Laegeler, Hellmuth, born 22-01-1902 in Ulm, the son of Oberstleutnant Erwin Friedrich Laegeler and his wife Luise. Hellmuth joined the Army on 26-04-1921, age 19, as a Fahnenjunker in the 13th Infantry Regiment in Ludwigsburg. He visited the infantry schools in Ohrdruf and Munich. From 1924 to 1933 he was a platoon commander, Ordonnanzoffizier and intelligence officer. From 1933 to 1935 he completed the General Staff Course at the War Academy in Berlin. In 1935/36 he was Ib of the 17th Division in Nuremberg and 1936/37 of the 33rd Division. In 1936 he took part in the Rhineland occupation.
From 1937 to 1939 he was a speaker in the 2nd Division
, under command of General der Artillery Paul Bader
, of the General Staff of the Army. Paul Bader died on 28-02-1971 in Emmendingen, Germany, aged 87. Laegeler remained in the Reichswehr and with the beginning of World war II he was as a Major Chief of Operations in the General Staff of the 263rd Infantry Division. The same position with the 76th Infantry Division
to 20-02-1942, under command of General der Artillerie Maximilian de Angelis .
General Maximilian de Angelis died 0 612-1974, aged 85 in Graz, Austria. Tactics Instructor at the War Academy to 20-11-1942 and as an Oberstleutnant Chief of General Staff of the LVII Panzer Corps under General Kirchner
until 28-11-944, meanwhile an Oberst. Kirchner died age 74, on 06-04-1960, in Fulda The same position with the 2nd Panzer Army, “Panzergruppe Guderian”
to 10-08-1944 and taken ill in the Führer Reserve until April 1945.
1942: 2nd Panzer Army
took part in war crimes in September 1942 while conducting anti-guerrilla operations in Russia. These operations killed at least a thousand people, razed entire villages, and deported over 18.500. During these operations, Jews and suspected members of guerrilla bands were murdered by being forced to drag earth-turning implements through minefields. Casualties of the division from Yugoslavia 01-10-1943 until the end of the war, killed in action 7.990, wounded 26.600, missed in action 8.832, total 43.422. Laegeler is the Chief of Demobilisation Department with the Commander in Chief of Wehrmacht South until 08-05-1945 and in Allied captivity to 1947.

Death and burial ground of Laegeler, Hellmuth.
Released Helmuth Laegeler retired in Stuttgart and would serve in the new Bundeswehr under the Chancellor Konrad Adenauer,
He at the age of 70 died on 13-07-1972 and is buried, with military honor, on the Waldfriedhof of Stuttgart. Close by the graves of General der Infanterie, Kommandeur “Kommando von Bünau”, Rudolf Bunau
Generalleutnant der Infanterie, Kommandeur der 237th Infanterie Division, Hans Graevenitz
and General der Artillerie, Kommandeur der LI Gebirgstruppe, Friedrich Hauck.

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