Heider, Wilhelm, born 14-12-1884 in Cologne, Rheinland,

entered the Army as a war volunteer in the Garde Fusilier Regiment and soon accepted as a Fahnenjunker in the 6
th Rheinische Infantry Regiment. He was in the fields of the first war with this Regiment and landed in British captivity on 02-09-1918. Heider retired from the Army on 31-03-1920. He reactivated again on 01-11-1935 in the Army Service as a Supplement Officer with the rank of Major. On 17-11-1936 he was attached to the General Staff of the General Command of the VI Army, under command of Generalfeldmarschall
Walther von Reichenau 
in Münster. On 20-04-1940 he was transferred to the General Staff of the Army and from 25-10-1940 as Chief of the General Staff of Deputy VI Army Corps (Wehrkreis VI) in Münster. Heider landed in the Führer Reserve (see
Adolf Hitler) (
did you know) on 15-12-1943 and from 20-12-1943 he was Chief of General Staff of the Military Commander in Belgium and Northern France, General der Infanterie, Kommandeur Belgium und Nord Frankreich,
Alexander von Falkenhausen.

Retiring in Wiesbadeb as many WWII Generals did, Heider died at the old age of 83 and is buried on the Nordfriedhof of Wiesbaden. Many Generals are buried there as. Generalleutnant der Infanterie, Kommandeur 170
th Infanterie Division,
Franz Bentivegni, General der Infanterie, Kommandeur der LXIII Heeresgruppe,
Ernst Dehner, Generalleutnant der Kavallerie, Jurist Reichs Kriegsgericht
,Friedrich Eberhardt, Generalleutant der Infanterie, Kommandeur der 172
nd Division
, Kurt Fischer, Generalleutnant der Infanterie,
Commander of POW’s in area Wehrmacht Commander Eastern Territories, Victor Gaissert,

Generalmajor der Artillerie,
Kommandeur der Raketten Artillerie Truppe, Ernst Graewe, Generalleutnant der Flieger,
Kommandeur Luftwaffe Versorgung, Friedrich Hanesse, Generalmajor der Flieger,
Kommandeur der 4th Fallschirmjägerluftflotte, Battle for Stalingrad, Hans von Herudt von Rhode, General der Flieger,
Erich von Keiser, Generalleutnant der Flieger,
Leader of firing Commission with the Air Fleet Reich, in Wiesbaden, Erich Homberg, Generalmajor der Flieger,
Commander of POW’s Military District III, Herbert Giese, Generaloberst der Infanterie,
Kommandeur der 15th Division
, D-Day, Hans von Salmuth,

Generalmajor der Wehrmacht,
Friedrich von Unger, Generalleutnant der Wehrmacht, Chef des Generalstabes vom Generalkommando XXXIII: Armeekorps,
Bruno Uthmann, Generalmajor der Infanterie, Command of the X Army, Generalmajor der Flieger,
8th Department der Luftwaffe, Horst Voigt Ruscheweyh and Vice Admiral,
Marineattaché, Ralf von Marwitz.
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