Frick, Wilhelm, born 12-03-1977 in Alsenz, Rheinland-Pfalz,

the last of four children of teacher Wilhelm Frick the elder and his wife Henriette, born Schmidt. He was educated in Kaiserslautern and studied jurisprudence at Heidelberg, graduating in 1901. He joined the Bavarian civil service in 1903, working as a lawyer at the police headquarters in Munich. He was made a Bezirksamtassessor in 1907 and rose to the position of Regierungsassessor by 1917. In 1910, Frick married Elisabetha Emilie Nagel

(27.04.1890 – + 25.10.1978) in Pirmasens. They had two sons and a daughter. Hans, born in 1911 and on 03-05-1945 he committed suicide with his wife and children. Walter was born in 1913, he died in combat on the Russian front. He was a leutnant. Dead on the Dnepr River. Daughter Annelise, born in 1920, was a nurse of the Luftwaffe

. The marriage ended in an ugly divorce in 1934. Later that year Frick remarried, to Margarete Schultze-Naumburg (1896–1960),

the former wife of Nazi Reichstag MP Paul Schultze-Naumburg.

Schultze-Naumburg died, age 79 in Jena on 19-05-1949. His ashes were placed in the mausoleum designed by him in 1909 for the poet Ernst von Wildenbruch on Weimar Historical Cemetery. Margarete gave birth to a son Dieter, he died age 70 in 2007 and a daughter Renate

who died age 76 on 12-05-2011 in München-Bogenhausen. At the end of the war she was classified with a one-year probation and 10.000 Mark atonement in the group of “lesser offender.” About half a year, the process had attracted. After the first appointment of the public prosecutor was removed from his post because he had dined with Mrs. Frick at a table. Then put the defender resign as the records for months in the Bavarian Ministry special camped. Margarete Frick had to face a denazification court as will the widow of Hermann Goering,
Emmy Sonneman.

Wilhelm Frick finished school in Kaiserslautern. Between 1896 and 1900, he studied at the University of Munich, the University of Göttingen and the University of Berlin and completed his degree in law in Munich. Frick earned a doctor of laws from the University of Heidelberg in 1901. Wilhelm Frick joined the NSDAP

in September 1925 and worked for an insurance company. He took part in the Beer Hall Putsch (November 1923)

, at which time he was director of the Munich Kriminalpolizei. He was one of those arrested and imprisoned for the putsch and was tried for treason before the People’s Court in April 1924. He was given a suspended sentence of 15 months’ imprisonment and was dismissed from his police job. Frick was elected to the Reichstag in May 1924 and associated himself with the radical Gregor Strasser,

he climbed to posts of leadership in the NSDAP, becoming Fraktionsführer, parliamentary leader, in 1928. Strasser was killed during the Night of the Long Knives, age 42, on 30-06-1934. Wilhelm Frick was appointed Minister of the Interior and of Education in the state government of Thuringia during 1930–31, being the first Nazi to hold any ministerial-level post in pre-Nazi Germany. When
Adolf Hitler (
did you know) (see
William Hitler) came to power in January 1933, Frick was appointed as Reich Minister of the Interior. He was one of only three Nazis in the original Hitler Cabinet,
Alfred Hugenberg was another member of the new governement,

was instrumental in passing laws against Jewish people, like the notorious Nuremberg Laws, in September 1935. Frick took a leading part in Germany’s re-armament in violation of the Versailles Treaty. He drafted laws introducing universal military conscription and extending the military service law to Austria after the Anschluss

, as well as to the annexed regions of Czechoslovakia. In the summer 1938 Wilhelm Frick was named the patron, Schirmherr of the Deutsches Turn- und Sportfest in Breslau, a patriotic sports festival attended by Hitler and all the Nazi top brass. In this event he presided the ceremony of “handing over” the new Nazi Sports Office standard, Bannerüberführung, to Hans von Tschammer und Osten

, marking the further nazification of sports in Germany. Hans von Tschammer und Osten died age 55 on 25-03-1943 in Berlin. From the mid-to-late 1930s Frick lost favor irreversibly within the Nazi Party after a power struggle involving attempts to resolve the lack of coordination within the Reich government. For example, in 1933 he tried to restrict the widespread use of “protective custody” orders that were used to send people to concentration camps, only to be begged off by SS Chief
Heinrich Himmler

His power was greatly reduced in 1936 when Hitler named Himmler chief of all German police forces. This effectively united the police with the SS and made it virtually independent of Frick’s control, since Himmler was responsible only to Hitler. A long-running power struggle between the two culminated in Frick being replaced by Himmler as interior minister in 1943. Frick’s replacement as Reich interior minister did not reduce, however, the growing administrative chaos and infighting between party and state agencies. Frick was then appointed to the ceremonial post of Protector of Bohemia and Moravia. Prague, the capital of the protectorate, where Frick used ruthless methods to counter dissent, was one of the last Axis-held cities to fall at the end of World War II in Europe. Frick was arrested and tried before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, where he was the only defendant besides
Rudolf Hess

who refused to testify on his own behalf. For his role in formulating the Enabling Act as Minister of the Interior, the later Nuremberg Laws, that led to people under those laws being sent to German concentration camps, Frick was convicted of planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Death and burial ground of Frick, Wilhelm “Willi”.

Frick was also accused of being one of the highest persons responsible for the existence of the concentration camps. Wilhelm Frick was sentenced to death on 01-10-1946 and was hanged about two weeks later on 16 October, by the U.S. hangman
John Chris Woods.

Of his execution, journalist Howard K. Smith wrote: The sixth man to leave his prison cell and walk with handcuffed wrists to the death house was 69-year-old Wilhelm Frick. He entered the execution chamber at 2.05 a.m., six minutes after
Alfred Rosenberg had been pronounced dead. He seemed the least steady of any so far and stumbled on the thirteenth step of the gallows. His only words were, “Long live eternal Germany,” before he was hooded and dropped through the trap.

Hermann Goering (
did you know) who committed suicide hours before his hanging,
Alfred Rosenberg,
Joachim von Ribbentrop,
Julius Streicher,
Hans Frank,
Arthur Seyss Inquart,
Alfred Jodl,
Fritz Sauckel,
Wilhelm Keitel,
Ernst Kaltenbrunner were secretly transferred in Army trucks to the Ostfriedhof, Eastern Cemetery of Munich, on 16-10-1946 and cremated. The coffins had faked names and they gave Streicher’s coffin ironical a Jewish name. The same night four Generals, an American, an Englishman, a Frenchman and a Russian were secretly driven straight to the closest bridge, the Reichenbachbrücke over the river Isar nearby and they scattered the ashes downstream.
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