Freytag von Loringhoven, Bernd, born 06-02-1914, in Arensburg Estonia,
the son of the nobel Charles Napoleon Haro Burchard* von Freytag-Loringhoven
and Leonide Clara Oda* von Möller
He was a Baltic-German descended from an ancient and illustrious family first ennobled in the 12th century (Baron: Livonia, Courland 1198; Master of the Teutonic Order 1485
, Gotha Register 1896, 1934 1942). After one year of law studies at the University of Königsberg, he joined the Reichswehr in 1933. In 1942 a tank battalion under Loringhoven’s command was encircled during the Soviet counter-offensive at the Battle of Stalingrad,
however, he was flown out of the pocket in January 1943. He was a decorated tank commander. From July 1944-April 1945, he served as an adjutant to both Generaloberst der Infanterie, Oberbefehler B 2nd Panzer Armee, Heinz Guderian
and General der Infanterie, Chief of the Army General Staff (OKH)
, Hans Krebs
. Loringhoven’s cousin, Wessel Freytag von Loringhoven,
provided the detonator charge and explosives for the July 20 assassination attempt against Adolf Hitler. They knew each other well but Bernd was not involved directly in the plot. After it failed, Bernd managed to escape arrest, due to the support of Guderian. However, Wessel was suspected of complicity in the plot and committed suicide on 26 July, age 44, rather than risk implicating his family and colleagues. Loringhoven’s last assignment was as a staff officer responsible for the preparation of reports for German leader Adolf Hitler. After 23-04-1945, when Hitler’s communications staff began to desert, he had to improvise and he based his intelligence reports on information he was able to gather from the Allied news agencies Reuters and the BBC. Fortunately, Hitler was not aware of this. During the evening of 29 April, he left the Führerbunker with Oberleutnant Gerhardt Boldt,
he died age 63 on 10-05-1981 in Lübeck and Oberstleutnant Rudolf Weiß
, he died age 47 on 19-09-1958. Earlier in the morning, Loringhoven had approached General Hans Krebs

Misch died old age 96 on 05-09-2013 in Berlin and Hitler Youth courier Armin Dieter Lehmann,

Death and burial ground of Freytag von Loringhoven, Bernd Freiherr.

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