Göring-Sonneman, Emma Johanna Henny “Emmy”, born 24-03-1893 in Hamburg,

the daughter of Johann Heinrich Sonnemann and Emma Wilhelmine Dorothea , born Sagell. Johann was a salesman from Hamburg who owned a chocolate factory. Growing up in a fairly wealthy family, Emmy soon decided she wanted to be an actress. Emmy was educated with Leopold Jessner

in Hamburg. After this she performed in various theaters and eventually she became a well known actress at the National Theatre in Weimar. She was the daughter of a successful chocolate factory owner, one of his five children. From her youth she was always interested in the show bussiness
Emmy on the left

On 13-01-1916, Sonnemann married actor Karl Köstlin

in Trieste, Austria-Hungary. Thereafter, she was known as
Emmy Köstlin. In her autobiography, Göring said that she and Köstlin soon realized that they were more suited as friends and soon separated. They eventually divorced in 1926 after ten years. Köstlin was born in 1886 and died in 1960, 74 years old.

Emmy met
Hermann Göring (
did you know) for the first time early 1932 and she became Hermann Göring’s second wife. The wedding on 10-04-1935 was a big party. The streets were decorated, the inner city of Berlin was closed to traffic and more than two hundred planes of the newly founded Luftwaffe circled above the pair

who died in October 1931. Adolf Hitler acted as best man, in Munich. In 1937 she gave, already 44 years old, birth to a daughter and named her Edda, believed to be after
Mussolini’s daughter who was married with Foreign Minister Ciano, he
Karl Köstlin. Emma with Ciano. Edda with Emmy.
was executed age 40, on 11-01-1944, and who had spent some time at their home Carinhall. The birth of Edda was pretty unexpected as from Hermann was said that he was not a fertile man. Edda is still living quiet in Munich, suburb Lehel, but proud with the name Goering, she never married. Adolf Hitler was her godfather. The birth of her daughter was celebrated by her husband’s ordering 500 planes to fly over Berlin, Göring stated he would have flown 1,000 planes as a salute had it been a boy. Edda became active in the Neo-Nazi movement and attends many of their reunions. Mrs. G
óring liked to give big parties in the Carinhall

and the most important people were invited for these occasions. Emmy served as
Adolf Hitler (
did you know) hostess at many state functions, which led to her claiming the title of “First Lady of the Third Reich”.

This factor as well as her claim to be the “First Lady of the Third Reich”, created much animosity between herself,
Magda Goebbels (
did you know) and Hitler’s (see
Hitler Paula) mistress,
Eva Braun (
Braun parents)

whom Emmy Göring snubbed and openly despised. This led to Hitler issuing angry instructions to Hermann Göring to demand that Emmy treat Eva with more respect; one of the outcomes of Emmy’s condescending attitude toward Eva was that she was no longer invited to Hitler’s Bavarian retreat, the Berghof. As for Eva Braun, she allegedly never forgave Emmy for having assumed the role of “First Lady of the Reich”. Hermann Göring named his country house “Carinhall” after his first wife, but his hunting lodge at Rominten, now Krasnolesye, the Reichsjägerhof, was known as “Emmyhall”

. By the time of her husband’s death at Nuremberg she and her daughter had been reduced to living in a two-room cottage with no running water or electricity, and a woman whose gowns had once required multiple closets owned two dresses. She only had contact with her husband by letters

In 1948, a German identification court convicted her of being a Nazi and sentenced her to one year in jail. When she was released, thirty percent of her property was confiscated and she was banned from the stage for five years. She was unable to revive her acting career so she moved to Munich with her daughter Edda. Upon her release she was able to secure a small apartment in a new construction in the rebuilt city of Berlin. She remained there for the rest of her life. For most of her life she suffered from sciatica. Daughter Edda,
Death and burial ground of Göring-Sonneman, Emma Johanna Henny “Emmy”.
Emmy died on June 08-06-1973,
at the old age of 80, after a long illness. Emma Göring-Sonnemann is buried on the Waldfriedhof, new section, in Munich and her neighbors is Konteradmiral, Karl Jesko von Puttkamer
marine–adjutant of Hitler On this cemetery are also buried the next persons, General der Flieger, Kommandeur IV Flak Regiment, Rudolf Bogatsch, Generalleutnant der Artillerie, Commander of the Troops Exercise Grounds in Maria ter Heide, Heinz Curtze, Generalmajor der Infanterie, Ernst Detleffsen, Franz Ritter von Epp, Generalmajor der Kavallerie, Staff of the Inspector of Land Fortifications West, Gero von Gersdorf,
Oberst der Wehrmacht, Highest German Commander on D-Day, Normandy, Ernst Goth, SS Obergruppenführer, Kommandeur General II SS Panzerkorps, Paul “Papa” Hausser, SS Obersturmführer, Chef ./SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment 38 “Goetz von Berlichingen”
, Bruno Hinz, Generalmajor der Flieger, Commander of the Air Defend Division, Max Ibel, aircraft designer, Hugo Junkers, General der Panzertruppe, Kommandeur der 4th Panzerdivision
, Dietrich von Saucken, Generalmajor der Flieger, Kommandeur Luftregio Truppe 3, Ernst Weber, the bearer of the Nazi blood flag SS Standartenführer, Jacob Grimminger,
the scientist Werner Heissenberg, Generalmajor der Gebirgstruppe, Kommandeur der Jäger Regiment 100, Otto Schury and the famous film maker
Leni Riefenstahl. “Triumpf of the Will” , the film chronicles the 1934 Nazi Party Congress
in Nuremberg.

Message(s), tips or interesting graves for the webmaster: robhopmans@outlook.com
Bernhard Wölfle
Hallo Rob, ich glaube es sehr fest, daß die Urne der auch schon verstorbenen Tochter von Emmy, Edda Göring, im Grab von ihrer Mutter Emmy bestattet wurde ! Es fällt überhaupt nicht auf wenn da ein nur 80cm tiefes Loch gemacht wurde und schnell wieder geschlossen ! Warum die Verwaltung über die Grablage Eddas keine Auskunft geben will ist doch fast der Beweis daß meine Theorie stimmen könnte, besonders wenn das Emmy Grab noch mindestens für die Ruhefrist für Eddas Urne weiterhin bestehen bleibt, 10 oder 12 Jahre…..was ist Deine Meinung, Rob ? Grüße !
Rob Hopmans
Ja Bernhard wahrscheinlich hast De recht und ein Freund aus Canada weisst bestimmt sicher das Sie dort bestattet worden ist Er ist auch ein Historicker und hat seine Quellen.
Denke das ich auch ihre Biografie zufügen werden auf meine Website, mit diese Grabstelle.
Grüsse aus Holland ,
Bernhard Wölfle
Danke Rob für Deine Antwort ! Es soll ja damals eine nichtöffentliche Urnenbestattung im engsten Familien und Freundeskreis gegeben haben. Man müßte über Verbindungen zu diesem Kreis doch weitere Informationen bekommen können – irgendwer plaudert doch immer was über die Geheimnisse des 3.Reiches aus. Ich verstehe diese absolute Geheimhaltung seitens der zuständigen Stellen nicht so ganz, vielleicht weil Edda lange Jahre mit der Regierung von Bayern um die Herausgabe von Erbstücken und Geschenken ihres Vaters kämpfte und deshalb zur ‘Persona non grata’ wurde ….??