Luckner, Wolfgang Graf von, born 09-11-1896 in Friedenberg, Neumark, the son of Julius Ludwig Ferdinand Nikolaus.Lückner and Anna Sophie Magdalene, born von Kameke, joined the Army Service, age 17, on 10-08-1914 and was a Leutnant and Battalion Officer in the fields of the first war. The nobel Von Luckner
was allowed in the new Reichswehr
.He was married to Carola von Neumann and they had one son Achim von Lückner and one daughter Carola von Lückner. In the course of mobilization for the World War II, Wolfgang von Luckner became commander of the Artillery Regiment 175 on 26-08-1939, which had border security tasks in the organization of the 75th Infantry Division
under Generalleutnant Wilhelm Berthold Helmuth Beukemann
and the 1st Army in Saarland and the Palatinate, and on 14-06-1940 they attacked the Maginot- Line
between Saarbrücken and Saint-Avold. His regiment was transferred to Poland with the entire 75th Infantry Division in mid-July 1940, and on 22-06-1941, he attacked the Soviet Union. A few months earlier, on 01-04-1941, von Luckner had been promoted to Oberst. Wilhelm Beukemann survived the war and died age 87 on 13-07-1981.
On 12-01-1942, von Luckner was transferred to the Staff of the Army Group South as “Staff Officers of the Artillery”; In his division and renaming in July 1942 he remained in the same service at Army Group B. He was with the General Staff of Army Group Süd to 06-05-1943, Army Group South was led by Field Marshal, Gerd von Rundstedt and his Chief of Staff Field Marshal der Infanterie, Erich Manstein
Artillery Commander 189, until 10-01-1944 and landed in the Führer Reserve
to 01-08-1944 and appointed as commander of the School for Fahnenjunkers of Artillery in Suippes, Mourmalon, to January 1945. Higher Artillery Commander of Coastal Artillery Command North to 14-02-1945. He last command before he was in captivity was Higher Artillery Command 220 with the Mountain Army High command 20 and was in British captivity from 08-05-1945..
His brother Graf Nikolaus von Lückner, (born 24-02-1894 in Friedeberg (Neumark) , † 24-09-1966, age 72, in Meerholz ) was a German Major General. At the end of the war he was taken prisoner by the Americans, from which he was released on 03-03-1947. His brother Heinrich Graf Luckner (full name Magnus Heinrich-Alexander Graf von Luckner ; born 12-03-1891 in Kolberg , † 15-08-1970 in Munich ) was a German painter and graphic artist. Their uncle was Felix Nikolaus Alexander Georg Graf von Luckner
(09-06-1881, Dresden – 13-04-1966, Malmö), sometimes called Count Luckner in English, was a German nobleman, naval officer, author, and sailor who earned the epithet Der Seeteufel (the Sea Devil), and his crew that of Die Piraten des Kaisers (the Emperor’s Pirates), for his exploits in command of the sailing commerce raider SMS Seeadler (Sea Eagle) during the First World War. After the war, Luckner became a war hero in Germany and was renowned around the world for his seamanship and chivalrous conduct during the war, which resulted in a minimal loss of life on both sides.
Death and burial ground of Luckner, Wolfgang Alexander Wilhelm Hermann Graf von.

Released on 17-05-1948, von Luckner retired in Höxter, where he at the age of 75 died, on 13-11-1971 and is buried with his wife Gräfin Carola, born von Neumann, who died age 80, on 17-08-1981, on the cemetery “Friedhof am Wall” in Höxter, Field G-Grave 210. Only steps away the grave of WWII Generalleutnant der Kavallerie, Kommandeur der XII Korps, Ernst Faeckestedt.

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