Eberhardt, Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Karl Hermann Gotthard.

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Eberhardt, Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Karl Hermann Gotthard, born 15-01-1892 in Strassbourg, Elsass, joined the Army on 11-03-1910, age 18, as a Fahnenjunker in the 6th Dragoon Regiment. Friedrich participated in World War I and ended the war detached to the Artillery Commander 220 for training as a battery leader. Eberhardt was allowed in the Reichswehr and with the outbreak of World War II he was commander of the 60th Infantry Division, until 15-05-1942. The 60th Infantry Division was formed in late 1939, from Gruppe Eberhardt, a collection of SA units that had been engaged in the capture of Danzig during the Invasion of Poland. This division was unusual in that its manpower was largely drawn from the SA and the police.
He was involved in the invasion of Poland and the Western Front. The polish Major Henrijk Sucharski (with a sabre) surrendering Westerplatte to General Friedrich Eberhardt (saluting).  After short stays in various German transit camps where the sabre was removed from his possession, on 26-10-1939 Sucharski was imprisoned in Oflag IV-A in the Hohnstein castle. Henrijk spent the remainder of the war in various German prisoner of war camps, including Oflag II-B in Arnswalde (from June 25, 1940) and Oflag II-D in Gross-Born (from May 12, 1942). During the evacuation of Gross-Born in March 1945 he suffered a serious accident from which he never fully recovered. Major Sucharski died 30-08-1946, aged 47, in Naples, Italy
The German 60th Infantry Division was formed in late 1939, from Gruppe Eberhardt, a collection of SA units that had been engaged in the capture of Danzig during the Invasion of Poland . This division was unusual in that its manpower was largely drawn from the SA and the police. This division participated in the invasion of France (1940), and was in July 1940 transferred back to Poland where it was upgraded to 60th Infantry Division (motorized). During this upgrading it was reduced to two regiments, the 92th Infantry Regiment and  244th Infantry Regiment and the other regiment the 243th Infantry Regiment, was reassigned. In January 1941 the Division was moved to Rumania and in April took part in the invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece.  This division participated in Operation Barbarossa, advancing through Uman and across the Dnieper River as part of the 1st Panzergruppe, commanded by General Ewald von Kleist
   Kleist was captured by U.S. forces in 1945, and was sent to communist Yugoslavia to face war crimes charges in 1946. In 1948 he was extradited to the Soviet Union where he was given a 10 year sentence in 1952 for war crimes. He, age 73, on 13-11-1954, died in captivity in the Vladimir Prison   in 1954, the highest ranked German officer to die in Soviet captivity. Eberhardt was four times in the Führer Reserve (see Adolf Hitler) (did you know) with in between the command of different divisions. The last time in the Reserve to 15-12-1944 and then detached to the Reichs War Court until 10-03-1945. Transferred as Officer judge to the Reichs War Court under jurist Roland Freisler 
    , to his captivity on 08-05-1945.

Death and burial ground of Eberhardt, Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Karl Hermann Gotthard.

   Eberhardt was released in 1947 and lived in Wiesbaden, as many WWII Generals did and where he at the age of 72 died, on 09-09-1964. He is buried with his wife Ilse, born Goos, who died age 84 on 18-06-1981, on the Nordfriedhof of Wiesbaden and close by are the graves of the many WWII Generals as, the Generalleutnant der Infanterie, Kommandeur 170th Infanterie DivisionFranz Bentivegni, Generalleutnant der Flieger, Kommandeur Luftwaffe Transport, Oskar Bertram, General der Infanterie, Kommandeur der LXIII Heeresgruppe, Ernst Dehner, Generalleutnant der Kavallerie, Generalleutant der Infanterie, Kommandeur der 172nd Division, Kurt Fischer, Generalleutnant der Infanterie,Commander of POW’s in area Wehrmacht Commander Eastern Territories, Victor Gaissert, Generalmajor der Artillerie, Kommandeur der Raketten Artillerie Truppen, Ernst Graewe,  Generalleutnant der Flieger, Kommandeur Luftwaffe Versorgung, Friedrich Hanesse, Generalmajor der Flieger, Kommandeur der 4th Fallschirmjäger Luftflotte, Battle for Stalingrad, Hans von Herudt von Rhode, General der Flieger, Commander of POW’s Military District III, Erich von Keiser, Generalleutnant der Flieger, Leader of firing Commission with the Air Fleet Reich, in Wiesbaden, Erich Homberg
, Generalmajor der Flieger, Kommandeur der 31st Flak Division, Herbert Giese, Generaloberst der Infanterie, Kommandeur der 15th Division, D-Day, Hans von Salmuth,  Generalmajor der Wehrmacht, Chef des Generalstabes vom Generalkommando XXXIII: Armeekorps, Friedrich von Unger, Generalleutnant der Wehrmacht, Military Attaché on the German, Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden, Bruno Uthmann, Generalmajor der Infanterie, Command of the X Army, Hanns Adolf Voigt, Generalmajor der Flieger, 8th Department der Luftwaffe, Horst Voigt-Rushe and Vice Admiral, Marineattaché, Ralf Marwitz.

Message(s), tips or interesting graves for the webmaster:    robhopmans@outlook.com


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