Förster, Otto Wilhelm, born 16-03-1885 in Ilmenau, Thüringen
, joined the Army on 12-03-1903, age 17, as a Fahnenjunker in the Garde Pioneer Battalion in Berlin
. With the outbreak of World War I he is adjutant of the General of the Pioneers with the 3rd Army, under command of Generaloberst Max von Hausen
. Von Hausen died 18-03-1922, aged 75, in Dresden, Free State of Saxony, Weimar Republic.

ends the war in the General Staff of the 14th Replacement Division and was allowed in the new 100.000 men Reichswehr,
eight Infantry and two Cavallerie Divisions. In the First World War he was awarded the Iron Cross 1st Class and the exclusive Wilhelm-Ernst War Cross. 

Förster became the rank of Generalmajor on 01-10-1934 and of Generalleutnant on 01-01-1937. As Commanding General of the VI Army Corps
, succeeding General der Artillerie Günther von Kluge

General Georg Thomas
, head of the Military Economics and Armament Office of the Armed Forces Supreme Command, played an essential role in drawing up the starvation policy for the occupied Eastern territories. He was transferred to the Officers Reserve on 20-11-1942 and arrested after the 20 July 1944 assassination attempt on Hitler because of his contacts with the resistance. Thomas died, age 56, 29-12-1946. Generaloberst der Infanterie, Head of the Army General Staff from 1938 until September, 1942, Franz Halder,

He was freed by U.S. troops in May 1945. In camp Flossenburg, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris and Hans Oster were killed only days before the end of the war. Feldmarschall der Artillerie, Walther von Brauchitsch

Death and burial ground of Förster, Otto Wilhelm.

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