisoner by the Allies and kater returne3d home to Dietingen.
Death and burial ground of Müller, Franz.
prisoner of the Allies
Müller decorated.
Oberstleutnant Franz Müller died in 1986, age 89, in Dietingen/Württemberg.and is buried with his wife Hulda Bertsche, who died age 66 in 1967 on the local cemetery of Dietingen Württemberg.

Hans-Günter Engelhard
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
im Auftrag der Familie Müller, seiner Nachkommen bedanke ich mich für die sachliche Darstellung der Fakten. Herr Müller wurde ebenfalls zweimal mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz ausgezeichnet. Was ihn aber wenig berührte. Als Uhrmacher machte er aus dem Deutschen Kreuz eine Uhr. Ich gab mein Blut für Eisen. Rommel sein Lehrmeister blieb für immer sein Vorbild. Als Bürgermeister versuchte er sein Bestes. Ehrenbürger in Dietingen. Er ist in der Chronologie seiner Kompanie verewigt durch die Darstellung des gesamten Verlaufes seiner Einheit.https://wordpress.260id.de/deutsche-version/franz-mueller/ . Nach dem Krieg lehrte er die jungen Menschen den Frieden zu wahren. Doch seine Militärzeit lässt sich nicht verleugnen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen