Lange, Werner, born 18-07-1893 in Altenburg, Thuringa, joined the Navy
as a Sea Cadet on the heavy Cruiser “Vineta”
on 01-04-1912, age 18. During the first war he was an Adjutant on the liner “Friedrich der Grosse” He remained in the new Reichswehr Navy
and with the outbreak of World War II he as a Kapitän zur See, was the commander of the Light Cruiser “Emden”
to 28-08-1940. Appointed as Chief of Military Department of Office Group Submarine Affairs, Naval War Command, OKM, under Admiral Erich Raeder,
until 19-12-1940.

Commanding Admiral Aegean to 28-11-1944 and Commanding Admiral of Western Baltic Sea until 30-03-1945. He was placed to disposal of the Commander in Chief of Naval High Command Baltic Sea and landed in captivity on 08-05-1945 and released on 30-11-1946. He wearied his Navy dagger of the old emporer period with proud despite the Nazi Regiment. In the five and a half years of the war, German shipyards built 1.156 U-boats, of which 784 were lost from enemy action or other causes. Their toll of enemy shipping was 2.603 merchant ships of over 13½ million tons, and 175 naval vessels of all types. In terms of human lives, 28.000 German U-boat crew of the total 40.900 men recruited into the service lost their lives and 5.000 were taken prisoners of war. Some 30.000 men of the allied merchant service died, in addition to an unknown number of Allied naval personnel. When the war ended, 156 U-boats surrendered, 221 were scuttled by their own crews and two escaped to Argentina.
Death and burial ground of Lange, Werner.
Werner Lange (outer left, behind Kurt Fricke) in Athens 1943 Werner Lange retired in Eutin, the temporary headquarters of the new Karl Dönitz
government, and died there at the age of 72, on 19-11-1968. Lange is buried on the Stadtfriedhof of Eutin and close by the graves of the Generalmajor der Infanterie, Kommandeur 326th Volksgrenadier Division, Dr Erwin Kaschner, General der Flieger, Kommandeur Luftwaffe Hamburg, Alfred Mahncke, Generalmajor der Infanterie, Kommandeur 197th Infanterie Division, Hermann Meyer-Rabingen and Generalleutnant der Luftnachrichtentruppe, Kommandeur Luftflotte Kommando 6, Curt Schubert.

Vize Admiral’s nephew Joachim von Roy, kindly sent me the photos of his uncle as Korvettenkapitän, Konter Admiral and when he married. Werner Lang’s wife, Marie Luise Lange, born von Roy born in Berlin-Halensee on 25–05-1910, died in Eutin 03-10-1989, age 79 and they rest together with her parents, Oberstleutnant Maximilian Otto von Roy, born in Dresden 18-07-1884, he died also in Eutin on 20-09-1957, age 73 and his wife Elisabeth, born Büscher in Iserlohn on 27-11-1886, she died also in Eutin, on 13-03-1982, very old age of 95. Oberstleutnant Maximilian von Roy was captured in Mai 1945 and imprisoned in the Russian Camp No 7150 for Officers in Grjasowez near Wologada.
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