Koedoot, Dirk.

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Koedoot, Dirk, born 08-02-1925, in IJsselmonde, Zuid Holland, Netherlands, the son of Jilles Koedoot (1879-1968) and Klaartje van Dam (1883-1966).The family consisted of 10 children of which Dirk was the youngest. Besides Dirk there were: Pietertje (Pietje) Heiltje (1905-1965), Jacob (Jaap) (1906-1986), Hilligje (Hil), (1909-1986), Jan (1910-1987), Neeltje (Nel) (1912 -2005), Maaike (1915-2016), Cornelia (Cor) (1917-2008), Hendrika (Riek) (1919-2004) and Emma (Emmy) (1922-1996).The family moved on 13-10-1925 (Dirk was 8 months old) to Rotterdam with the address Westerbeekstraat 37. On 13-05-1929 the family moved a few houses further in the same street to no. 29 a. Dirk was a bread baker by profession. Saturday 20-02-1943 Dirk was forced as a 17-year-old by the Regional Employment Office Rotterdam to go to work in Germany under the name, Arbeitseinsatz./ forced laborers. He lived and worked everywhere in Germany, including in and around Munich. Dirk ended up with a couple who owned a bakery. He had a good time there under the circumstances. He was probably there too. Dirk (left) with another Dutchman at the Ludwichbrücke in Munich, 28-03-1943. Where his brothers Jaap and Jan (also forced labourers) with their stable characters opted for acceptance of the situation, Dirk eventually opted for a (no chance) flight of 800 kilometers. Close to the Dutch border, he was caught by surveillance German soldiers. He seems to have resisted violently, after which he was pounded hard with rifle butts. (his sister Riek said about this ‘that they beat him to death’) No doubt he was taken to the Gestapo in Munich for questioning and placed in the Arbeits Erziehungs Lager (AEL) Moosach. The Gestapo-Munich, Unit II-e, was in charge of both the AEL-Moosach and the concentration camp Dachau. At the head of this unit was the former geologist, SS-Hauptsturmführer Richard Lebküchner (1902-1981). In the Hauptquartier of the Gestapo, located in the “Wittelsbacher Palais”, at 50 Briennerstraße, he was regarded by the inmates present as “the Tyrant of the Gestapo Munich” and nicknamed him “Münchner Nero”. He became generally regarded as exceptionally strict and cruel. After the war, a fellow prisoner (or fellow patient?) of Dirk visited Rotterdam at home. This man told about Dirk’s flight and that as a punishment he had to stand in a well filled water well for 24 hours.

Death and burial ground of Koedoot, Dirk.

  He was then admitted to a hospital at 9 Maria Ward Straße, where he died on Wednesday 20-10-1943 at 8:00 PM at the age of 18 as a result of a pulmonary hemorrhage, according to the German solution. Dirk was buried on Saturday 23-10-1943 at the Westfriedhof of Munich. On Saturday 28-04-1956 his body was reburied in the Dutch war cemetery in Franktfurt am Main.  The plot can be found at the Waldfriedhof, Burgenlandweg, Frankfurt-Oberrad (south of the Main). The dedication took place on 10-07-1956.It is the central cemetery and memorial for compatriots who died in southern Germany. The plot has 756 graves. On the plot in Frankfurt am Main is a stone triptych with the names of another 242 victims, who could not be buried in this plot. Also located here is the monument “The falling man”. The pedestal is engraved: “In memory of the Dutch war victims of the concentration camps and their commandos  Dachau, Flossenburg, Natzweiler”.Dirk Koedoot was reburied in Section A, Row 6, Grave 9.

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